IN-TRACKS: tracking energy consumption

Nowadays, companies are encouraged to track their energy consumption, specifically to limit their greenhouse gas emissions. IN-TRACKS, a start-up created last November, has developed a smart dashboard to visualize energy usage.

With rising energy costs, these days it is useful for companies and individuals to identify their excessive uses of energy,” says Léo-Paul Keyser, co-founder of In-Tracks.  In November 2021, the IMT Nord Europe graduate created the start-up with Stéphane Flandre, former Enedis executive. The young company, incubated at IMT Nord Europe, provides monitoring solutions to companies to track their energy consumption via a digital dashboard. The software, which can be accessed via computer, smartphone or tablet, displays a range of information pertaining to energy usage.

Typically, graphics show consumption according to peak and off-peak times, depending on the surface area of a room, house or building. “A company may have several premises for which it wishes to track energy consumption,” says Keyser. “The dashboard provides maps and filters that make it possible to select regions, sites, or kinds of equipment for which the customer wishes to compare energy performance,” he adds.

For advice and clarification, “clients can request a videocall so we can help them interpret and understand their data, with our engineers’ expertise,” continues the start-up’s co-founder. The young company also wishes to develop a system of recommendations based on artificial intelligence, analyzing consumption data and sending advice on the dashboard.

The load curve: a tool for analysis

The specificities of clients’ energy use are defined based on load curves: graphics generated by smart electricity and gas meters, which show evolutions in energy consumption over a set period. To obtain access to these curves, In-Tracks has created an agreement with EDF and Enedis. “With the data from the meters received every hour or five minutes, we can try to track the client’s consumption in real-time,” explains the young entrepreneur.

The shorter the intervals at which data is received from the meter, typically every few seconds rather than every few minutes, the more detailed the load curve will be and the more relevant the analysis in diagnosing energy use. By comparing a place’s load curve values to its expected energy consumption threshold, excessive uses can be identified.

Thanks to the dashboard, clients can identify sub-optimal zones and equipment. They can therefore not only reduce their energy bills but also their carbon footprint, i.e. their greenhouse gas emissions, which are also evaluated by the start-up. To do so, the company bases itself on the quantity of fossil energies used, for instance, with natural gas or biodiesel. “We plan to use programs that make it possible to track variations in the energy mix in real-time, in order to get our results as close as possible to reality,” Keyser remarks.

An application accessible to individuals

The young company plans to make an application available to individuals, allowing them to visualize consumption data from smart meters. The software will display the same data as for companies, specifically, energy consumption over time, according to the surface area. In-Tracks also wishes to add a fun side to its application.

“For example, we would like to set up challenges between friends and family members, for everyone to reduce their energy consumption,” explains Keyser. “The aim is to make the subject of energy consumption something that’s fun rather than a source of restrictions,” he adds. To develop this aspect, the start-up is working with students from IMT Nord Europe. The young company is also undertaking research into the Internet of Things, in order to create data analysis methods that make it possible to identify energy issues even more specifically.

Rémy Fauvel


ThermiUp: a new heat recovery device

ThermiUP helps meet the challenge of energy-saving in buildings. This start-up, incubated at IMT Atlantique, is set to market a device that transfers heat from grey water to fresh water. Its director, Philippe Barbry, gives us an overview of the system.

What challenges does the start-up ThermiUp help meet?

Philippe Barbry: Saving energy is an important challenge from a societal point of view, but also in terms of regulations. In the building industry, there are increasingly strict thermal regulations. The previous regulations were established in 2012, while the next ones will come into effect in 2022 and will include CO2 emissions related to energy consumption. New buildings must meet current regulations. Our device reduces energy needs for heating domestic water, and therefore helps real estate developers and social housing authorities comply with regulations.

What is the principle behind ThermiUP?

PB: It’s a device that exchanges energy between grey water, meaning little-polluted waste water from domestic use, and fresh water. The exchanger is placed as close as possible to the domestic water outlet so that this water loses a minimum of heat energy. The exchanger connects the water outlet pipe with that of the fresh water supply.

On average, water from a shower is at 37°C and cools down slightly at the outlet: it is around 32°C when it arrives in our device. Cold water is at 14°C on average. Our exchanger preheats it to 25°C. Showers represent approximately 80% of the demand for domestic hot water and the exchanger makes it possible to save a third of the energy required for the total domestic hot water production.

