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102 search results for: eau


Taking on quantum computers

What if quantum computers, with their high computing power, were already available: what would happen? How would quantum computing transform communications and the way they are encrypted? Romain Alléaume, a researcher at Télécom Paris, talks to us about his research for the future of cryptography.   A hypothetical quantum computer with its high computing power […]


I like this, I don’t like that

We like the soft feel of a cat’s fur, but we don’t like mud, which is slimy, nearly as much. Why is this? We are told that everyone’s tastes are different. But that does not keep scientists from trying to find answers. Jenny Faucheu, a researcher at Mines Saint-Étienne, has studied tactile perception, a highly […]


What is eco-design?

In industry, it is increasingly necessary to design products and services with concern and respect for environmental issues.  Such consideration is expressed through a practice that is gaining ground in a wide range of sectors: eco-design. Valérie Laforest, a researcher in environmental assessment and environmental engineering and organizations at Mines Saint-Étienne, explains the term.   […]


Can workspaces become agile?

Innovating, adapting ever-more rapidly to changes in the environment. Breaking away from the traditional office. The digital revolution has dramatically changed working methods, and with them, the way we organize space. Researchers from Institut Mines-Télécom Business School and IMT Atlantique have studied the paradoxes and tensions that arise when workspaces are designed to embody, promote […]


When healthcare professionals form communities through digital technology

Digital technology is shaking up the healthcare world. Among its other uses, it can help break isolation and facilitate online interactions in both the private and professional spheres. Can these virtual interactions help form a collective structure and community for individuals whose occupations involve isolation and distance from their peers? Nicolas Jullien, a researcher in […]


Polybioskin, natural skin through more ethical products

Skin contact products, whether for medical, sanitary or cosmetic purposes, have two major drawbacks: they are neither recyclable nor biodegradable. The Polybioskin H2020 project aims to correct these aspects which are out of step with consumers’ growing environmental awareness and concerns. Launched two years ago, the Polybioskin project brings together 12 European partners, including IMT […]


Digital technology has given rise to new informal learning methods

Article written in partnership with The Conversation France. By Myriam Benabid and Emmanuel Baudoin, Institut Mines-Télécom Business School; and Serge Perrot, University Paris Dauphine – PSL [divider style=”normal” top=”20″ bottom=”20″] [dropcap]C[/dropcap]onsulting a YouTube tutorial or an online dictionary, improving English skills using a dedicated application while taking public transportation, etc. To develop their skills, professionals […]


Imaging to help people with brain injuries

People with brain injuries have complex cognitive and neurobiological processes. This is the case for people who have suffered a stroke, or who are in a minimally conscious state and close to a vegetative state. At IMT Mines Alès, Gérard Dray is working on new technology involving neuroimaging and statistical learning. This research means that […]