Tatouage des données de santé, health data

Encrypting and watermarking health data to protect it

As medicine and genetics make increasing use of data science and AI, the question of how to protect this sensitive information is becoming increasingly important to all those involved in health. A team from the LaTIM laboratory is working on these issues, with solutions such as encryption and watermarking. It has just been accredited by Inserm.

The original version of this article has been published on the website of IMT Atlantique

Securing medical data

Securing medical data, preventing it from being misused for commercial or malicious purposes, from being distorted or even destroyed has become a major challenge for both health players and public authorities. This is particularly relevant at a time when progress in medicine (and genetics) is increasingly based on the use of huge quantities of data, particularly with the rise of artificial intelligence. Several recent incidents (cyber-attacks, data leaks, etc.) have highlighted the urgent need to act against this type of risk. The issue also concerns each and every one of us: no one wants their medical information to be accessible to everyone.

Health data, which is particularly sensitive, can be sold at a higher price than bank data,” points out Gouenou Coatrieux, a teacher-researcher at LaTIM (the Medical Information Processing Laboratory, shared by IMT Atlantique, the University of Western Brittany (UBO) and Inserm), who is working on this subject in conjunction with Brest University Hospital. To enable this data to be shared while also limiting the risks, LaTIM are usnig two techniques: secure computing and watermarking.

Secure computing, which combines a set of cryptographic techniques for distributed computing along with other approaches, ensures confidentiality: the externalized data is coded in such a way that it is possible to continue to perform calculations on it. The research organisation that receives the data – be it a public laboratory or private company – can study it, but doesn’t have access to its initial version, which it cannot reconstruct. They therefore remain protected.


Gouenou Coatrieux, teacher-researcher at LaTIM
(Laboratoire de traitement de l’information médicale, common to IMT Atlantique, Université de Bretagne occidentale (UBO) and Inserm

Discreet but effective tattooing

Tattooing involves introducing a minor and imperceptible modification into medical images or data entrusted to a third party. “We simply modify a few pixels on an image, for example to change the colour a little, a subtle change that makes it possible to code a message,” explains Gouenou Coatrieux. We can thus tattoo the identifier of the last person to access the data. This method does not prevent the file from being used, but if a problem occurs, it makes it very easy to identify the person who leaked it. The tattoo thus guarantees traceability. It also creates a form of dissuasion, because users are informed of this device. This technique has long been used to combat digital video piracy. Encryption and tattooing can also be combined: this is called crypto-tattooing.

Initially, LaTIM team was interested in the protection of medical images. A joint laboratory was thus created with Medecom, a Breton company specialising in this field, which produces software dedicated to radiology.

Multiple fields of application

Subsequently, LaTIM extended its field of research to the entire field of cyber-health. This work has led to the filing of several patents. A former doctoral student and engineer from the school has also founded a company, WaToo, specialising in data tagging. A Cyber Health team at LaTIM, the first in this field, has just been accredited by Inserm. This multidisciplinary team includes researchers, research engineers, doctoral students and post-docs, and includes several fields of application: protection of medical images and genetic data, and ‘big data’ in health. In particular, it works on the databases used for AI and deep learning, and on the security of treatments that use AI. “For all these subjects, we need to be in constant contact with health and genetics specialists,” stresses Gouenou Coatrieux, head of the new entity. We also take into account standards in the field such as DICOM, the international standard for medical imaging, and legal issues such as those relating to privacy rights with the application of European RGPD regulations.

The Cyber Health team recently contributed to a project called PrivGen, selected by the Labex (laboratory of excellence) CominLabs. The ongoing work which started with PrivGen aims to identify markers of certain diseases in a secure manner, by comparing the genomes of patients with those of healthy people, and to analyse some of the patients’ genomes. But the volumes of data and the computing power required to analyse them are so large that they have to be shared and taken out of their original information systems and sent to supercomputers. “This data sharing creates an additional risk of leakage or disclosure,” warns the researcher. “PrivGen’s partners are currently working to find a technical solution to secure the treatments, in particular to prevent patient identification”.

Towards the launch of a chaire (French research consortium)

An industrial chaire called Cybaile, dedicated to cybersecurity for trusted artificial intelligence in health, will also be launched next fall. LaTIM will partner with three other organizations: Thales group, Sophia Genetics and the start-up Aiintense, a specialist in neuroscience data. With the support of Inserm, and with the backing of the Regional Council of Brittany, it will focus in particular on securing the learning of AI models in health, in order to help with decision-making – screening, diagnoses, and treatment advice. “If we have a large amount of data, and therefore representations of the disease, we can use AI to detect signs of anomalies and set up decision support systems,” says Gouenou Coatrieux. “In ophthalmology, for example, we rely on a large quantity of images of the back of the eye to identify or detect pathologies and treat them better.

