Past, Sophie Bretesché, Mines Nantes, récit, traces, changement

From the vestiges of the past to the narrative: reclaiming time to remember together

The 21st Century is marked by a profound change in our relationship with time, now merely perceived in terms of acceleration, speed, changes and emergencies. At Mines Nantes, the sociologist Sophie Bretesché has positioned herself at the interfaces between the past and the future, where memory and oblivion color our view of the present. In contexts undergoing changes, such as regions and organizations, she examines the vestiges, remnants of the past, giving a different perspective on the dialectic of oblivion and memory. She analyzes the essential role of collective memory and shared narrative in preserving identity in situations of organizational change and technological transformation.


A modern society marked by fleeting time

Procrastination Day, Slowness Day, getting reacquainted with boredom… many attempts have been made to try to slow down time and stop it slipping through our fingers. They convey a relationship with time that has been shattered, from the simple rhythm of Nature to that marked by the clock of the industrial era, now a combination of acceleration, motion and real time. This transformation is indicative of how modern society functions, where “that which is moving has substituted past experience, the flexible is replacing the established, the transgressive is ousting the transmitted“, observes Sophie Bretesché.

The sociologist starts from this simple question: the loss of time. What dynamics are involved in this phenomenon corresponding to an acceleration and a compression of work, family and leisure time, these objects of time reflective of our social practices?

One reason frequently cited for this racing of time is the unavoidable presence of new technologies arriving synchronously into our lives, and the frenetic demand for increasingly high productivity. However, this explanation is lacking, confusing correlation and causality. The reality is that of a sum of constant technological and managerial changes which “prevents consolidation of knowledge and experience-building as a sum of knowledge” explains the researcher, who continues: “Surrounded, in the same unit of time, by components with distinct temporal rhythms and frameworks, the subject is both cut off from his/her past and dispossessed of any ability to conceive the future.

To understand what is emerging and observed implicitly in reality, an unprecedented relationship with time-history and with our memory, the sociologist has adopted the theory that it is not so much acceleration that is posing a problem, but the ability of a society to remember and to forget. “Placing the focus on memory and oblivion“, accepting that “the present remains inhabited by vestiges of our past“, and grasping that “the processes of change produce material vestiges of the past which challenge the constants of the past“, are thus part of a process to regain control of time.


Study in search of vestiges of the past

This fleeting time is observed clearly in organizations and regions undergoing changes“, notes Sophie Bretesché, and she took three of these fields of study as a starting point in her search for evidence. Starting from “that which grates, resists, arouses controversy, fields in which nobody can forget, or remember together“, she searches for vestiges which are material and tangible signs of an intersection between the past and the future. First of all, she meets executives faced with information flows which are impossible to regulate, and an organization in which the management structure has changed three times in ten years. The sociologist conducts interviews with the protagonists and provides a clearer understanding of the executives’ activities, demonstrating that professions have nonetheless continued to exist, following alternative paths. A third study conducted on residents in the vicinity of a former uranium mine leads her to meet witnesses of a bygone era. Waste formerly used by the local residents is now condemned for its inherent risks. These vestiges of the past are also those of a modern era where risk is the subject of harsh criticism.

In the three cases, the sociology study partakes in the stories of those involved, conducted over long periods. While a sociologist usually presents study results in the form of a cohesive narrative based on theories and interpretations, a social change expert does not piece together a story retrospectively, but analyzes movement and how humans in society construct their temporalities, with the sociological narrative becoming a structure for temporal mediation.

These different field studies demonstrate that it is necessary to “regain time for the sake of time“. This is a social issue, “to gain meaning, reclaim knowledge and give it meaning based on past experience.” Another result is emerging: behind the outwardly visible movements, repeated changes, we will find constants which tend to be forgotten, forms of organization. In addition, resistance to change, which is now stigmatized, could after all have positive virtues, as it is an expression of a deeply rooted culture, based on a collective identity that it would be a shame to deny ourselves.


A narrative built upon a rightful collective memory

This research led to Sophie Bretesché taking the helm at Mines Nantes of the “Emerging risks and technologies: from technological management to social regulation” Chair, set up in early 2016. Drawing on ten years of research between the social science and management department and the physics and chemistry laboratories at Mines Nantes, this chair focuses on forms of regulation of risk in the energy, environmental and digital sectors. The approach is an original one in that these questions are no longer considered from a scientific perspective alone, because it is a fact that these problems affect society.

The social acceptability of the atom in various regions demonstrated, for example, that the cultural relationship with risk cannot be standardized universally. While, in Western France, former uranium mines have been rehabilitated within lower-intensity industrial or agricultural management, they have been subject to moratoriums in the Limousin region, where their spaces are now closed-off. These lessons on the relationship with risk are compiled with a long-term view. In this instance, the initial real estate structures offer explanations bringing different stories to light which need to be pieced together in the form of narratives.

Indeed, in isolation, the vestiges of the past recorded during the studies do not yet form shared memories. They are merely individual perceptions, fragile due to their lack of transfer to the collective. “We remember because those around us help“, reminds the researcher, continuing: “the narrative is heralded as the search for the rightful memory“. In a future full of uncertainty, in “a liquid society diluted in permanent motion“, the necessary construction of collective narratives – and not storytelling – allows us to look to the future.

The researcher, who enjoys being at the interfaces of different worlds, takes delight in the moment when the vestiges of the past gradually make way for the narrative, where the threads of sometimes discordant stories start to become meaningful. The resulting embodied narrative is the counterpoint created from the tunes collected from the material vestiges of the past: “Accord is finally reached on a shared story“, in a way offering a new shared commodity.

With a longstanding interest in central narratives of the past, Sophie Bretesché expresses one wish: to convey and share these multiple experiences, times and tools for understanding, these histories of changes in progress, in a variety of forms such as the web documentary or the novel.


Sophie Bretesché, Mines NantesSophie Bretesché is a Research Professor of Sociology at Mines Nantes. Head of the regional chair in “Risks, emerging technologies and regulation“, she is co-director of the NEEDS (Nuclear, Energy, Environment, Waste, Society) program and coordinates the social science section of the CNRS “Uranium Mining Regions” Workshop. Her research encompasses time and technologies, memory and changes, professional identities and business pathways. An author of 50 submissions in her field, co-director of two publications, “Fragiles competences” and “Le nucléaire au prisme du temps”, and author of “Le changement au défi de la mémoire“, published by Presses des Mines, she is also involved at the Paris Institute of Political Studies in two Executive Master’s programs (Leading change and Leadership pathways).



Ontologies: powerful decision-making support tools

Searching for, extracting, analyzing, and sharing information in order to make the right decision requires great skill. For machines to provide human operators with valuable assistance in these highly-cognitive tasks, they must be equipped with “knowledge” about the world. At Mines Alès, Sylvie Ranwez has been developing innovative processing solutions based on ontologies for many years now.


How can we find our way through the labyrinth of the internet with its overwhelming and sometimes contradictory information? And how can we trust extracted information that can then be used as the basis for reasoning integrated in decision-making processes? For a long time, the keyword search method was thought to be the best solution, but in order to tackle the abundance of information and its heterogeneity, current search methods favor taking domain ontology-based models into consideration. Since 2012, Sylvie Ranwez has been building on this idea through research carried out at Mines Alès, in the KID team (Knowledge representation and Image analysis for Decision). This team strives to develop models, methods, and techniques to assist human operators confronted with mastering a complex system, whether technical, social, or economic, particularly within a decision-making context. Sylvie Ranwez’s research is devoted to using ontologies to support interaction and personalization in such settings.

The philosophical concept of ontology is the study of the being as an entity, as well as its general characteristics. In computer science, ontology describes the set of concepts, along with their properties and interrelationships within a particular field of knowledge in such a way that they may be analyzed by humans as well as by computers. “Though the problem goes back much further, the name ontology started being used in the 90s,” notes Sylvie Ranwez. “Today many fields have their own ontology“. Building an ontology starts off with help from experts in a field who know about all the entities which characterize it, as well as their links, thus requiring meetings, interviews, and some back-and-forth in order to best understand the field concerned. Then the concepts are integrated into a coherent set, and coded.


