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3 search results for: Valérie Fernandez


Valérie Fernandez

Télécom Paris | #Management #Innovation [toggle title=”Find all her articles on I’MTech” state=”open”] The Alicem app: a controversial digital authentication system With AutoMat, Europe hopes to adopt a marketplace for data from connected vehicles [/toggle]


The Alicem app: a controversial digital authentication system

Laura Draetta, Télécom Paris – Institut Mines-Télécom and Valérie Fernandez, Télécom Paris – Institut Mines-Télécom [dropcap]S[/dropcap]ome digital innovations, although considered to be of general interest, are met with distrust. A responsible innovation approach could anticipate and prevent such confidence issues. “Alicem” is a case in point. Alicem is a smartphone app developed by the State […]


With AutoMat, Europe hopes to adopt a marketplace for data from connected vehicles

Data collected by communicating vehicles represent a goldmine for providers of new services. But in order to buy and sell this data, economic players need a dedicated marketplace. Since 2015, the AutoMat H2020 project has been developing such an exchange platform. To achieve this mission by 2018 — the end date for the project— a […]