CEM, champs électro-magnétiques, EMF, electromagnetic fields

How can we assess the health risks associated with exposure to electromagnetic fields?

As partners of the European SEAWave project, Télécom Paris and the C2M Chair are developing innovative measurement techniques to respond to public concern about the possible effects of cell phone usage. Funded by the EU to the tune of €8 million, the project will be launched in June 2022 for a period of 3 years. Interview with Joe Wiart, holder of the C2M Chair (Modeling, Characterization and Control of Electromagnetic Wave Exposure).

Could you remind us of the context in which the call for projects ‘Health and Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields (EMF)’ of the Horizon Europe program was launched?

Joe Wiart – The exponential use of wireless communication devices, throughout Europe, comes with a perceived risk associated with electromagnetic radiation, despite the existing protection thresholds (Recommendation 1999/519/CE and Directive 2013/35/UE). With the rollout of 5G, these concerns have multiplied. The Horizon Europe program will help to address these questions and concerns, and will study the possible impacts on specific populations, such as children and workers. It will intensify studies on millimeter-wave frequencies and investigate compliance analysis methods in these frequency ranges. The program will look at the evolution of electromagnetic exposure, as well as the contribution of exposure levels induced by 5G and new variable beam antennas. It will also investigate tools to better assess risks, communicate, and respond to concerns.

What is the challenge of SEAWave, one of the four selected projects, of which Télécom Paris is a partner?

JW – Currently, there is a lot of work, such as that of the ICNIRP (International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection), that has been done to assess the compliance of radio-frequency equipment with protection thresholds. This work is largely based on conservative methods or models. SEAWave will contribute to these approaches in exposure to millimeter waves (with in vivo and in vitro studies). These approaches, by design, take the worst-case scenarios and overestimate the exposure. Yet, for a better control of possible impacts, as in epidemiological studies, and without underestimating conservative approaches, it is necessary to assess actual exposure. The work carried out by SEAWave will focus on establishing potentially new patterns of use, estimating associated exposure levels, and comparing them to existing patterns. Using innovative technology, the activities will focus on monitoring not only the general population, but also specific risk groups, such as children and workers.

What scientific contribution have Télécom Paris researchers made to this project that includes eleven Work Packages (WP)?

JW – The C2M Chair at Télécom Paris is involved in the work of four interdependent WPs, and is responsible for WP1 on EMF exposure in the context of the rollout of 5G. Among the eleven WPs, four are dedicated to millimeter waves and biomedical studies, and four others are dedicated to monitoring the exposure levels induced by 5G. The last three are dedicated to project management, but also to tools for risk assessment and communication. The researchers at Télécom Paris will mainly be taking part in the four WPs dedicated to monitoring the exposure levels induced by 5G. They will draw on measurement campaigns in Europe, networks of connected sensors, tools from artificial neural networks and, more generally, methods from Artificial Intelligence.

What are the scientific obstacles that need to be overcome?

JW – For a long time, assessing and monitoring exposure levels has been based on deterministic methods. With the increasing complexity of networks, like 5G, but also with the versatility of uses, these methods have reached their limits. It is necessary to develop new approaches based on the study of time series, statistical methods, and Artificial Intelligence tools applied to the dosimetry of radio frequency fields. Télécom Paris has been working in this field for many years; this expertise will be essential in overcoming the scientific obstacles that SEAWave will face.

The SEAWave consortium has around 15 partners. Who are they and what are your collaborations?

JW – These partners fall into three broad categories. The first is related to engineering: in addition to Télécom Paris, there is, for example, the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Greece), the Agenzia Nazionale per le Nuove Tecnologie, l’Energia e lo Sviluppo Economico Sostenibile (Italy), Schmid & Partner Engineering AG (Switzerland), the Foundation for Research on Information Technologies in Society (IT’IS, Switzerland), the Interuniversity Microelectronics Centre (IMEC, Belgium), and the CEA (France). The second category concerns biomedical aspects, with partners such as the IU Internationale Hochschule (Germany), Lausanne University Hospital (Switzerland), and the Fraunhofer-Institut für Toxikologie und Experimentelle Medizin (Germany). The last category is dedicated to risk management. It includes the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC, France), the Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz (Germany) and the French National Frequency Agency (ANFR, France).

We will mainly collaborate with partners such as the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, the CEA, the IT’IS Foundation and the IMEC, but also with the IARC and the ANFR.

The project will end in 2025. In the long run, what are the expected results?

JW – First of all, tools to better control the risk and better assess the exposure levels induced by current and future wireless communication networks. All the measurements that will have been carried out will provide a good characterization of the exposure for specific populations (e.g. children, workers) and will lay the foundations for a European map of radio frequency exposure.

