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88 search results for: Modeling


Bone implants to stimulate bone regeneration

Mines Saint-Étienne’s Centre for Biomedical and Healthcare Engineering (CIS) seeks to improve healthcare through innovations in engineering. David Marchat, a materials researcher at CIS, is working on developing calcium phosphate-based biomaterials. Due to their ability to interact with living organisms, these bone implants can help regenerate bones.   This article is part of our dossier […]


Servitization of products: towards a value-creating economy

Businesses are increasingly turning towards selling the use of their products. This shift in business models affects SMEs and major corporations alike. In practice, this has an impact on all aspects of a company’s organization, from its design chain to developing collaborations, to rolling out new offerings for customers. Xavier Boucher and his colleagues, researchers […]


Romain Quey, all about polycrystals

A recent winner of a CNRS Bronze medal, Romain Quey is a materials science researcher at the Georges Friedel[1] laboratory at Mines Saint-Étienne. He focuses especially on the deformation of metallic polycrystalline materials. In the following interview for I’MTech, he presents his research, between synchrotron radiation and digital simulation.     Could you define what […]


Nuclear: a multitude of scenarios to help imagine the future of the industry

Article written in partnership with The Conversation. By Stéphanie Tillement and Nicolas Thiolliere, IMT Atlantique. [divider style=”normal” top=”20″ bottom=”20″] [dropcap]N[/dropcap]uclear energy plays a very important role in France – where 75 % of the country’s electricity is produced using this energy – and raises crucial questions concerning both its role in the future electricity mix […]


How can AI help better forecast high and low water levels?

Predicting the level of water in rivers or streams can prove to be invaluable in areas with a high risk of flooding or droughts. While traditional models are based primarily on hypotheses about processes, another approach is emerging: artificial neural networks. Anne Johannet, an environmental engineering researcher at IMT Mines Alès, uses this approach. This […]


MOx Strategy and the future of French nuclear plants

Nicolas Thiollière, a researcher in nuclear physics at IMT Atlantique, and his team are assessing various possibilities for the future of France’s nuclear power plants. They seek to answer the following questions: how can the quantity of plutonium in circulation in the nuclear cycle be reduced? What impacts will the choice of fuel — specifically […]


User immersion, between 360° video and virtual reality

I’MTech is dedicating a series of success stories to research partnerships supported by the Télécom & Société Numérique (TSN) Carnot Institute, which the IMT schools are a part of. [divider style=”normal” top=”20″ bottom=”20″] To better understand how users interact in immersive environments, designers and researchers are comparing the advantages of 360° video and full-immersion virtual […]


Technology that decrypts the way our brain works

Different techniques are used to study of the functioning of our brain, including electroencephalography, magnetoencephalography, functional MRI and spectroscopy. The signals are processed and interpreted to analyze the cognitive processes in question. EEG and MRI are the two most commonly used techniques in cognitive science. Their performances offer hope and but also concern. What is […]


Improving organization in hospitals through digital simulation

How can we improve emergency room wait times, the way scheduled hospitalizations are managed and cope with unexpected surges of patients? Vincent Augusto, a researcher in healthcare systems engineering at Mines Saint-Étienne is working to find solutions to these problems. He is developing programs based on digital simulation, aimed at optimizing influxes of patients and […]