More efficient queries

This knowledge can then be integrated into different processes, such as resource indexing and searching for information. This leads to queries with richer results than when using the keyword method. For example, the PubMed database, which lists all international biomedical publications, relies on MeSH (Medical Subject Headings), making it possible to index all biomedical publications and facilitate queries.

In general, the building of an ontology begins with an initial version containing between 500 and 3,000 concepts and it expands through user feedback. The Gene Ontology, which is used by biologists from around the world to identify and annotate genes, currently contains over 30,000 concepts and is still growing. “It isn’t enough to simply add concepts,” warns Sylvie Ranwez, adding: “You have to make sure an addition does not modify the whole.”


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Harmonizing disciplines

Among the studies carried out by Sylvie Ranwez, ToxNuc-E (nuclear and environmental toxicology) brought together biologists, chemists and physicists from the CEA, INSERM, INRA and CNRS. But the definition of certain terms differs according to the discipline, and reciprocally, the same term may have two different definitions. The ToxNuc-E group called upon Sylvie Ranwez and Mines Alès in order to describe the study topic, but also to help these researchers from different disciplines share common values. The ontology of this field is now online and used to index the project’s scientific documents. Specialists from fields possessing ontologies often point to their great contribution to harmonizing their discipline. Once they have ontologies, different processing methods are possible, often based on measurements of semantic similarity (the topic of Sébastien Harispe’s PhD, which led to a publication of a work in English) ranging from resource indexation, to searching for information, or classification (work by Nicolas Fiorini, during his PhD supervised by Sylvie Ranwez). [/box]


Specific or generic ontologies

The first ontology Sylvie Ranwez tackled, while working on her PhD at the Laboratory of Computer and Production Engineering (LGI2P) at Mines Alès, concerned music, a field with which she is very familiar since she is an amateur singer. Well before the arrival of MOOCs, the goal was to model both the fields of music and teaching methods in order to offer personalized distance learning courses about music. She then took up work on football, at the urging of PhD director Michel Crampes. “Right in the middle of the World Cup, the goal was to be able to automatically generate personalized summaries of games,” she remembers. She went on to work on other subjects with private companies or research institutes like the CEA (French Atomic Energy Commission). Another focus of Sylvie Ranwez’s research is ontology learning, which would make it possible to build ontologies automatically by analyzing texts. However, it is very difficult to change words into concepts because of the inherent ambiguity of wording. Human beings are still essential.

Developing an ontology for every field and for different types of applications is a costly and time-consuming process since it requires many experts and assumes they can reach a consensus. Research has thus begun involving what are referred to as “generic” ontologies. Today DBpedia, which was created in Germany using knowledge from Wikipedia, covers many fields and is based on such an ontology. During a web search, this results in the appearance of generic information on the requested subject in the upper right corner of the results page. For example, “Pablo Ruiz Picasso, born in Malaga, Spain on 25 October 1881 and deceased on 8 April 1973 in Mougins, France. A Spanish painter, graphic artist and sculptor who spent most of his life in France.


Measuring accuracy

This multifaceted information, spread out over the internet is not, however, without its problems: the reliability of the information can be questioned. Sylvie Ranwez is currently working on this problem. In a semantic web context, data is open and different sources may claim  contradictory information at times. How then is it possible to detect true facts among those data? The usual statistical approach (where the majority is right) is biased. Simply spamming false information can give it the majority. With ontologies, information is confirmed by the entire set of concepts, which are interlinked, making false information easier to detect. Similarly, an issue addressed by Sylvie Ranwez’s team concerns the detection and management of uncertainty. For example, one site claims that a certain medicine cures a certain disease, whereas a different site states instead that it “might” cure this disease. And yet, in a decision-making setting it is essential to be able to detect the uncertainty of information and be able to measure it. We are only beginning to tap into the full potential ontologies for extracting, searching for, and analyzing information.


Sylvie Ranwez, Mines AlèsAn original background

Sylvie Ranwez came to research through a roundabout route. After completing her Baccalauréat (French high school diploma) in science, she earned two different university degrees in technology (DUT). The first, a degree in physical measurements, allowed her to discover a range of disciplines including chemistry, optics, and computer science. She then went on to earn a second degree in computer science before enrolling at the EERIÉ engineering graduate school (School of Computer Science and Electronics Research and Studies) in the artificial intelligence specialization. Alongside her third year in engineering, she also earned her post-graduate advanced diploma in computer science. She followed up with a PhD at LGI2P of Mines Alès, spending the first year in Germany at the Digital Equipment laboratory of Karlsruhe. In 2001, just after earning her PhD, and without going through the traditional post-doctoral research apprenticeship abroad, she joined LGI2P’s KID team where she has been accredited to direct research since 2013. In light of her extremely technological world, she has all the makings of a geek. But don’t be fooled – she doesn’t have a cell phone. And she doesn’t want one.

At La Rotonde, the scientific mediation is based on experiments

A venue for exhibitions, mediation, and more generally scientific, technical and industrial culture, La Rotonde is a Mines Saint-Étienne center with a difference. Its role is to share knowledge with different audiences, young and old, who are fans of science or simply curious. For its director, Guillaume Desbrosse, this involves first and foremost encouraging an interest in science, and allowing each individual to apply the investigatory process. For this purpose, La Rotonde bases all its mediations on experiments.


I never should have come here“. These are words that no cultural center mediator wants to hear from the public. Guillaume Desbrosse, director of the La Rotonde Center for Scientific, Technical and Industrial Culture (CCSTI), in Saint-Étienne, aims to inspire the opposite reaction. “We want visitors to feel included, and to realize that they have an important role at La Rotonde, regardless of the level of their scientific expertise” he advises.

Therefore, in order to be as inclusive as possible, the CCSTI focuses on experiments. So, out with traditional signs and their captions and in with a more hands-on approach. At La Rotonde, no exhibition is set up without experiments for the public to carry out, or without mediators to guide the public in understanding the results obtained from any interaction with scientific tools. Besides more direct contact with science, experiments also make it possible to instate a scientific approach and develop critical thinking. “We place the public in the same position as a researcher in a laboratory” summarizes Guillaume Desbrosse.

The hands-on approach is recognized as an asset at La Rotonde. “It is part of our identity, and appeals to the public” he confirms. Perceiving science as something to be enjoyed is an essential component of the vision of the Saint-Etienne CCSTI. Therefore, discovery is a very strong theme in the activities on offer to the various audiences. Moreover, Guillaume Desbrosse insists that “curiosity never killed the cat, quite the opposite!”


La Rotonde, a laboratory of ideas and innovation

The team of nine at La Rotonde is not afraid of taking risks. In 2012, the center devised the “Mondo Minot” exhibition for very young children, returning for a second time between February and November 2016. Open from two years of age, this exhibition is a real gamble. “The cultural activities on offer for preschoolers are scarce enough, but in terms of scientific culture, you could even say it’s a wasteland!” points out Guillaume Desbrosse. He goes on to say: “Nobody opens an exhibition from that age. The minimum age for admission is generally three years, but we have worked on offering inclusion from two years of age.

In the case of this exhibition, particular thought has gone into the surroundings. The team called on the services of scenography designers to devise an elaborate graphic and immersive environment. A yurt has been set up, and the children can pass from one module to another through a somewhat unusual closet. The narrative and the experiments are constructed based on the five senses, offering a fun and educational introduction to science, suitable for such a young audience.

Therefore, La Rotonde is not hesitant about innovating and developing novel mediation methods. In this regard, it fully warrants its status as the center for scientific culture of Mines Saint-Étienne, the school which is also host to the La Rotonde exhibition area. This proximity with the world of research is “a real asset” according to the director of the CCSTI.