Interview by Véronique Charlet

France’s elderly care system on the brink of crisis

In his book Les Fossoyeurs (The Gravediggers), independent journalist Victor Castanet challenges the management of the private elderly care facilities of world leader Orpea, reopening the debate around the economic model – whether for-profit or not – of these structures. Ilona Delouette and Laura Nirello, Health Economics researchers at IMT Nord Europe, have investigated the consequences of public (de)regulation in the elderly care sector. Here, we decode a system that is currently on the brink of crisis.

The Orpea scandal has been at the center of public debate for several weeks. Rationing medications and food, a system of kickback bribes, cutting corners on tasks and detrimental working conditions are all practices that Orpea group is accused of by Victor Castenet in his book,”Les Fossoyeurs”. Through this abuse in private facilities is currently casting aspersions on the entire sector, professionals, families, NGOs, journalists and researchers have been denouncing such dysfunction for several years.

Ilona Delouette and Laura Nirello, Health Economics researchers at IMT Nord Europe, have been studying public regulation in the elderly care sector since 2015. During their inquiries, the two researchers have met policy makers, directors and employees of these structures. They came to the same conclusion for all the various kinds of establishments: “in this sector, the challenging burden of funding is now omnipresent, and working conditions and services provided have been continuously deteriorating,” emphasizes Laura Nirello. For the researchers, these new revelations about the Orpea group reveal a basic trend more than anything else: the progressive competition between these establishments and cost-cutting imperatives has put more and more distance between them and their original missions.

From providing care for dependents…

In 1997, to deal with the growth in the number of dependent elderly, the category of nursing homes known as ‘Ehpad’ was created. “Since the 1960s, there has been debate around providing care for the elderly with decreasing autonomy from the public budget. In 1997, the decision was made to remove loss of autonomy from the social security system; it became the responsibility of the departments,” explained Delouette. From then on, public organizations, such as those in the social and solidarity-based economy (SSE), entered into competition with private, for-profit establishments.  25 years later, out of the 7,400 nursing homes in France that house a little less than 600,000 residents, nearly 50% of them are public, around 30% are private, not-for-profit (SSE) and around 25% are private and for-profit.

The (complex) funding of these structures, regulated by regional health agencies (ARS) and departmental councils, is organized into three sections: the ‘care’ section (nursing personnel, medical material, etc.) handled by the French public health insurance body Assurance Maladie; the ‘dependence’ section (daily life assistance, carers, etc.) managed by the departments via the personal autonomy benefit (APA); and the final section, accommodation fees, which covers lodgings, activities and catering, at the charge of residents and their family.

“Public funding is identical for all structures, whether private — for-profit or not-for-profit — or public. It’s often the cost of accommodation, which is less regulated, that receives media coverage, as it can run to several thousand euros,” emphasizes Nirello. “And it is mainly on this point that we see major disparities, justified by the private for-profit sector by higher real estate costs in urban areas. But it’s mainly because half of these places are owned by companies listed on the stock market, with the profitability demands that this involves,” she continues. And while companies are facing a rise in dependence and need for care from their residents, funding is frozen.

…to the financialization of the elderly

A structure’s resources are determined by its residents’ average level of dependency, transposed to working time. This is evaluated according to the AGGIR table (“Autonomie Gérontologie Groupes Iso-Ressources” or Autonomy Gerontology Iso-Resource Groups): GIR 1 and 2 correspond to a state of total or severe dependence, GIR 6 to people who are completely independent. Nearly half of nursing home residents belong to GIR 1 and 2, and more than a third to GIR 3 and 4. “While for-profit homes are positioned for very high dependence, public and SSE establishments seek to have a more balanced mix. They are often older and have difficulties investing in new, adapted facilities to handle highly dependent residents,” indicates Nirello. Paradoxically, the rate of assistants to residents is very different according to a nursing home’s status: 67% for public homes, 53% for private not-for-profit and 49% for private for-profit.

In the context of tightening public purse strings, this goes alongside a phenomenon of extreme corner-cutting for treatment, with each operation charged for. “Elderly care nurses need time to take care of residents: autonomy is fundamentally connected to social interaction,” insists Delouette. The Hospital, Patients, Health, Territories law strengthened competition between the various structures: from 2009, new authorizations for nursing home creation and extension were established based on calls for project issued by ARSs. For the researcher, “this system once again places groups of establishments in competition for new locations, as funding is awarded to the best option in terms of price and service quality, no matter its status. We know who wins: 20% public, and 40-40 for private for-profit/not-for-profit. What we don’t know is who responds to these calls for project. With tightened budgets, is the public sector no longer responding or is this a choice by regulators in the field?”

What is the future for nursing homes?

“Funding, cutting corners, a managerial view of caring for dependents: the entire system needs to be redesigned. We don’t have solutions, we are making observations,” emphasizes Nirello.But despite promises, reform has been delayed too long.The Elderly and Autonomy law, the most recent effort in this area, was announced by the current government and buried in late 2019, despite two parliamentary reports highlighting the serious aged care crisis (the mission for nursing homes in March 2018 and the Libault report in March 2019).