Is grey water heat recovery an important energy issue in the building sector?

PB: Historically, most efforts have focused on heating and insulation for buildings. But great strides have been made in this sector and these aspects now account for only 30% of energy consumption in new housing units. As a result, domestic hot water now accounts for 50% of these buildings’ energy consumption.  

What is the device’s life expectancy?

PB: That’s one of the advantages of our exchanger: its life expectancy is equivalent to that of a building, which is considered to be 50 years. It’s a passive system, which doesn’t require electronics,  moving parts or a motor. It is based simply on the laws of gravity and energy transformation. It can’t break down, which represents a significant advantage for real estate developers. ThermiUP reduces energy demand and can also be compatible with other systems such as solar.  

How does your exchanger work?

PB: It is not a traditional heat plate exchanger, since that would get dirty too quickly. Our research and development was based on other types of exchangers. It is a device made of copper, which is an easily recycled material. We optimized the prototype for exchange and its geometry along with its industrial manufacturing technique for two years at IMT Atlantique. But I can’t say more about that until it becomes available on the market in the next few months.

Do you plan to implement this device in other types of housing than new buildings?

PB: For now, with our device, we only plan to target the new building market which is a big market since there are approximately 250,000 multiple dwelling housing units a year in France. In the future, we’ll work on prototypes for individual houses as well as for the renovation sector.

Learn more about ThermiUp

By Antonin Counillon

fonds industrie

Eclore and ThermiUp, new beneficiaries of the IMT “Industry & Energy 4.0” honor loans

After the IMT Digital Fund, Institut Mines-Télécom (IMT) and the Fondation Mines-Télécom launched a second fund last October, dedicated to the sciences of energy, materials and processes: “Industry & Energy 4.0”. Its committee, made up of experts from the major partners of the Fondation Mines-Télécom (Orange, BNP Paribas, Accenture, Airbus, Dassault Systèmes and Sopra Steria) met on March 18. Eclore and ThermiUp were granted honor loans for a total amount of €80,000. They are both incubated at IMT Atlantique.

L’attribut alt de cette image est vide, son nom de fichier est Logo_ECLORE-300x119-1.jpg.

Eclore Actuators offers a bio-inspired pneumatic and hydraulic actuator solution which is highly energy efficient, 100% recyclable, and based on unique and patented industrial bending processes. Eclore actuators are less expensive, lighter, less bulky and require less maintenance than traditional actuators. There are many sectors of application, such as industrial automation, robotics, IOT and home appliances. Find out more

L’attribut alt de cette image est vide, son nom de fichier est Logo_thermiUP-300x188-1.jpeg.

ThermiUp has developed a heat exchanger that recovers heat from the gray water of buildings to preheat domestic water. It allows builders to save up to 1/3 of the energy needed to produce domestic hot water, which represents half of the energy needs in new housing. This renewable energy device reduces greenhouse gas emissions by 1/3. Find out more

flux des conteneurs

DMS Logistics is optimizing inland container transportation

The inland container logistics chain suffers from low digitization, which limits organization and communication between the various parts of the chain. To overcome this problem, the start-up DMS Logistics, incubated at Mines Saint-Étienne, is developing a platform to optimize management of these flows of goods. It uses machine learning methods to automate the creation of schedules, reduce congestion at terminals and boost the competitiveness of ports and their logistics networks.

Ports’ ability to streamline the transfer of goods impacts their competitiveness in a sector where the competition is fierce. Yet, one of the major problems for this type of infrastructure is their permanent congestion. This is explained in part by the physical capacity to receive trucks at terminals, but is also due to the lack of anticipation in the exchange of containers with carriers. This results in costly slowdowns and detention charges for every delay. At the heart of the problem is a lack of communication between the various participants in the same supply chain: terminals, road carriers, container parks, ship-owners, freight forwarders etc.

To help overcome this problem, the start-up DMS Logistics seeks to bring together all of these participants through a platform to optimize and anticipate the inland flow of containers. “This is a major market with 800 million containers exchanged every year worldwide,” explains one of the three founders, Xavier Des Minières, a specialist in inland logistics. Using operational data from each participant in the chain, the start-up has successfully optimized the overall supply chain rather than an individual part of the chain. This software solution therefore achieves the goals of the French government’s strategic plan “France Logistics 2025” initiated in 2016 to make national logistics more efficient and attractive.