The team at La Rotonde bases its mediations on observation and a hands-on approach, which engages even the youngest audience.


Bringing the public and researchers closer together

Devising experiment-based scientific popularization programs with mediator guidance is no mean feat. Each practical experiment, each module is developed in close cooperation with researchers. “We are experts in popularization, but not experts in science” Guillaume Desbrosse admits humbly. Scientists are even requested to talk to the public about their specialty. “We want to create a link and interaction between science and society, our job consists of devising cultural mediation models and creating the conditions for this encounter” he continues.

Therefore, the team at La Rotonde prioritizes direct contact between researchers and the public, with in-depth consideration on how they can interact. For, behind all this, the aim is also to break the many stereotypes still used to depict scientists. “It is a long-term undertaking, because there are a lot of preconceived notions out there. In the collective unconscious, a researcher is male, generally older, reserved and has little interaction with the outside world” says the director of La Rotonde regretfully.


Restoring the image of science

These misconceptions can be combated by bringing female researchers or young PhD students, for example, to the La Rotonde center, but also involving them off-site programs conducted by the CCSTI for schools. The team thus conducted an experiment. Before a researcher came to talk to students in schools, they asked the children to draw how they imagined a researcher to be. Many had the stereotypical view described above. The students then produced another drawing after the scientist’s visit, for a more realistic result. “Meeting a male or female researcher shatters the myth, and offers an opportunity to broaden the scope of possibilities particularly for girls who find it difficult to see themselves in scientific professions” observes Guillaume Desbrosse.

La Rotonde and its team have set their hearts on building or rebuilding an awareness of research and those involved. Guillaume Desbrosse hopes above all to bridge the gap between science and society: “There is a resistance to science, and innovation. My goal is to develop a cultural habit in all audiences, and encourage interest in science.” Behind this aim lies a wish to build a society based on rational thought. This objective can only be achieved through collective effort, in which La Rotonde very much hopes to play its part.


Guillaume Desbrosse, directeur de La Rotonde.Guillaume Desbrosse, mediating between science and the public

With an interest in science from a very young age, Guillaume Desbrosse started his university studies in Poitiers to become a teacher. At that time, he discovered a passion for sharing knowledge and obtained a vocational degree in scientific mediation in Tours. This profession provided him with the contact with the public and science that he was seeking.

He joined La Rotonde in Saint-Étienne as a project manager in 2012. Guillaume Desbrosse subsequently developed his expertise in the field of popularization further with a Master’s degree in scientific communication completed in Grenoble. In 2015, he became director of La Rotonde, with the aim of continuing to innovate to promote the cultural mediation of science.


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Le+bleuLa Rotonde, a CCSTI with an active role in society and the region

The movement of Centers for Scientific, Technical and Industrial Culture (CCSTI) started in 1979 in Grenoble with La Casemate. It was followed by the Cité des Sciences in Paris in 1986. More CCSTIs subsequently emerged, including La Rotonde in 1999. This center is the only one to be incorporated in a school of engineering: Mines Saint-Étienne. It offers engineering students a glimpse of the promotion of scientific knowledge and sharing with society.

La Rotonde, like any CCSTI, seeks to play an active role in social and economic development by offering citizens the tools to understand major scientific issues of our times. Its local roots allow it to extend its influence particularly throughout the scientific culture network of its region. La Rotonde heads the network in the French department of the Loire for organizing the “Fête de la Science” science festival, coordinating all the activities in the department associated with this event. In addition to its exhibition area within Mines Saint-Étienne, La Rotonde organizes a large number of off-site activities, for schools, cultural centers, and associations, and receives 40,000 annual visitors.

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Chung-Hae Park, Mines Douai, Composite materials

Flax and hemp among tomorrow’s high-performance composite materials

Composite materials are increasingly being used in industry, especially in the transport sectors (automotive and aeronautics). These lightweight and multifunctional materials have great potential for limiting environmental footprint, and will play a major role in the materials of future. At Mines Douai, Chung-Hae Park is contributing to the development of high-performance and economically viable composites. A distinguishing feature of these materials is that they are made using plant-based resources: they are composed of at least 45% natural fibers (by volume), combined with polymer matrices which are also bio-based, and exhibit high mechanical performance while they can be rapidly manufactured.


In a restrictive environmental context (the European Union aims to lower greenhouse gas emissions by 80 to 95 % between now and 2050), it is absolutely necessary to reduce energy consumption, and that of fuel in particular. However, the improvements of automobile and aircraft engines seem to be reaching their limits. The other solution is to make vehicles and their components lighter by using composite materials. “This idea has been implemented for several decades and fiberglass and carbon fibers are increasingly being incorporated into polymer matrices“, explains Chung-Hae Park. “In civil and military aviation, composites already represent 50% of the total mass of certain models (Airbus 350 and Boeing 787 Dreamliner).”

However, there are still some problems: to begin with, the cost of these materials is much higher than that of metals (steel or aluminum), and it is no easy matter to recycle these heterogeneous materials since their components are extremely difficult to separate once assembled. This is where plant fibers come into play.


Getting flax and hemp to the same level as the conventional synthetic fibers

The Composites and Hybrid Structures group of the TPCIM (Polymers and Composites Technology & Mechanical Engineering) department at Mines Douai, led by Chung-Hae Park, is currently the only academic partner involved in two important but complementary national projects: FIABILIN and SINFONI, both of which were selected as part of the Future Investments Program.

These projects were launched in 2012 for five years, and are helping to structure the French industry producing plant fibers for use in engineering materials (insulation, reinforced plastics, agro-based composites), with final applications in a wide range of industries (automotive, aeronautics, railways, building, etc.) Besides being lightweight and agro-based (annually renewable resources), plant fibers offer the advantage of being degradable and therefore recyclable. “Unfortunately many of them aren’t yet strong enough compared with fiberglass and carbon fiber. In France, flax and hemp are the most promising,” comments Chung-Hae. “Our goal, through the FIABILIN and SINFONI projects, is to establish their position among the most widely-used fibers for composites, just behind fiberglass and carbon fibers.”

Researchers at the TPCIM department are contributing to these projects by studying the natural variability of plant fibers and the consequences of this variability on the properties for composite applications (molding characteristics, mechanical performance). This involves overcoming a great technological barrier for this type of material, and developing the necessary numerical simulation tools for virtual engineering which can be used for industrial product development while taking their specific features into account (fiber variability, as well as porosity or process –induced defects, for example) and including this information in models for simulating manufacturing process technology and performance prediction.

Additionally, the experts in polymer and composites processing at Mines Douai are developing novel molding processes by direct impregnation of reinforcements for manufacturing 100% agro-based and high performance parts, i.e. parts that have a volume ratio of at least 45% plant fibers. One of the biggest challenges is lowering the production cost of these parts by reducing the time required to manufacture one component in a chain (i.e. by increasing production speed) to a maximum of two minutes, as required by the automobile industry for example. “In this group we are interested in every step of a product’s life, from material characterization, part production, and its integration in a multi-material assembly with metals or elastomers, to its structural health monitoring during the service life and recycling at the end of life,” emphasizes Chung-Hae.


Smart processes and materials

Matériaux composites, Chung-Hae Park, Mines DouaiA complete understanding of the long-term behavior of these materials and their assemblies is crucial for the development of industrial applications, but these aspects are difficult to predict for these new materials with such a short history (unlike metals). In order to monitor how these industrial parts evolve over several decades (the operational life of a civil aircraft for example), nondestructive testing must be carried out over the service life, today. The Composites and Hybrid Structures group is working on the possibility of removing this expensive and tedious nondestructive testing by integrating in-situ sensors in the structure of the material itself, making it a smart composite which can be remotely monitored online.

