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148 search results for: Materials


Nuclear: a multitude of scenarios to help imagine the future of the industry

Article written in partnership with The Conversation. By Stéphanie Tillement and Nicolas Thiolliere, IMT Atlantique. [divider style=”normal” top=”20″ bottom=”20″] [dropcap]N[/dropcap]uclear energy plays a very important role in France – where 75 % of the country’s electricity is produced using this energy – and raises crucial questions concerning both its role in the future electricity mix […]


In search of forgotten cements

Out of the 4 billion tons of cement produced every year, the overwhelming majority is Portland cement.  Invented over 200 years ago in France by Louis Vicat — then patented by Englishman Joseph Aspdin —Portland is a star in the world of building materials. Its almost unparalleled durability has allowed it to outperform its competitors, […]


Fighting fire: from ancient Egypt to Notre-Dame de Paris

Article written in partnership with The Conversation France. By Rodolphe Sonnier, IMT Mines Alès. This article was co-authored by Clément Lacoste (IMT Mines Alès), Laurent Ferry (IMT Mines Alès) and Henri Vahabi (Université de Lorraine). [divider style=”normal” top=”20″ bottom=”20″] [dropcap]T[/dropcap]he discovery of fire is often cited as the most important discovery in the history of […]


MAGIC: the wonders of infrared camouflage

The MAGIC project aims to develop a camouflage technique against infrared cameras. Mines Saint-Etienne is using its expertise in the optical properties of materials to achieve the project’s objective. Funded by the DGA and supported by the ANR, MAGIC primarily focusses on military applications. Jenny Faucheu, a researcher on the project at Mines Saint-Étienne, explains the […]


Indoor Air: under-estimated pollutants

While some sources of indoor air pollution are well known, there are others that researchers do not yet fully understand. This is the case for cleaning products and essential oils. The volatile organic compounds (VOCs) they become and their dynamics within buildings are being studied by chemists at IMT Lille Douai. When it comes to […]


Without noise, virtual images become more realistic

With increased computing capacities, computer-generated images are becoming more and more realistic. Yet generating these images is very time-consuming. Tamy Boubekeur, specialized in 3D Computer Graphics at Télécom ParisTech, is on a quest to solve this problem. He and his team have developed new technology that relies on noise-reduction algorithms and saves computing resources while […]


MOx Strategy and the future of French nuclear plants

Nicolas Thiollière, a researcher in nuclear physics at IMT Atlantique, and his team are assessing various possibilities for the future of France’s nuclear power plants. They seek to answer the following questions: how can the quantity of plutonium in circulation in the nuclear cycle be reduced? What impacts will the choice of fuel — specifically […]