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Interference: a source of telecommunications problems

The growing number of connected objects is set to cause a concurrent increase in interference, a phenomenon which has remained an issue since the birth of telecommunications. In the past decade, more and more research has been undertaken in this area, leading us to revisit the way in which devices handle interference. “Throughout the history […]


Open RAN opening mobile networks

With the objective of standardizing equipment in base stations, EURECOM is working on the Open RAN. This project aims to open the equipment manufacturing market to new companies, to encourage the design of innovative material for telecommunications networks. Base stations, often called relay antennas, are systems that allow telephones and computers to connect to the […]


Machines surfing the web

There has been constant development in the area of object interconnection via the internet. And this trend is set to continue in years to come. One of the solutions for machines to communicate with each other is the Semantic Web. Here are some explanations of this concept.  “The Semantic Web gives machines similar web access […]


France’s elderly care system on the brink of crisis

In his book Les Fossoyeurs (The Gravediggers), independent journalist Victor Castanet challenges the management of the private elderly care facilities of world leader Orpea, reopening the debate around the economic model – whether for-profit or not – of these structures. Ilona Delouette and Laura Nirello, Health Economics researchers at IMT Nord Europe, have investigated the […]


Joe Wiart

Télécom Paris | Millimeter waves, Electromagnetism, Dosimetry [toggle title=”Find all his articles on I’MTech” state=”open”] How can we assess the health risks associated with exposure to electromagnetic fields? Our exposure to electromagnetic waves: beware of popular belief Aid in interpreting medical images [/toggle]


AI-4-Child “Chaire” research consortium: innovative tools to fight against childhood cerebral palsy

In conjunction with the GIS BeAChild, the AI-4-Child team is using artificial intelligence to analyze images related to cerebral palsy in children. This could lead to better diagnoses, innovative therapies and progress in patient rehabilitation. But also a real breakthrough in medical imaging. The original version of this article was published on the IMT Atlantique […]


Plastic waste: transforming a problem into energy

The linear life cycle of plastics, too rarely recycled, exerts a heightened pressure on the environment. The process of gasification makes it possible to reduce this impact by transforming more waste – currently incinerated or left in landfill – into useful resources like hydrogen or biomethane. Javier Escudero, process engineering researcher at IMT Mines Albi, […]


Planning for the worst with artificial intelligence

Given that catastrophic events are rare by nature, it is difficult to prepare for them. However, artificial intelligence offers high-performing tools for modeling and simulation, and is therefore an excellent tool to design, test and optimize the response to such events. At IMT Mines Alès, Satya Lancel and Cyril Orengo are both undertaking research on […]


New technologies to prevent post-operative hernias

Baptiste PILLET, Mines Saint-Etienne – Institut Mines-Télécom The abdomen experiences intra-abdominal pressure, which varies according to the volume of organs, respiration, muscle activation and any physiological activity. As a consequence, the abdomen must resist forces exerted by this pressure, which can at times be high when coughing or vomiting, or during pregnancy. Certain illnesses such […]