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102 search results for: social network


Coopetition between individuals, little-understood interactions

Mehdi Elmoukhliss, Institut Mines-Télécom Business School and Christine Balagué, Institut Mines-Télécom Business School [divider style=”normal” top=”20″ bottom=”20″] [dropcap]C[/dropcap]oopetition is a concept used in the field of management science (especially in strategy), originally used to describe situations in which organizations (companies, clubs etc.) simultaneously cooperate and compete with one another, as paradoxical as that may seem. […]


From human feelings to digital emotions

Making powerful machines is no longer enough. They must also connect with humans socially and emotionally. This imperative to increase the efficiency of human-computer interactions has created a new field of research: social computing. This field is aimed at understanding, modeling and reproducing human emotions. But how can an emotion be extracted and then reproduced, […]


Left out of the digital revolution?

Dominique Pasquier, Télécom ParisTech, Institut Mines-Télécom (IMT) This text is published as part of the “Digital Society” column written by researchers from the Economic and Social Sciences department at Télécom ParisTech, members of the Interdisciplinary Institute for Innovation (CNRS). [divider style=”dotted” top=”20″ bottom=”20″] [dropcap]S[/dropcap]ome revolutions are silent ones. Internet integration in working-class areas is one […]


Computerizing scripts: losing character?

With the use of the Internet and new technologies, we rely primarily on writing to communicate. This change has led to a renewed interest in graphemics, the linguistic study of writing. Yannis Haralambous, a researcher in automatic language processing and text mining at IMT Atlantique helped organize the /gʁafematik/ conference held in June 2018. In this article, […]


AI to assist the elderly

Caring and expressive artificial intelligence? This concept that seems to come straight from a man-machine romance like the movie “Her”, is in fact at the heart of a Horizon 2020 project called EMPATHIC. The project aims to develop software for a virtual and customizable coach for assisting the elderly. To learn more, we interviewed the […]


Sociology and philosophy combine to offer a better understanding of the digital metamorphosis

Intellectual, professional, political, personal, private: every aspect of our lives is affected by technological developments that are transforming our society in a profound way. These changes raise specific challenges that require a connection between the empirical approaches of sociology and philosophical questioning. Pierre-Antoine Chardel, a philosopher, social science researcher and specialist in ethics at Institut […]


How working classes use digital tools: The Facebook example

For over a decade now, the use of digital tools and internet connectivity has greatly developed among households, including among working classes. Yet very few studies exist on this part of the population’s specific uses of digital technology. In the context of the Poplog project, which counts Télécom ParisTech among its partners, Dominique Pasquier, a […]


20 words for understanding digital trust

The issue of digital trust has never been more relevant. The 15th IMT Personal Data Values and Policies Chair Meeting, held on 8 March a few weeks before the European general data protection regulation (GDPR) enters into force, was devoted to presenting its book “Signes de confiance : l’impact des labels sur la gestion des données […]