There are plans to take this idea a step further, integrating the same type of sensor into tools for manufacturing composite parts in order to test or even improve the product quality in real time. The goal is to head toward a digital chain integrating design/production/testing of composites and their assemblies in response to high industrial demand. “We are doing things differently with this research“, states Chung-Hae, “and even though there are many teams in France and Europe working on agro-based composites, we stand out for the range of performances we strive for, with a minimum of 45% of fibers in the form of textile reinforcements by a cost-effective manufacturing technology, i.e. direct impregnation technique, guaranteeing high mechanical properties, as well as for our level of expertise in numerical simulation of manufacturing processes for the industrial parts involved.”

Composite materials will undoubtedly remain one of the major areas of interest for research in the future. This subject is also included in the seven themes defined by the Industry of the Future Alliance, in which Institut Mines-Télécom participates and which strives to implement the governmental plan with the same name, launched in 2015.


Chung-Hae Park, Mines Douai, matériaux compositesAfter earning his bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Seoul National University (South Korea), in 2000 Chung-Hae Park began working on a Ph.D. thesis on composite materials through a joint-supervision arrangement. For three years, he spent six months a year at Seoul National University and six months a year at Mines Saint-Étienne. This great challenge was exceptional in South Korea, where this type of thesis is extremely rare.

Chung-Hae received his PhD in 2003 then started working in Korea for the petrochemical branch of LG, in collaboration with many international companies, in the automotive industry in particular. He left LG to pursue his passion for teaching and passing on knowledge, obtaining an assistant professor/associate professor position at the Université du Havre in 2005. In 2011, Chung-Hae earned a Diplome of Habilitation (HDR), still in the field of composite materials. Drawn to Mines Douai’s breakthrough research in this field, he joined the team as a full professor two years later.

He has been the head of the Composites and Hybrid Structures group of the TPCIM (Polymers and Composites Technology & Mechanical Engineering) department since 2014. This group gathers together some 30 people (full professors/assistant & associate professors, technicians, research engineers, post-doctoral researchers; Ph.D. students).

Aid in interpreting medical images

Reading and understanding computerized tomography (CT) or Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) images is a task for specialists. Nevertheless, tools exist which may help medical doctors interpret medical images and make diagnoses. Treatment and surgery planning are also made easier by the visualization of the organs and identification of areas to irradiate or avoid. Isabelle Bloch, a researcher at Télécom ParisTech specialized in mathematical modeling of spatial relationships and spatial reasoning, is conducting research on this topic.


Mathematicians can also make contributions to the field of health. Developing useful applications for the medical profession has been a main objective throughout Isabelle Bloch’s career. Her work focuses on modeling spatial relationships in order to assist in interpreting medical images, in particular during the segmentation and recognition stages, which preceed the diagnosis stage. The goal of segmentation is to isolate the various objects in an image and locate their contours. Recognition consists in identifying these objects, such as organs or diseases.

In order to interpret the images, appearence (different grey levels, contrasts, gradients) and shape must be compared with prior knowledge of the scene. This leads to model-based methods. Since certain diseases can be particularly deforming, as is the case with some tumors in particular, Isabelle Bloch prefers to rely on structural information between the different objects. The shape of organs is subject to great variability even in a non-pathological context, therefore the way in which they are organized in space and arranged in relation to one another is much more reliable and permanent. This relative positioning between objects constitutes the used structural information.


Images médicales, Isabelle Bloch, Télécom ParisTech

In color: results of segmentation and recognition of a tumor and internal brain structures obtained from an MRI using spatial relationships between these structures


Between mathematics and artificial intelligence

There are different types of spatial relationships, including information about location, topology , parallelism, distance, or directional positioning. In order to model these relationships, they must first be studied using anatomists’ and radiologists’ body of knowledge. Clinical textbooks and worksorks, medical ontologies, and web pages must be consulted. This knowledge, which is most often expressed in linguistic form, must be understood, then translated into mathematical terms despite its sometimes ambiguous nature.

Fortunately, “fuzzy sets” offer great assistance in modeling imprecise but deterministic knowledge. In this theory, gradual or partial membership of an object to a set can be modeled, as well as degrees of satisfaction of a relation. Fuzzy logic makes it possible to reason using expressions as imprecise as “at the periphery of,” “near,” or “between.” When applied to 3D sets in the field of imagery, fuzzy set theory allows for spatial reasoning, which means that objects and their relationships can be modeled in order to navigate between them and interpret, classify, and infer high-level interpretations or revise knowledge.


The last image is obtained by superimposing the first two images, slices of a thorax from two complementary techniques traditionally used in oncology

The last image is obtained by superimposing the first two images, slices of a thorax from two complementary techniques traditionally used in oncology


Research open to the outside world

IMAG2, a project undertaken jointly by Isabelle Bloch’s team and the Necker-Enfants Malades Hospital (radiology and pediatric surgery departments), is the subject of a PhD Isabelle has supervised since November 2015. The objective is to develop tools for 3D segmentation of MRI images, specifically dedicated to pelvic surgery. Since the involved diseases can be greatly deforming, the aim is to provide surgeons with a 3D view and enable them to navigate between objects of interest. By helping surgeons make a link with images acquired in advance and the surgical site they are to explore, these tools should also help improve surgical planning and allow for less invasive surgery, limiting disabilities and complications for the patient as much as possible.

WHIST Lab, the joint laboratory run by Institut Mines-Télécom and Orange is another example of collaborative research. Created in 2009, WHIST has led to numerous projects involving the interactions between electromagnetic waves and people. As part of this initiative, Isabelle Bloch’s team at Télécom ParisTech notably worked on designing digital models of human beings that are as realistic as possible. The WHIST Lab was the inspiration for the C2M chair, created on 17 December 2015  (see box below).


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A chair for studying exposure to electromagnetic waves

The C2M Chair (Modeling, Characterization, and Control of Exposure to Electromagnetic Waves) was created on December 17, 2015 by Télécom ParisTech and Télécom Bretagne, in partnership with Orange. In an environment with increasing use of wireless communications, its objective is to encourage research and support the scientific and societal debate that has arisen from taking account of the possible health effects of the population’s exposure to electromagnetic waves. It is led by Joe Wiart, who ran the WHIST Lab with Isabelle Bloch at Télécom ParisTech and Christian Person at Télécom Bretagne. This chair is supported by Institut Mines-Télécom, Fondation Télécom, Orange and the French National Frequency Agency.[/box]


Close ties with the medical community

A fully-automatic process is a utopian dream. It is not a realistic goal to imagine developing mathematical models using information provided by anatomists, running algorithms on images submitted by radiologists, and sending results directly to surgeons. Designing models, methods and algorirhms require frequent interactions between Isabelle Bloch and medical experts (surgeons, anatomists, radiologists…). Additionally, the experimental part relies on carefully selected patient’s data, under the constraints of informed patient consent and data anonymization. Results from the different stages of segmentation must then be validated by medical experts.

There has been a positive outcome to these frequent interactions: the medical community has adopted these methods and, building upon the new possibilities, is in turn developing ideas for applications which would be useful within the field. New functions are thus expected to emerge in the future.


Isabelle Bloch, Images médicales, Télécom ParisTech

Isabelle Bloch, a mathematician in the land of medecine

Isabelle Bloch has been interested in medical imagery for a long time. First of all, while at Mines ParisTech Isabelle carried out her first work placement at the Lapeyronie Hospital in Montpellier, which had just acquired one of the first Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) machines in France. Her second work placement then took her to the CHNO (Quinze-Vingts National Hospital Center of Ophthalmology), where she worked on brain imaging. She went on to earn a master diploma in Medical Imaging and a PhD in image processing. Today Isabelle is a professor at Télécom ParisTech, at LTCI (Information Processing and Communication Laboratory). Naturally, her teaching activities attest to this same loyalty. She teaches image processing and interpretation at Télécom ParisTech and in jointly-appointed IT masters programs with UPMC (where she is the co-coordinator of the Images Specialization) and at Université Paris-Saclay. In 2008 she won the Blondel medal, which rewards outstanding work in the field of science.

