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195 search results for: communication


Privacy as a business model

Personal data protection is sometimes presented as a legal headache, typically in the online business world. For others, usually in the activist sphere, it is seen as a way to defend our fundamental rights. Each side tends to mock the other’s point of view. Here, let us try another lens. The General Data Protection Regulation […]


Improving air quality with decision-making tools

Launched in October for a four-year period, the RI-URBANS project aims to strengthen synergies between European air quality monitoring networks and research infrastructures in the field of atmospheric sciences. IMT Nord Europe is a partner for this project, which received up to €8 million of funding from the European Union. Interview with  Stéphane Sauvage, professor, and Thérèse […]


Facebook: a small update causes major disruption

Hervé Debar, Télécom SudParis – Institut Mines-Télécom Late on October 4, many users of Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp were unable to access their accounts. All of these platforms belong to the company Facebook and were all affected by the same type of error: an accidental and erroneous update to the routing information for Facebook’s servers. […]


Data governance: trust it (or not?)

The original version of this article (in French) was published in the quarterly newsletter no. 20 (March 2021) of the Values and Policies of Personal Information (VP-IP) Chair. On 25 November 2020, the European Commission published its proposal for the European data governance regulation, the Data Governance Act (DGA) which aims to “unlock the economic and societal potential of data and […]


DMS Logistics is optimizing inland container transportation

The inland container logistics chain suffers from low digitization, which limits organization and communication between the various parts of the chain. To overcome this problem, the start-up DMS Logistics, incubated at Mines Saint-Étienne, is developing a platform to optimize management of these flows of goods. It uses machine learning methods to automate the creation of […]


Decision support tools for maritime accident management

The European MANIFESTS project, launched in January, is a two-year project bringing together a consortium of nine research institutions and public administrations with complementary expertise in managing maritime accidents. Funded by the European Commission, this project aims to improve responses to emergencies related to these accidents. An interview with Laurent Aprin, a researcher at IMT Mines […]