Digitizing companies that work with containers

The logistics sector is still little digitized. It is made up of many SMEs with very small profit margins who cannot afford to buy digital tools to manage their operations,” explains Xavier Des Minières. DMS Logistics is solving this problem by equipping these users digitally and adapting to their resources. However, the solution becomes more useful when it groups together all the parts of the supply chain. To do so, the company is targeting the terminals around which all the other inland transportation participants revolve.

DMS Logistics’ solution is a distributed cloud-based SaaS (Software as a Service) platform. It enables users to enter their operational data online: container movement, missions to accomplish or already carried out etc. For participants that have already gone digital, the service connects to their data through an API (Application Programming Interface) protocol. Since it was founded in 2020, the start-up has collected 700,000 container movements. This massive amount of data will feed its machine learning algorithms. “We’re automating three key time-consuming actions: managing operations schedules, making appointments at terminals and communication between partners,” says Xavier Des Minières.

Predicting flows based on data history

Why does this sector need to be automated? In the field, many participants in the chain respond to management difficulties in real time, using walkie-talkies or over the phone. They are constantly dealing with seemingly unforeseen difficulties. “However, we have shown that there is a lot of redundancy in the operational behavior of the various participants. The difficulties are therefore predictable and our algorithms make it possible to anticipate them,” explainsCyriac Azefack, a data scientist at DMS Logistics who holds a PhD in artificial intelligence.

The prediction is even more accurate when it cross-references data from the various participants. For example, carriers can optimize drivers’ schedules based on times for appointments offered by terminals to pick up goods. Furthermore, carriers’ behavior (history of their operations, inventory movement etc.) can be used to identify appropriate time slots for these appointments. Carriers can then access the terminal when it is convenient for them to do so and when it is not crowded. This seemingly simple organization was not possible before now.

An even higher level of optimization can be reached. “Still using carriers’ behavioral data, we identify the drivers and trucks that are most suited for a mission (local, long distance, etc.),” adds Taki-Eddine Korabi, a data scientist at DMS Logistics who holds a PhD in mathematics, computer science and automation. Ultimately, the overall optimization of an ecosystem results in better local management.

Towards the optimization of local logistics ecosystems

DMS Logistics’ solution is distributed in the Ivory Coast and in Marseille, where a team of 12 people are  based. “After 4 months of operations at our pilot facility, we can predict the arrival of trucks at a terminal with a reliability rate of 98% over a week,” explains Xavier Des Minières. For the terminal, this means 15% savings in resources. Moreover, when a port is efficient, it boosts the attractiveness of the entire region. The economic benefits are therefore wide-ranging.

Another key finding: optimizing flow at the terminals also helps the ports in their efforts toward ecological transition. More efficient organization means less unnecessary transportation, a reduction in traffic at ports, and therefore less local pollution. And air quality is improved. 

On the scientific side, research has only focused on optimizing container carriers’ operations since 2015 and on-the-ground information is still lacking. “We’re going to be starting a Cifre PhD with Mines Saint-Étienne which will rely on the use of data collected by our platform. That will allow us to explore this topic in an optimal way and offer bright prospects for research and the logistics business,” concludes Taki-Eddine Korabi.

By Anaïs Culot

Read on I’MTech: AlertSmartCity, Cook-e, Dastra, DMS, GoodFloow, JobRepublik, PlaceMeet and Spectronite supported by the “honor loan” scheme

Fonds IMT numérique

AlertSmartCity, Cook-e, Dastra, DMS, GoodFloow, JobRepublik, PlaceMeet and Spectronite supported by the “honor loan” scheme

The members of the IMT Digital Fund-IGEU, IMT and Fondation Mines-Télécom held a meeting on 23 February. On this occasion, 8 start-ups from the incubators of IMT Mines Albi, IMT Atlantique, IMT Lille Douai, Télécom Paris, Mines Saint-Étienne, Télécom SudParis and Institut Mines-Télécom Business School were awarded 18 honor loans (interest-free) for a total of €340,000.

L’attribut alt de cette image est vide, son nom de fichier est logo_AlertSmartCity-1.jpg.