Digital Commons, Nicolas Jullien

Digital commons: individual interests to serve a community

In a world where the economy is increasingly service-based, digital commons is key to developing the collaborative economy. At Télécom Bretagne, Nicolas Jullien, an economics researcher, is studying online epistemic communities, creation communities which provide platforms for storing knowledge. He has demonstrated that selfish behaviors may explain the success of collective projects such as Wikipedia.

From material commons to digital commons

Cities of commons, common areas, commons assemblies: commons are shifting from theory to practice, countering the overexploitation of a common resource for the benefit of only a few, and offering optimistic solutions across a wide range of sociological, economic, and ecological fields.

Work carried out since the 1960s by Elinor Ostrom, winner of the 2009 Bank of Sweden’s “Nobel” prize for Economics, has led us to abandon the idea of a single choice between privatization of common goods and management by a public power,” says Nicolas Jullien. “She studied a third institutional alternative where communities collectively manage their commons.” This work first focused on natural or material commons, such as collective management of fisheries, then, with the advent of the Internet, on knowledge commons. The threat of enclosures (expropriating commons participants from their user rights) emerged once again, around the subject of handling copyrights and new digital rights.

Nicolas studies online collective groups whose goal is to produce formalized knowledge, not to be confused with forums, which are communities of practices. “A digital commons is a set of knowledge managed or co-produced by individuals,” explains the researcher, citing Wikipedia, Free, Open Source Software (FLOSS), open hardware, etc. In order for a material commons to function, the number of individuals involved must be limited so that members may organize the commons and choose their rules: entry barriers are thus required. “It’s different with digital commons since apparently there aren’t any entry barriers and everyone can contribute freely,” remarks the researcher, who raises the following questions: Why do individuals agree to take collective action for a digital commons when they are not obliged to do so? How can this collective action be organized?

The digital world does not fundamentally change how people function, nor does it change voluntary commitment, but it does produce a mass effect and a ripple effect, which act as facilitators. It allows more specialized people to meet each other using coordinated information systems managed through Internet bots and artificial intelligence… Finally, because it is not very expensive to produce and make available, the fact that people take advantage of commons without paying is of less importance.


Selfishness as a driving force for collective action

Are new theories required to understand digital commons? Not according to the researcher, who states, “Technology is certainly evolving, but human beings still work the same way. Existing theories explain people’s involvement in digital commons rather well, along with the way participants are structured around these commons.

Among these is Marvell & Olliver’s 1993 theory, which established that people weigh cost and opportunity when making a commitment. Collective action is then a gathering of rather selfish individual interests, with varying levels of involvement. And a common denominator is required to remind people about the rules on a higher level. These comprise entrance filters, coordination systems, people who devote themselves to enforcing these rules, and robots who patrol. “If only selfish people were involved, it wouldn’t work,” says Nicolas. Even though interest is purely selfish at the outset, “I’m doing this because I like it, I need to do this, it’s an intellectual challenge, it’s for the good of the world,” individuals soon become interested in adding content to the platforms and following their rules, “and this is the key to how this system works, since the goal is indeed the production of knowledge.”

How selfish are participants in these communities? The researcher and his team, in collaboration with the Université de la Rochelle and the Wikimédia France foundation, studied the social attitudes of Wikipedians, including non-contributing users whose role is often under-estimated. 13,000 Wikipedians were subjected to the “dictator game where you receive a sum of €10 and have to share it with another person. How much of it do you keep?” Following a precise protocol, the game was used to find out if the community produced prosocial behavior, or if individuals already exhibited pro-social preferences that explained their behavior. Two thirds of the participants replied 50/50, well above the usual 40% of people who reply this way when participating in the game. Wikipedians thus have this social sharing norm in common. Better still, whereas earlier studies indicated that Wikipedia contributors had higher-than-average prosocial attitudes for their age, the study did not reveal differences between contributors and non-contributors. “We observed that visiting Wikipedia makes people more likely to demonstrate prosocial (not necessarily altruistic) behaviors.” In other words, compliance with a social norm increases as the sense of a collective develops


Economy and digital commons

These studies, at the crossroads between the disciplines of industrial economics and organizational management, will provide engineering programs with food for thought about how organizations manage digital change. The researcher asks a third question: how do digital commons projects impact the economy? First of all, there is an emergence of what, in 1993, the economist Paul Romer referred to “industrial public goods” around which participants seek to position themselves. “I would ideally like to create something like ‘open street map’ without a competitor doing the same thing before I do. So that’s what leads me to work in an open standard,” explains Nicolas. And since there cannot be a multitude of platforms fulfilling the same need, there are increasing yields with adoption: the more time goes by, the more people want to contribute to a certain platform rather than another, and accept its rules even if they do not exactly correspond to what contributors would like.

What we noticed with FLOSS, we’re noticing with Wikipedia too,” remarks the researcher. Individuals are paid to make sure the references are up-to-date. A whole project involving editing, quantification of information, observation, integration of content produced in the ‘above services’ is developed. This verification momentum provided by the community creates the business. Without that, “if the commons stops evolving,” there is no longer any reason to participate.

Many other questions still remain,” continues the researcher, “within national and European research on innovative societies and industrial renewal.” These questions have been explored in the past by the ANR CCCP-Prosodie project and are currently being studied by the ANR common project with the Fing, CAPACITY. How are professions (librarians, for example) changing in response to daily contact with the digital commons? What is learned in these commons, “which are like game guilds“? How are the practical skills developed there related to academic skills? How valuable is this on a résumé? Do companies that hire commons developers buy access to the community? For Nicolas Jullien, all these open-ended questions would deserve to be studied by a digital commons Chair.

Read the blog post The sharing economy: simplifying exchanges? Not necessarily…


Nicolas Jullien, Communs numériques, Digital commonsAn associate research professor in economics at Télécom Bretagne, Nicolas Jullien has been working on digital commons since his thesis on free software in 2001. He was coordinator of the Breton M@rsouin cluster for measuring and studying digital uses until 2008, and is head of the Étic (evaluation of ICT measures) research group and of the Master’s in ICT Economics co-accredited by the Université Rennes 1. He was a visiting professor at the Syracuse iSchool (in New York State) in 2011, where he led research on communities of online production and has held an Accreditation to Lead Research since 2013. Guided by a curious mind more than any particular taste for developing theories, this engineer, who is a fan of multiview approaches to understanding complex phenomena, will become a member of the Board of Directors of LEGO, a research laboratory for management economics for western France (UBO/UBS/Télécom Bretagne), in January 2017.

When biology meets electronics

Since starting at Mines Saint-Etienne in 2009, researcher Róisín Owens has created unusual devices: cell cultures coupled with electronic monitoring, able to give a real-time measurement of the state of health and reactions of cells when confronted with a certain type of medicine or pathogen. Particularly promising results in this new field, called bioelectronics, could change the face of toxicology in the future.


In science, discoveries sometimes come about because of who you meet. This was the case of Róisín Owens and her husband George Malliaras, when they entered this new field of research called bioelectronics. “I was a biologist specializing in infectious diseases, and he was an expert in physics and materials science” Róisín explains. “He would talk to me about his new technology, and I thought about how it could be applied to biology. This was how we came up with this new project together, combining biology and electronics”. The project became a reality in 2009 with the creation of the Bioelectronics department at the Provence Microelectronics Center of Mines Saint-Étienne, in Gardanne. While one part of the department, with the team led by George Malliaras, focused on neurosciences or, more recently, on electronics in fabrics through research led by Esma Ismailova, Róisín Owens set up the IONOSENSE program (see insert), designed to create a new in vitro diagnostic device.


Organic electronics at the heart of the system

Róisín and her team have centered their research on technology known as organic electronics. In contrast to traditional electronics, based on rigid materials like silicon and copper, organic electronics uses flexible polymers that offer a better interface with biology. “Furthermore, these materials are transparent, allowing direct observation of the cells in the device” notes the Irish researcher. These polymer structures are used in devices called “organic transistors” which have enhanced signal transduction and are thus extremely sensitive. “The cells between the electrodes of the polymer and the transistor act as a resistor by limiting ionic transfer, which is something that can be measured” she explains. “If the cells are in poor condition, for example if they are affected by a toxin, they have a lower resistance. In this way we can measure the state of health of the cell culture in real time”.


