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35 search results for: virus


Protective masks: towards widespread reuse?

How can protective masks be recycled and reused without risking safety? Scientists, medical practitioners and manufacturers have teamed up to explore different treatment methods. As part of this consortium, IMT Atlantique researchers are studying the impact of decontamination processes on mask performance.   Surgical and FFP2 masks are intended for single use. Thrown away after just […]


The end or beginning of third places?

After our homes and workplaces, the social environments in which we spend time are referred to as third places. These are places for gathering, adventures – but at the same time, of safety, security and control. In the following article Müge Özman[1], Mélissa Boudes[2], Cynthia Srnec (FESP-MGEN)[3], Nicolas Jullien[4] and Cédric Gossart[5], members of IMT’s […]


Covid-19 crisis management maps

The prefecture of the Tarn department worked with a research team from IMT Mines Albi to meet their needs in managing the Covid-19 crisis. Frédérick Benaben, an industrial engineering researcher, explains the tool they developed to help local stakeholders visualize the necessary information and facilitate their decision-making.   “The Covid-19 crisis is original and new, […]


In French nursing homes, the Covid-19 crisis has revealed the detrimental effects of austerity policies

This article was originally published (in French) in the Conversation.  By Laura Nirello, IMT Lille Douai, and Ilona Delouette, University of Lille. [divider style=”normal” top=”20″ bottom=”20″]   [dropcap]W[/dropcap]ith apocalyptic accounts of conditions in French nursing homes, where deaths have soared (over 9,000 estimated as of 3 May 2020), the Covid-19 pandemic has revealed, more than ever, the […]


Health crisis, state of emergency: what safeguards are there for our fundamental freedoms?

This article originally appeared (in French) in newsletter no. 17 of the VP-IP Chair, Data, Identity, Trust in the Digital Age for April 2020. [divider style=”dotted” top=”20″ bottom=”20″] The current pandemic and unprecedented measures taken to slow its spread provide an opportunity to measure and assess the impact of digital technology on our societies, including […]


Video conferences and socializing: bringing some joy back to our daily lives

Stéphane Safin, Télécom Paris – Institut Mines-Télécom The lockdown has upended the ways we communicate and maintain social connections. It has forced us to rethink our social habits and to create new ones. The use of video conference systems has become widespread. But is this technology designed to facilitate work as effective when it comes […]


The current “mini-collapse” requires a democratic response

Fabrice Flipo, Institut Mines-Télécom Business School [divider style=”normal” top=”20″ bottom=”20″] [dropcap]C[/dropcap]ovid-19, an anthropocene disease? This is how professor Philippe Sansonetti sees the crisis we are experiencing. As a reminder, this concept proposed by Paul Crutzen and Eugene Stoermer in 2000 refers to the present geological time interval, in which “conditions and processes on Earth are profoundly […]


How to prevent internet congestion during the lockdown

Hervé Debar, Télécom SudParis – Institut Mines-Télécom ; Gaël Thomas, Télécom SudParis – Institut Mines-Télécom ; Gregory Blanc, Télécom SudParis – Institut Mines-Télécom and Olivier Levillain, Télécom SudParis – Institut Mines-Télécom [divider style=”normal” top=”20″ bottom=”20″] [dropcap]T[/dropcap]he current health crisis has led to a rise in the use of digital services. Telework, along with school closures […]