AlertSmartCity (the incubator at IMT Mines Albi) wishesto create an interoperable alert management platform, to be used in the event of a major risk (natural, industrial, health or terrorist disaster). This platform will allow municipalities to send qualified and geolocalized alerts to their public institutions (schools, cultural, sports, hospitals, administrations and other palaces receiving the public) using dedicated communication terminals that are resilient to network outages and are interactive (bi-directional communication). These reception terminals will allow disaster victims to report back to the crisis unit.
Two honor loans of €20,000 each.

L’attribut alt de cette image est vide, son nom de fichier est logo_Cook-e.png.

Cook-e (Télécom Paris Novation Center) proposes a multi-function connected robot for restaurant kitchens. The restaurant owner enters a recipe into the robot software and then loads the ingredient tanks. These tanks can be stored cool, dry or warm. The robot then prepares the recipe: it measures out, cuts, cooks, mixes and cleans itself automatically. It can prepare all dishes with mixed ingredients in small pieces: pasta with sauce, salads, bowls, rice, meat and fish in small pieces, vegetable side dishes, etc.
One honor loan of €20,000 and two honor loans of €10,000. Find out more

L’attribut alt de cette image est vide, son nom de fichier est logo_Dastra_300x85.jpg.

Dastra (IMT Starter) is the simple, guided data governance solution that enables data protection professionals to meet the requirements of the GDPR, save time, and develop a company data culture. One small step for DPOs, one giant leap for data protection!
Two honor loans of €8,000 and two honor loans of €12,000. Find out more

L’attribut alt de cette image est vide, son nom de fichier est logo_DMS-logistics.jpg.

DMS (the incubator at Mines Saint-Etienne) is an AI platform for managing and anticipating container flows, allowing for the fluidity of port and land container traffic. It connects all the players in the container port logistics chain (shipowners/terminals) with those located inland (carriers/depots).
Three honor loans of €20,000 each. Find out more

L’attribut alt de cette image est vide, son nom de fichier est logo_Goodflow.jpg.

GoodFloow (the IMT Lille Douai incubator) automates the tracking and management of reusable packaging. Their service consists of using IoT in individual packaging along with a web/mobile app. This solution eliminates asset management and change management issues related to packaging, makes flows more reliable, and enables a sustainable transition in logistics.
One honor loan of €40,000. Find out more

L’attribut alt de cette image est vide, son nom de fichier est logo_Jobrepublik.jpg.

JobRepublik (IMT Starter) is the meeting point between companies in need of temporary workers and anyone looking for additional income. The start-up offers the first open marketplace dedicated to “blue collar” freelancers that allows a direct relationship between 700,000 small businesses in the logistics, retail and restaurant sectors and 3 million independent workers.
Two honor loans of €20,000 each. Find out more

L’attribut alt de cette image est vide, son nom de fichier est logo_placemeet.jpg.

Placemeet (incubator at IMT Atlantique) is a simple and intuitive platform optimized for engagement and interaction. Attendees can move between rooms as if it were a physical event and enjoy an exceptional experience from anywhere in the world.
Two honor loans of €20,000 each. Find out more

L’attribut alt de cette image est vide, son nom de fichier est logo_Spectronite.png.

Spectronite (Télécom Paris Novation Center) has developed a breakthrough technology, with the implementation of an architecture based on Software Defined Radio, which can offer speeds up to 10 Gbps over very long distances, i.e. up to 20x the speed offered by traditional products. Spectronite offers a disruptive innovation for mobile operators, enabling them to deploy 4G and soon 5G, even in territories where fiber is not available.
One honor loan of €10,000 and one honor loan of €30,000. Find out more

The honor loan program

Created in late 2011 under the aegis of the Grandes Écoles and Universities Initiative (IGEU) association, the IMT Digital Fund for honor loans is co-financed by the Fondation Mines-TélécomBPI France and Revital’Emploi.

Start-up, prêts d'honneur

Pam Tim, Examin, Cylensee and Possible supported through honor loan program

The members of the IMT Digital Fund, IGEU, IMT and Fondation Mines-Télécom met on 6 April. On this occasion, four start-ups developed through incubators at IMT Atlantique, Télécom Paris, Télécom SudParis and Institut Mines-Télécom Business School obtained 8 honor loans for a total of €160,000.