[box type=”shadow” align=”” class=”” width=””]IONOSENSE: a double grant-winning program

Róisín Owens’ work at Mines Saint-Etienne is closely linked to the IONOSENSE project, or Exploitation of Organic Electrochemical Transistors for Biological Ion sensing. Launched in 2011 thanks to a Starting Grant from the European Research Council (ERC) of €1.5 million, this program led to the development of the first bioelectronics devices. “We have shown that thanks to these devices, we can detect the presence of different pathogens: viruses, toxins and bacteria” explains Róisín. Working at the same time on other research themes (microfluidics, biofilms, etc.), the IONOSENSE program progressed towards its scheduled completion in 2015, but this was before another prestigious grant from the ERC was obtained at the end of 2014: the Proof of Concept grant for an additional year, for a sum of €150,000 which will be spent working on the potential commercialization of the technique. For Róisín these grants are not just good financial support. “It’s particularly gratifying from a personal point of view,” she continues. “It has built my career and allowed me to develop my ideas”.[/box]


Cell cultures in three dimensions

The validity of the results produced by these small devices had to be proved over the course of many months, and to this end the transparent nature of the polymers was of valuable assistance, allowing electronic measurements to be compared with direct observations. Róisín and her team then wanted to go one step further by exploring the possibilities of this new system in other fields, in particular no longer studying whole cells but focusing on lipid bilayers with integrated proteins, allowing observation of the interactions between the pathogens and the cell wall. Above all, however, the biologist is transitioning from the use of glass surfaces in favor of 3D structures. “In toxicology we know that there is a big difference between cells in vivo and cultures on two-dimensional substrates”. The team produces polymer conductors that build three-dimensional structures, onto which the cells are placed, and where the cell properties can still be studied in real time.


View of the detachement of a layer of kidney epithelial cells in a 3D model using fluorescence

View of the detachement of a layer of kidney epithelial cells in a 3D model using fluorescence

Imitating living matter in vitro

An in vitro kidney model is under development, with a structure that also incorporates microfluidics. “In the kidney there is blood and urine and between the two are the epithelial and endothelial cells” Róisín Owens tells us. “In order to obtain a realistic cell model for the toxicology of the kidney, we need to include these two components”. The team produced a device containing 12 wells, each made up of a transistor, a fluidic system representing the urine, a membrane with epithelial cells on one side and endothelial cells on the other, and a second fluidic for the blood. “We maintain the transparency so that biologists can observe the cells, as well as electronics for measuring cell conductivity, but we now also have microfluidics, which allows us to measure the presence of biomarkers secreted by the cells in the tubes” the biologist continues.


From invention to commercialization

Although the results are particularly promising, there is still a long way to go before these devices can be used in laboratories. “We would like to improve our technique with a view to commercial production, but first we need even more results to persuade people of the effectiveness of our system” Róisín Owens went on. “In addition to toxicology there is the fundamental research aspect: using optics and electronics at the same time could enable us to better understand cell movement and adhesion mechanisms, which are of particular interest to oncologists”. For the pharmaceutical industry this new process developed in the Provence Microelectronics Center also offers very interesting advantages. “Bringing out a new drug can cost more than a billion euros and take 12 years to develop, but 90% of these drugs don’t have the desired effect on human beings” she emphasizes. “This is due to the fact that these tests are carried out on animals, which are very different to humans: we therefore need to improve in vitro studies on human cells, with more predictive models that limit the number of false positives.” Róisín believes it will take just under ten years for her system to be commonly used in laboratories. In the meantime, she is already thinking of setting up a company to develop specific combinations for a particular application, on demand. The history of bioelectronics has only just begun.


Photo_portrait_rapprochéRóisín Owens’ career reflects her multilingual background: she speaks English, Gaelic, French, German and Greek. Culminating her studies in biochemistry in France, Ireland, she completed a PhD in England on proteins involved in infectious diseases, before taking off for the USA for her first postgraduate research at Cornell University, where she studied tuberculosis. In 2005, Róisín took time out from fundamental research and joined a New York start-up in order to develop technologies to improve the detection of pathogens. “At the time I wanted to go into something that was more applied”, she explained, but that was before realizing, two years later, that “[her] heart was in academic research”. She returned to Cornell University for two years for another postgraduate research project in an engineering department. “My husband is Greek and I’m Irish: after eight years in the USA we wanted to return to Europe”, Róisín recalls. In 2009 they both joined Mines Saint-Etienne, where their arrival led to the creation of the Bioelectronics department in the Provence Microelectronics Center. Today, the center is made up of around 30 people.
Ingrid Bazin, Mines Alès, biocapteurs, herbicides

Biosensors for monitoring herbicides in water

Water preservation and management involves detecting its pollutants. Among those most frequently found in surface water and groundwater are weed-killers, such as the well-known glyphosate. At Mines Alès, Ingrid Bazin is working on developing innovative bioreceptors to monitor these small molecules, with the aim of one day providing the water industry with cutting-edge biosensors.


The number of water pollutants is rising, including for example heavy metals, pesticides and preservatives. More than 800 substances are listed as being potentially harmful, 43 of which are regulated in France. The European Water Framework Directive of 20 October 2000, transcribed in France by the Law of 21 April 2004, aims to restore surface water and groundwater to good chemical and ecological condition by 2015, and put a stop to the discharge of certain dangerous substances – the 50 most urgent to eradicate – by 2020. The Laboratory for environmental industrial engineering (LGEI) at Mines Alès, and in particular the ESAH (Water, Anthropogenic Systems and Hydro Systems) team, works on diagnosis, measurement and analysis of environmental pollutants by developing biodetection tools (bioreceptors and biosensors). The ESAH team is principally made up of analytical chemists and it is strongly involved in the water competitive cluster in Montpellier as well as in the Montpellier Institute for Water and the Environment. “Our quality of life depends a lot on our environment” Ingrid Bazin reminds us, “and our initial objective is to improve the quality of our water-based ecosystems, as there are direct consequences on our level of health”. Herbicides are endocrine disruptors and have a direct impact on our hormone system, which is the cause of the famous feminization process in animal populations, notably among fish, which leads to an imbalance in the ecosystem and potentially catastrophic long term consequences for biodiversity and our health.


Ingrid Bazin, biocapteurs, Mines Alès

Field kit for detecting environmental pollutant

Glyphosate, the most commonly found herbicide in water

The ESAH team’s research is applied. “We work directly with water industry players such as Veolia and BRL (a construction company in Bas-Rhône and Languedoc) with a view to meeting the challenges facing them in the detection of water pollutants” the researcher explains. While efficient and regulated physico-chemical analysis tools are already available, the aim is now to demonstrate the benefits of developing biodetection tools in the environmental sector. Two major requirements are apparent: evaluating the overall harmfulness i.e. the effects of the pollutants in water on humans and the ecosystem, and detecting some molecules that present a challenge for treatment. This is the case, for example, of glyphosate and its metabolite, AMPA. “Glyphosate is not the most harmful herbicide found in the environment, but it is the most common because it is still used by a large number of people. Industrial firms are obliged to monitor it, particularly in sectors that produce drinking water which must not exceed a concentration of 0.1 µg/l” says Ingrid Bazin.


