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154 search results for: digital uses


Cloud computing for longer smartphone battery life

How can we make our smartphone batteries last longer? For Maurice Gagnaire, a researcher at Télécom ParisTech, the solution could come through mobile cloud computing. If computations currently performed by our devices could be offloaded to local servers, their batteries would have to work less. This could extend the battery life for one charge by […]


What is net neutrality?

Net neutrality is a legislative shield for preventing digital discrimination. Regularly defended in the media, it ensures equal access to the internet for both citizens and companies. The topic features prominently in a report on the state of the internet published on May 30 by Arcep (the French telecommunications and postal regulatory body). Marc Bourreau, […]


EUROP: Testing an Operator Network in a Single Room

The next article in our series on the Carnot Télécom technology platforms and digital society, with EUROP (Exchanges and Usages for Operator Networks) at Télécom Saint-Étienne. This platform offers physical testing of network configurations, to meet service providers’ needs. We discussed the platform with its director, Jacques Fayolle, and assignment manager Maxime Joncoux.   What […]


5G Will Also Consume Less Energy

5G is often presented as a faster technology, as it will need to support broadband mobile usage as well as communication between connected objects. But it will also have to use less energy in order to find its place within the current context of environmental transition. This is the goal of the ANR Trimaran and […]


Cybersecurity: new challenges to face up to

Computer hacking and sensitive data theft is increasing. Companies are now highly connected and must adapt their security policy to strengthen the protection of their information assets. Hervé Debar, a researcher at Télécom SudParis and expert in cybersecurity, studies the different types of cyber attacks in order to optimize their detection.   The era when […]


OISPG: Promoting open innovation in Europe

On January 1st, 2017, Pierre Simay was appointed as the new OISPG Rapporteur. This group of experts from the European Commission supports and promotes open innovation practices, particularly in the context of the Horizon 2020 program.   “Today’s companies can no longer innovate alone. They exist in innovation ecosystems in which the collaborative model is […]