L’attribut alt de cette image est vide, son nom de fichier est Logo_Cylensee.png.

Cylensee (IMT Atlantique incubator) develops and produces connected electrochromic contact lenses for  the general public. These contact lenses have a feature that allows users to change the color of their iris almost instantly at their convenience. Activated by a remote control or via a smartphone, these lenses allow users to change their eye color with just one click, whether to stand out from the crowd, try out a new look, make an impression or just for fun.
• Two €20,000 honor loans • 

L’attribut alt de cette image est vide, son nom de fichier est Logo_Examin.jpg.

The Examin platform (Télécom Paris Novation Center) is a regulatory and technical compliance management solution for companies with a focus on cybersecurity and data protection. Using a collaborative and scalable workspace, customers benefit from continuous reporting on their compliance or that of their suppliers and can easily involve employees in their actions to reduce compliance risks.
• Two €20,000 honor loans • 
Learn more

Pam Tim (Télécom Paris Novation Center) specializes in the well-being of children aged 3-6 by providing them with an opportunity to intuitively learn the spatial and temporal reference points that structure the day using a watch without numbers or hands! This life assistant for children relies on a patented display of combinations of pictograms (PhD thesis) depicting key moments throughout the day. This connected watch also gives parents peace of mind as it allows them to anticipate household or peripheral risks their children may encounter at any moment through a very low-power Bluetooth© geofencing solution.
• Two €20,000 honor loans • 
Learn more

L’attribut alt de cette image est vide, son nom de fichier est Logo_Possible.png.

Possible (IMT Starter, the Télécom SudParis et IMT-BS incubator) is a project that encourages circular, environmentally-friendly, zero-waste, ethical fashion. Possible is a BtoC platform for renting clothes and accessories based on a monthly subscription. The subscription allows users to rent a selection of several pieces by brands that promote ethical and responsible practices, for a set cost. This project responds to the issue: How can individuals enjoy an unlimited wardrobe on a limited budget and in an environmentally-friendly way?
• Two €20,000 honor loans • 
Learn more

La Ruche à vélos, bicycle parking

La Ruche à Vélos is developing secure bicycle parking throughout France

Innovative and appropriate parking solutions must be created for the long-term development of cycling. The La Ruche à Vélos start-up incubated at IMT Atlantique offers an automated, secure and easy-to-use parking facility. This modular concept is connected to a mobile application and is intended for all users via acquisition by local authorities. For this solution, La Ruche à Vélos won the 2020 Bercy-IMT Innovation Award on February 2nd.

In 2020, many French people got back on their bikes. In its annual report published last October, the Vélo & Territoires association reported an average increase in bicycle use of 9% between January and September 2020 (compared to 2019) [1]. In a year strongly marked by strikes and the health crisis, exceptional circumstances strongly supported this trend. The attraction for bicycles shows no signs of slowing down. While local authorities support these practices, they also raise new issues in terms of security and parking. How many cyclists have already found their bike without a saddle, without a wheel, or perhaps not found their bike at all? To meet these challenges, the start-up La Ruche à Vélos, incubated at IMT Atlantique, proposes an innovative secure bicycle storage solution.

Automatic and secure parking

The increase in the number of cyclists is due in part to the emergence of electric bicycles. These bikes are heavier, bulkier and require a significant financial investment by their users. They therefore pose new constraints and require more security when parking. La Ruche à Vélos has developed a product that meets these expectations. Their solution consists of a secure bicycle parking facility which is connected to a mobile application. Its three founders were particularly attached to its ease of use. “It takes between 20 and 30 seconds to drop off or pick up a bike,” says Antoine Cochou, co-creator of the start-up. But how does it work?

The application allows the user to geolocate a parking facility with available spaces and to reserve one in advance. After identifying themselves on site, cyclists have access to a chamber, and deposit their bike on a platform before validating. There are also compartments available allowing users to recharge their batteries. Inside the parking facility, a machine stores the bike automatically. The facility covers several floors, thus saving ground space and facilitating integration of the system into the urban landscape. It can hold about 50 bikes over 24 square meters, dividing the bicycle parking space otherwise required on sidewalks by four! In addition, the size of the parking facility is flexible. The number of spaces therefore varies according to the order.