An innovative idea awarded a prize in 2014

The aim is not to instantly detect pollutants like atrazine or hydrocarbons, since analytical chemistry already does this very well, but to optimize monitoring of the water cycle using biodetection tools that are simple to use, robust and inexpensive. The biodetection test must also be sensitive enough. A biological recognition element (i.e. a bioreceptor) with a strong affinity with the molecule in question is required to achieve this. Glyphosate and its metabolite, AMPA, are particularly small molecules for which “standard” detection using enzymatic biodereceptors, antibodies or small DNA fragments is difficult. “My idea is to use peptides of 6 to 15 amino acids, or even small proteins of 80 to 100 amino acids as bioreceptors in order to detect small molecules for which it is difficult to develop an antibody” explains Ingrid Bazin. In 2014 the idea won the “Researchers of the future” grant awarded by the Languedoc-Roussillon region, destined to support projects of excellence by young researchers (under 38 years). The prize money has allowed funding on the subject for the ESAH team’s research work for a year and a half, and notably testing the efficiency of detection of small molecules using a peptide sequence developed in the laboratory (the peptide or small protein that offers the best capacity for binding to glyphosate molecules).

Ingrid Bazin, biocapteurs, herbicides

Cultivating bacteria in a petri dish of agar-agar

The next stage will consist in developing a rapid test that can be used on the ground, in the form of a test strip that lights up when it comes into contact with glyphosate and AMPA. Then, in time, “all in one” biosensors will be designed to enable the immediate assessment of the concentration of herbicides – available online, what is more. Additionally, the ESAH team is currently a partner of an ANR (French National Research Agency) project Combitox, that is managed by the CEA Cadarache (Atomic Energy Commission). This aim of this R&D project, due to finish at the end of 2015, is to develop an online multi-parameter instrument for continual biological measurement of three types of water pollutant: fecal bacteria, heavy metals and environmental toxins, which are what Ingrid Bazin and her team are interested in. “The innovative feature here is the creation of a biological recognition device: the peptide sequence, which will be perfect for detecting small molecules. It is a real challenge, even though the idea is not a new one, since the design and development of a biosensor is a very lengthy process and requires multiple laboratory and field trials” the researcher concludes. The final aim is to improve water quality and the quality of life of consumers.


Ingrid Bazin, Mines Alès

Ingrid Bazin started her career in the biomedical sector in the Paris region. After finishing her preparatory studies she entered the University of Versailles in 1996 and then Pierre and Marie Curie University (Paris 6) in 1999, where she studied for a postgraduate advanced diploma in the Biology of Aging. She entered R&D in genetic engineering, researching new drugs to fight cancer and, as one thing led to another, she was drawn into the environmental sector, but this time in the south of France where she studied for a PhD in molecular biology and plant physiology at the CEA Cadarache (Atomic Energy Commission). “My work entailed studying the genes that lead to the accumulation of heavy metals in plants, in order to design tools for removing pollution from soils” she explains.

After postgraduate research at ISTMT (Institute of the Science and Technology of Medicine of Toulouse) and having participated in the start-up of the Grenoble-based company Smartox, which specializes in the synthesis of peptides for therapeutic uses, she joined Mines Alès in 2009 as a Research Professor and in 2015 received her Accreditation to Lead Research (HDR). Working in the Laboratory for environmental industrial engineering (LGEI) in the Water, Anthropogenic Systems and Hydro Systems (ESAH) team, Ingrid Bazin applies her knowledge as a biologist to the development of new tools for biodetection of environmental pollutants.



Pollution control by constructed wetlands: An expanding French industry

The ability of wetland areas to retain and treat a wide variety of pollutants in urban and rural areas has been known about for a number of years. Understanding how they work has facilitated the creation of biofilters such as constructed wetlands. At Mines Nantes, researcher Florent Chazarenc has studied these systems over lengthy periods and created solutions adapted to different types of wastewater. He aims to improve the French domestic wastewater treatment industry, an area of expertise that is starting to be exported.



Wastewater treatment tailored to the pollutant

Wastewater can be a by-product of human uses, whether domestic, agricultural or industrial, or can come in the form of surface run-off water. It contains organics, phosphates and nitrates, heavy metals, hydrocarbons and even drugs. “My research consists in developing wastewater treatment solutions adapted to situations which currently don’t have any: it all depends on the nature of the effluent, but the carrier is always water,” explains Florent Chazarenc. The researcher mainly works with a category of treatment processes known as constructed wetlands , which is a wastewater treatment system using macrophyte plants (aquatic plants with underwater or floating organs), substrate materials (sand, gravel etc.) and colonized by micro-organisms. The technique involves creating an artificial wetland that is used as a biofilter, commonly called a reed bed filter or constructed wetland.

In constructeRacines_Florent_Chazarencd wetlands the water is purified through a combination of physical, biological or chemical processes. Plants with a dense root structure offer good physical filtering, while micro-organisms growing on their surface produce biological activity that decomposes pollutants such as nitrates and transforms them into nitrogen gas. “When there’s nothing left to do biologically, we move on to chemicals”, which is the case for phosphates. “This combination of all three is called chameleon technology, Florent continues, “which entails creating biological and chemical-physics reactors adapted to all categories of wastewater”, regardless of climate conditions (temperature, amount of sun) or the liquid pressure and organic load.

Research into all kinds of solutions has been fueled by this variety of wastewater types. Florent Chazarenc and his team work on several projects at the same time, including developing systems to refurbish old extensive wastewater treatment plants built in the 1980s and give them a new lease of life, treating leachate in Africa by getting rid of pollutants through electrolysis and/or photocatalysis in combination with reed bed filters, and protecting natural wetlands with constructed wetlands.


Improving the French domestic wastewater treatment industry

Since the 1980s and the initiative by IRSTEA in Lyon, more than 3,500 reed bed filters have been introduced in France for towns and villages with fewer than 2,000 inhabitants.” Florent Chazarenc has contributed to the sharp rise in these installations since the 1990s. In France, the process is called a “vertical flow filter” because the wastewater is spread out at the surface and filtered down through the bed via percolation. However, the fact that a surface area of 2 to 3 m2 is needed per inhabitant can sometimes hinder the development of the sector. Although improvements do exist to reduce this to 1 m2 or even 0.5 m2 per inhabitant, they have not yet been employed in association with large urban areas or wastewater from the food industry.


The double drainage system is only present in the compact channel, limited to the 1st stage, which is deeper.

The double drainage system is only present in the compact channel, limited to the 1st stage, which is deeper.


Florent has studied results from more than 150 of these installations over 10 years, looking at systems with two or just one treatment stage. The researcher aims to improve the French domestic wastewater treatment industry, which is now starting to be used abroad. “We are now very good at treating suspended matter or organic matter, but we could do better on nutrients like phosphates or nitrates”, he explains. The idea is to employ the same approach used in process engineering: “intensify the extensive system”.

Two approaches known as semi-extensive are being studied. The first consists in intensifying the pollutant-removal process using chemical techniques. The European project called Slasorb was conducted in this framework, proposing an innovative solution for extensive treatment of phosphates using a co-product of the metallurgic industry as reactive matter. “This project needs its first industrial reference”, added the researcher, who hopes to promote its disruptive technology. The second approach reduces the reaction volume and the surface area taken up by the process. This can be done through forced aeration or by transporting the effluent from the outlet back to the start of the process – recirculation; both these methods require energy, which may be produced from renewable sources (wind turbines or solar energy etc.).

Florent is interested in many other types of wastewater which can be treated with constructed wetlands and specific installations, including industrial wastewater (pastry-making, chocolate manufacturing, fizzy drinks manufacturers etc.) and sludge.

[box type=”shadow” align=”” class=”” width=””]From the lab to on-site testing

Filtres plantés de roseaux, Florent ChazarencIt takes one to two years for a vertical flow reed bed filter to reach its optimum efficiency. These long periods require work on several projects at the same time, in partnership with microstructures, SMEs or large groups. Some projects involve fundamental research, while others, which are greater in number, are focused on applied research with rapid dissemination. In this framework the technology readiness level is an important indicator for the solutions studied, from level 1: “basic principle observed”, to level 9: “real system proved”. Most of Florent Chazarenc’s work is situated between levels 5 and 7, and a few on levels 3 and 4.[/box]


Surface run-off water also needs treating

While significant financing is earmarked for wastewater treatment, rainwater treatment has only recently started receiving funding. This water is contaminated through the surface run-off process, washing the ground and coming into contact with contaminated surfaces, for example roads polluted by the car tire wear. “There is still a little atmospheric pollution in certain countries (acid rain)” the researcher explains, “but this is diminishing fairly quickly”. In rural areas, on the other hand, excess fertilizer is washed away by the rain.

