Vincent Augusto

Mines Saint-Étienne | #modeling and simulation, performance evaluation, healthcare systems, #health data

Vincent Augusto received his Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering from Mines Saint-Étienne, France, in 2008 and the Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches degree from the University of Saint-Étienne, France, in 2016. He was a visiting scholar at CIRRELT (Centre Interuniversitaire de Recherche sur les Réseaux d’Entreprise, la Logistique et le Transport), University of Laval, Quebec, Canada in 2009 and 2015. Currently, he is a professor of industrial engineering in the Department of Healthcare Engineering at Mines Saint-Étienne. His research interests include modeling, simulation, optimization of healthcare systems and their supply chains, process mining and machine learning applied to healthcare.

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Mohamed Daoudi

Mohamed Daoudi

IMT Nord Europe| #PatternRecognition #Imaging

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Thierry Djenizian

Thierry Djenizian

Mines Saint-Étienne | #EnergyTransition #RenewableEnergies #Environment

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Patrick Waelbroeck

Patrick Waelbroeck

Télécom Paris | #blockchain #PersonalData #chairVPIP

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