In June 2021, a first prototype of about ten spaces will be installed in the city of Angers. The young innovators hope to collect enough feedback from users to improve their next product. Two more facilities are planned for the year. They will have 62 to 64 spaces. “Depending on the location, a balance must be struck between user waiting time and the demand for services. These two parameters are related to the number of sites and the flow of users at peak times (train station, shops, etc.),” says Antoine Cochou.

Strategic locations with adapted subscriptions

La Ruche à Vélos is aimed directly at local authorities who can integrate this solution into their mobility program. It also targets businesses and real estate developers wishing to offer an additional service to their employees or future residents. Depending on the needs, the parking facilities could therefore be installed in different strategic locations. “Local authorities are currently focusing on railway stations and city centers, but office or residential areas are also being considered,” says Antoine Cochou. Each zone has its own target and therefore its own form of subscription. In other words, one-off parking in the city, daytime offers for offices, and evening and weekend passes for residents.

Initially, subscriptions for the prototype installed in Angers will be managed by the start-up. However, future models are expected to couple parking passes with local public transit passes. Subscriptions will thus be taken care of by the cities. The start-up will focus on maintenance support. “In this sense, our next models will be equipped with cameras and it will be possible to control them remotely,” says Maël Beyssat, co-creator of La Ruche à Vélos. Communities will have a web interface to monitor the condition and operating status of the parking facility (rate of use, breakdowns, availability, etc.)

For the future, the company is considering the installation of solar panels to offer a zero-electricity consumption solution. Finally, other locations could be considered outside of popular touring sites on cycle routes.

[1] Result obtained with the help of sensors measuring the number of bikes going past.

By Anaïs Culot


When AI keeps an ear on nursing home residents

The OSO-AI start-up has recently completed a €4 million funding round. Its artificial intelligence solution that can detect incidents such as falls or cries for help has convinced investors, along with a number of nursing homes in which it has been installed. This technology was developed in part through the work of Claude Berrou, a researcher at IMT Atlantique, and the company’s co-founder and scientific advisor.

OSO-AI, a company incubated at IMT Atlantique, is the result of an encounter between Claude Berrou, a researcher at the engineering school, and Olivier Menut, an engineer at STMicroelectronics. Together, they started to develop artificial intelligence that can recognize specific sounds. After completing a €4 million funding round, the start-up now plans to fast-track the development of its product: ARI (French acronym for Smart Resident Assistant), a solution designed to alert staff in the event of an incident inside a resident’s room.

The device takes the form of an electronic unit equipped with high-precision microphones. ARI’s goal is to “listen” to the sound environment in which it is placed and send an alert whenever it picks up a worrying sound. Information is then transmitted via wi-fi and processed in the cloud.

“Normally, in nursing homes, there is only a single person on call at night,” says Claude Berrou. “They hear a cry for help at 2 am but don’t know which room it came from. So they have to go seek out the resident in distress, losing precious time before they can intervene – and waking up many residents in the process. With our system, the caregiver on duty receives a message such as, ‘Room 12, 1st floor, cry for help,’ directly on their mobile phone.” The technology therefore saves time that may be life-saving for an elderly person, and is less intrusive than a surveillance camera so it is better accepted. Especially since it is paused whenever someone else enters the room. Moreover, it helps relieve the workload and mental burden placed on the staff.

OSO-AI is inspired by how the brain works

But how can an information system hear and analyze sounds? The device developed by OSO-AI relies on machine learning, a branch of artificial intelligence, and artificial neural networks. In a certain way, this means that it tries to imitate how the brain works. “Any machine designed to reproduce basic properties of human intelligence must be based on two separate networks,” explains the IMT Atlantique researcher. “The first is sensory-based and innate: it allows living beings to react to external factors based on the five senses. The second is cognitive and varies depending on the individual: it supports long-term memory and leads to decision-making based on signals from diverse sources.”

How is this model applied to the ARI unit and the computers that receive the preprocessed signals? A first “sensory-based” layer is responsible for capturing the sounds, using microphones, and turning them into representative vectors. These are then compressed and sent to the second “cognitive” layer, which then analyzes the information, relying in particular on neural networks, in order to decide whether or not to issue an alert. It is by comparing new data to that already stored in its memory that the system is able to make a decision. For example, if a cognitively-impaired resident tends to call for help all the time, it must be able to decide not to warn the staff every time.

