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70 search results for: life quality


What is life cycle analysis?

Life cycle analysis (LCA) is increasingly common, in particular for eco-design or to obtain a label. It is used to assess the environmental footprint of a product or service by taking into account as many sources as possible. In the following interview, Miguel Lopez-Ferber, a researcher in environmental assessment at IMT Mines Alès, offers insights […]


Cloud computing for longer smartphone battery life

How can we make our smartphone batteries last longer? For Maurice Gagnaire, a researcher at Télécom ParisTech, the solution could come through mobile cloud computing. If computations currently performed by our devices could be offloaded to local servers, their batteries would have to work less. This could extend the battery life for one charge by […]


MP4 for Streaming

Streaming services are now part of our everyday life, and it’s all thanks to MP4. This computer standard allows videos to be played online and on various devices. Jean-Claude Dufourd and Jean Le Feuvre, researchers in Computer Science at Télécom Paris, have been recognized by the Emmy Awards Academy for their work on this computer […]


France’s elderly care system on the brink of crisis

In his book Les Fossoyeurs (The Gravediggers), independent journalist Victor Castanet challenges the management of the private elderly care facilities of world leader Orpea, reopening the debate around the economic model – whether for-profit or not – of these structures. Ilona Delouette and Laura Nirello, Health Economics researchers at IMT Nord Europe, have investigated the […]


AI-4-Child “Chaire” research consortium: innovative tools to fight against childhood cerebral palsy

In conjunction with the GIS BeAChild, the AI-4-Child team is using artificial intelligence to analyze images related to cerebral palsy in children. This could lead to better diagnoses, innovative therapies and progress in patient rehabilitation. But also a real breakthrough in medical imaging. The original version of this article was published on the IMT Atlantique […]


Hospitals put to the test by shocks

Benoît Demil, I-site Université Lille Nord Europe (ULNE) and Geoffrey Leuridan, IMT Atlantique – Institut Mines-Télécom The Covid-19 crisis has put lasting strain on the health care system, in France and around the world. Hospital staff have had to deal with increasing numbers of patients, often in challenging conditions in terms of equipment and space: […]


Video conferences and socializing: bringing some joy back to our daily lives

Stéphane Safin, Télécom Paris – Institut Mines-Télécom The lockdown has upended the ways we communicate and maintain social connections. It has forced us to rethink our social habits and to create new ones. The use of video conference systems has become widespread. But is this technology designed to facilitate work as effective when it comes […]