Once again “the solution is to use plants as a pollution control factory”. For example, in partnership with highway management companies, the run-off water collected in holding basins can be treated by adding floating wetlands to improve their performance. Another example is processes that encourage sedimentation, with ditches containing plants or grass growing in them. “There is an international policy of no longer discharging this run-off water directly into rivers, but instead treating it first”, Florent is pleased to point out, mentioning among others the Water Framework Directive [2000/60/EEC] in Europe. Nevertheless, there is not as much legislative pressure in this field and potential financial partners, for example, are still few in number.

Although the effectiveness of reed bed filters is widely acknowledged, it is the acceptance of their benefits by the general public that will lead to their use on a large scale.


Petit_Portrait_Florent_Chazarenc_jauneAn Associate Professor at Mines Nantes, Florent Chazarenc contributed as early as in the 1990s to the rise in the use of processes for treating wastewater using reed bed filters, through his engineering internship and PhD in Environmental Engineering at the University of Savoie. He carried out his post-graduate research jointly at Polytechnique Montréal and at Institut de recherche en biologie végétale in Montréal, before returning to France in 2007 where he took his Accreditation to Lead Research in 2013.

A marathon-runner and triathlete, he understands what it means to work over the long term and to combine processes. He and his team, “a group which has enabled me to carry out these trials over all these years”, have earned recognition through a large number of projects. Having organized the 5th WETPOL conference (International Symposium on Wetland Pollutant Dynamics and Control) in 2013 in Nantes, he is also strongly involved in specialist groups of the IWA (International Water Association) on the subject of reed bed filters and water pollution control. Through these activities he aims to facilitate the sharing and dissemination of information, help and guide young researchers and promote solutions beyond their initial field, such as the sale of finishing zones at the end of traditional stations.

Internet of tomorrow

The Internet of tomorrow: New issues, new challenges

In just a few years the internet has revolutionized daily life, becoming part of every aspect of society. However, the coming transformations may go much deeper, leading to major changes in the paradigms of vertical markets such as healthcare, energy, the environment etc. Daniel Kofman, a researcher at Télécom ParisTech, has been sketching out the future profile of the internet and examining the challenges of it for several years.

Are we witnessing a turning point in the history of the internet?

There have been three generations in the development of the internet. The first one started with the earliest form of the internet network, included the emergence of the Web 1.0 as a major service infrastructure and finished at the end of the millennium with the development of broadband connectivity. The second generation is that of the interactive web, the explosion of social media and the generalization of cloud computing and mobile internet. We are now entering the third generation, in which digital technology has become the principal conveyor of innovation within most vertical sectors, due in particular to the gradual fusion between the real and digital worlds. This fusion takes place through changes and developments such as the internet of things, Big Data and advances in virtual and augmented reality.

What will the internet of tomorrow offer society?

The merging of the digital and real worlds is taking place through digital technology’s capacity to ‘observe’ the physical world thanks to extensive use of sensors to the infrastructures of the internet of things. This makes many things possible like, for example, medical systems based on real-time monitoring of citizens’ health; optimization of the energy equation through enhanced visibility of consumption, production and storage of energy; integration of diverse transport systems based notably on real-time traffic and demand monitoring, and progression towards Industry 4.0 (self-organized plants and components for efficient mass production of personalized products). This new generation will bring another way of understanding and designing systems, infrastructures and services as well as the underlying technologies, and new societal challenges.

Among the challenges posed by the internet of things is the question of Big Data…

In order for the digital world to ‘understand’ what is happening in the real world, the data captured must be transformed into information, knowledge and cognition: in other words, a learning process that will allow the digital world to make increasingly complex decisions in an autonomous way. This capacity requires advanced digital modeling of the real world for the captured data to be interpreted correctly. Processing this large quantity of data, which is highly varied and most of the time unstructured, relies on a series of approaches that are often encompassed in the term Big Data. Improving Big Data solutions demands new, multidisciplinary working methods: we cannot extract knowledge from the data measured without an understanding of the field that has generated them and without comprehending how they have been captured and filtered.

Lastly, this merging of the digital and real worlds involves action, in other words the digital world’s ability to control connected objects in the real world, and therefore to have an impact on it. The mentioned merge is therefore a process of observing, of analyzing-understanding-learning, then making decisions and acting.


LINCS[box type=”shadow” align=”” class=”” width=””]LINCS: bridging the gap between the academic world and industry

The Laboratory of Information, Networking and Communication Science, created in 2010, is a center for industrial and academic research on information and communication technology financed by Institut Mines-Télécom, INRIA (Institut national de recherche en informatique et en automatique), UPMC (Université Pierre et Marie Curie), Alcatel-Lucent, and IRT SystemX (Institut de recherche technologique, whose members include Orange and Thales). It has also established collaborations with various other companies. Its researchers study a wide range of topics such as future architecture for information and communication systems, the forthcoming systems for content distribution, the internet of things, wireless networks and future mobile networks, smart grids, intelligent transport, structural analysis of social networks, etc. Find out more [/box]


Does this turning point imply a change in the current infrastructures?

Cars, houses and cities of the future will become service platforms, like our smartphones are today. Instead of statically configuring isolated systems for pre-designed services, these infrastructures will be general and programmable in order to dynamically create new services and applications, meeting users’ needs in real time. These programmable infrastructures, based on paradigms like the virtualization of the entire technology chain, constitute a major challenge that is shaking up industries in the field.

What prospects does the internet of things open up for industry?

While the ‘all-connected’ era is still a few years away, the number of connected objects is already increasing exponentially and industrial firms are undergoing reorganization to be able to take advantage of these structural changes. During the first decade of this century the internet was shaped by big American companies, but the forthcoming turning point may allow France and Europe to catch up: the internet of things will open up multiple opportunities thanks to the merging of digital technology with vertical markets, and France and Europe are very well positioned in fields such energy, transport and healthcare.

What is Institut Mines-Télécom’s positioning in these challenges?

In this context, Institut Mines-Télécom’s academic research and partnership research is already well known. Our strength lies in part in the fact that we have expert knowledge and skills in information and communication technologies, as well as in the fact that we have always built very strong ties with the industrial sector. Our researchers are working on anticipating the challenges raised by connected things, and contributing to the construction of the internet of tomorrow. A good illustration of this is our contribution to the study titled ‘Internet: prospective 2030’ for France Stratégie. However, research continues to advance very quickly.


Photo_Daniel_KofmanBorn in Uruguay, Daniel Kofman came to France with a degree in engineering. In 1993 he earned his PHD and in the same year he was taken on as a Research Professor at Télécom ParisTech. Since then he has held various positions of responsibility and carried out high-level missions. They have included consulting for major industry players, acting as an expert for various national and international institutions (he is notably a member of the Scientific Committee of the Parliamentary Office for the evaluation of scientific and technological decisions, OPECST, in the French National Assembly), and presidency of the Management Board and scientific coordination at the Euro-NGI, the European network of excellence, which he co-founded in 2003. He is also a founder of two start-ups as well as LINCS (see insert). For Daniel Kofman, the accumulation of all these roles serves a purpose. “These missions are not independent of each other, but are mutually enriching,” he explained. However, this workload has never prevented him from continuing to give classes at Télécom ParisTech, which he has done for over 20 years. “Transmission has always been my principal aim”, he admits. “Moreover, feedback from high-quality students also provides food for thought”. Simply put, he works to define the communication networks of the future and, of course, to communicate his own knowledge.

Editor: Umaps, Yann Chavance