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35 search results for: virus


Cloud computing for longer smartphone battery life

How can we make our smartphone batteries last longer? For Maurice Gagnaire, a researcher at Télécom ParisTech, the solution could come through mobile cloud computing. If computations currently performed by our devices could be offloaded to local servers, their batteries would have to work less. This could extend the battery life for one charge by […]


Cybersecurity: new challenges to face up to

Computer hacking and sensitive data theft is increasing. Companies are now highly connected and must adapt their security policy to strengthen the protection of their information assets. Hervé Debar, a researcher at Télécom SudParis and expert in cybersecurity, studies the different types of cyber attacks in order to optimize their detection.   The era when […]


Remote electronic voting – a scientific challenge

Although electronic voting machines have begun to appear at polling stations, many technological barriers still hinder the development of these platforms that could enable us to vote remotely via the Internet. The scientific journal, Annals of Telecommunications, dedicated its July-August 2016 issue to this subject. Paul Gibson, a researcher at Télécom SudParis, and guest editor […]


When biology meets electronics

Since starting at Mines Saint-Etienne in 2009, researcher Róisín Owens has created unusual devices: cell cultures coupled with electronic monitoring, able to give a real-time measurement of the state of health and reactions of cells when confronted with a certain type of medicine or pathogen. Particularly promising results in this new field, called bioelectronics, could […]