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88 search results for: modeling


The brain: the mechanics of convolutions

Why do our brains have so many folds? The answer to this question is far from simple. In fact, the answer only came at the beginning of 2016, from a team of researchers including members from Harvard University and Télécom Bretagne. Unlike some of the theories previously proposed, this answer has nothing to do with […]


Sylvain Drapier

Mines Saint-Étienne | #modeling #CompositeMaterials [toggle title=”Find all his articles on I’MTech” state=”open”] What is a composite material? [/toggle]


The Internet of tomorrow: New issues, new challenges

In just a few years the internet has revolutionized daily life, becoming part of every aspect of society. However, the coming transformations may go much deeper, leading to major changes in the paradigms of vertical markets such as healthcare, energy, the environment etc. Daniel Kofman, a researcher at Télécom ParisTech, has been sketching out the […]


Marine pollution as seen by ultrafast cameras

Ultrafast cameras unveil processes that are invisible to the naked eye. At Mines Alès, Pierre Slangen, a specialist in applied optics, uses them to build advanced technology devices and thus to understand how gases and liquids are diffused during environmental disasters.     Certain physical phenomena occur in such small time scales that they remain […]


Recovering uranium without digging: in situ leaching

In light of the increasing economic value of underground resources, and the environmental problems caused by disused mines, research into alternative solutions for extracting raw materials is rapidly increasing. One solution being studied is in situ leaching for recovering uranium. During the Natural Resources and Environment conference that took place November 5-6, 2014 at Institut […]


Automated learning from data

Big Data is an issue not only of technology, but also for society. Aware of the value of data, Institut Mines-Télécom has made it a major field of research, because a new approach is needed in order to store, share and use data to achieve optimal use. Machine Learning is one such approach. It is being […]


Towards a smart electricity network

For several years, Smart Grids have been the hot topic in the energy field. As current networks become less and less adapted to new energy issues, we need to thoroughly rethink energy management and introduce smarter electricity networks. These networks of the future should be able to adapt production to consumption as precisely as possible, […]


Social Media: understanding digital uses

The digital revolution, from which emerged social networks and big data, has led to far-reaching changes in a large number of economic sectors. Businesses need help to develop new strategies suited to these transformations, and it is with this in mind that Christine Balagué, researcher at Télécom École de Management and Vice-President of the National […]