The challenges of the learning phase

Like any self-learning system, ARI must go through a crucial initial training phase to enable it to form an initial memory, which will subsequently be increased. This step raises two main problems.

First of all, it must be able to interpret the words pronounced by residents using a speech-to-text tool that turns a speaker’s words into written text. But ARI’s environment also presents certain challenges. “Elderly individuals may express themselves with a strong accent or in a soft voice, which makes their diction harder to understand,” says Claude Berrou. As such, the company has tailored its algorithms to these factors.

Second, what about other sounds that occur less frequently, such as a fall? In these cases, the analysis is even more complex. “That’s a major challenge for artificial intelligence and neural networks: weakly-supervised learning, meaning learning from a limited number of examples or too few to be labeled,” explains the IMT Atlantique researcher. “What is informative is that it’s rare. And that which is rare is not a good fit for current artificial intelligence since it needs a lot of data.” OSO-AI is also innovative in this area of weakly-supervised learning.

Data is precisely a competitive advantage on which OSO-AI intends to rely. As it is installed in a greater number of nursing homes, the technology acquires increasingly detailed knowledge of sound environments. And little by little, it builds a common base of sounds (falls, footsteps, doors etc.) which can be reused in many nursing homes.

Read more on I’MTech: In French nursing homes, the Covid-19 crisis has revealed the detrimental effects of austerity policies

From nursing homes to home care

As of now, the product has completed its proof-of-concept phase, and approximately 300 devices have been installed in seven nursing homes, while the product has started to be marketed. The recent funding round will help fast-track the company’s technological and business development by tripling its number of employees to reach a staff of thirty by the end of 2021.

The start-up is already planning to deploy its system to help elderly people remain in their homes, another important societal issue. Lastly, according to Claude Berrou, one of OSO-AI’s most promising future applications is to monitor well-being, in particular in nursing home residents. In addition to situations of distress, the technology could detect unusual signs in residents, such as a more pronounced cough. In light of the current situation, there is no doubt that such a function would be highly valued.

fonds industrie

Capsit and Plas’tri, the first start-ups to receive “Industry & Energy 4.0” honor loans

After the “Digital” fund, Institut Mines-Télécom (IMT) and the Fondation Mines-Télécom launched a second fund last October called “Industry & Energy 4.0” and dedicated to the sciences of energy, materials and processes. The Capsit and Plas’tri start-ups incubated at IMT Atlantique and Mines Saint-Étienne respectively are the first to benefit from the honor loans of this new fund. 


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Capsit is the first compact and connected machine that allows you to go from coffee bean to capsule in a fully automated way, with a wide range of coffee available to be packed into climate neutral capsules. Capsit will receive a €60,000 honor loan. Find out more

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Plas’tri improves the efficiency of the waste treatment chain by using optics and data processing to improve sorting and create or standardize exchanges between the actors of the recycling chain. Plas’tri helps prevent the loss of material during the recycling process by proposing a device that can identify plastics and creating a platform to mutualize the transport of recyclable plastic deposits to the relevant recycler. Waste from sorting is thus limited and each item is identified and sent to the right outlet. Plas’tri was one of the 10 finalist start-ups of the Bercy IMT Innovation 2020 Prize. It will receive two honor loans for a total sum of €50,000. Find out more


Airstream Alvie Cobbaï

Airstream, Alvie and Cobbaï supported by the IMT Digital honor loan scheme

The members of the IMT Digital Fund IGEU, IMT and Fondation Mines-Télécom – held a meeting on 17 November. During the meeting, three start-ups from the Télécom Paris incubator were selected to receive support through seven honor loans for a total sum of €120,000.


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Airstream is a new-generation project management platform that allows companies to better coordinate work packages and business teams during complex projects and programs. The start-up will receive a €40,000 honor loan. Find out more

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Alvie proposes HYGO, a solution that turns any sprayer into a smart sprayer and helps farmers optimize the quantity of phytosanitary products used and increase the efficiency of bio-control for organic farming. Alvie will receive three honor loans for a total sum of €40,000. Find out more


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Cobbaï proposes a SaaS for industrial actors to automate the analysis of their corporate textual data and boost their quality, maintenance and after-sales service performances. The start-up will receive three honor loans for a total sum of €40,000. Find out more