In 2030, Insee estimates that there will be 108,000 more dependent elderly people; 4 million in total in 2050. How can we prepare for this demographic evolution, currently underway? Just to cover the increased costs of caring for the elderly with loss of autonomy, it would take €9 billion every year until 2030. “We can always increase funding; the question is how we fund establishments. If we continue to try to cut corners on care and tasks, this goes against the social mission of these structures. Should vulnerable people be sources of profit? Is society prepared to invest more in taking care of dependent people?” asks Delouette. “This is society’s choice.” The two researchers are currently working on the management of the pandemic in nursing homes. For them, there is still a positive side to all this: the state of elderly care has never been such a hot topic.

Anne-Sophie Boutaud

Also read on I’MTech:

AI-4-Child “Chaire” research consortium: innovative tools to fight against childhood cerebral palsy

In conjunction with the GIS BeAChild, the AI-4-Child team is using artificial intelligence to analyze images related to cerebral palsy in children. This could lead to better diagnoses, innovative therapies and progress in patient rehabilitation. But also a real breakthrough in medical imaging.

The original version of this article was published on the IMT Atlantique website, in the News section.

Cerebral palsy is the leading cause of motor disability in children, affecting nearly two out of every 1,000 newborns. And it is irreversible. The AI-4-Child chaire (French research consortium), managed by IMT Atlantique and the Brest University Hospital, is dedicated to fighting this dreaded disease, using artificial intelligence and deep learning, which could eventually revolutionize the field of medical imaging.

“Cerebral palsy is the result of a brain lesion that occurs around birth,” explains François Rousseau, head of the consortium, professor at IMT Atlantique and a researcher at the Medical Information Processing Laboratory (LaTIM, INSERM unit). “There are many possible causes – prematurity or a stroke in utero, for example. This lesion, of variable importance, is not progressive. The resulting disability can be more or less severe: some children have to use a wheelchair, while others can retain a certain degree of independence.”

Created in 2020, AI-4-Child brings together engineers and physicians. The result of a call for ‘artificial intelligence’ projects from the French National Research Agency (ANR), it operates in partnership with the company Philips and the Ildys Foundation for the Disabled, and benefits from various forms of support (Brittany Region, Brest Metropolis, etc.). In total, the research program has a budget of around €1 million for a period of five years.

Chaire AI-4-Child, François Rousseau
François Rousseau, professor at IMT Atlantique and head of the AI-4-Child chaire (research consortium)

Hundreds of children being studied in Brest

AI-4-Child works closely with BeAChild*, the first French Scientific Interest Group (GIS) dedicated to pediatric rehabilitation, headed by Sylvain Brochard, professor of physical medicine and rehabilitation (MPR). Both structures are linked to the LaTIM lab (INSERM UMR 1101), housed within the Brest CHRU teaching hospital. The BeAChild team is also highly interdisciplinary, bringing together engineers, doctors, pediatricians and physiotherapists, as well as psychologists.

Hundreds of children from all over France and even from several European countries are being followed at the CHRU and at Ty Yann (Ildys Foundation). By bringing together all the ‘stakeholders’ – patients and families, health professionals and imaging specialists – on the same site, Brest offers a highly innovative approach, which has made it a reference center for the evaluation and treatment of cerebral palsy. This has enabled the development of new therapies to improve children’s autonomy and made it possible to design specific applications dedicated to their rehabilitation.

“In this context, the mission of the chair consists of analyzing, via artificial intelligence, the imagery and signals obtained by MRI, movement analysis or electroencephalograms,” says Rousseau. These observations can be made from the fetal stage or during the first years of a child’s life. The research team is working on images of the brain (location of the lesion, possible compensation by the other hemisphere, link with the disability observed, etc.), but also on images of the neuro-musculo-skeletal system, obtained using dynamic MRI, which help to understand what is happening inside the joints.

‘Reconstructing’ faulty images with AI

But this imaging work is complex. The main pitfall is the poor quality of the images collected, due to camera shake or artifacts during the shooting. So AI-4-Child is trying to ‘reconstruct’ them, using artificial intelligence and deep learning. “We are relying in particular on good quality views from other databases to achieve satisfactory resolution,” explains the researcher. Eventually, these methods should be able to be applied to routine images.

Significant progress has already been made. A doctoral student is studying images of the ankle obtained in dynamic MRI and ‘enriched’ by other images using AI – static images, but in very high resolution. “Despite a rather poor initial quality, we can obtain decent pictures,” notes Rousseau.  Significant differences between the shapes of the ankle bone structure were observed between patients and are being interpreted with the clinicians. The aim will then be to better understand the origin of these deformations and to propose adjustments to the treatments under consideration (surgery, toxin, etc.).

The second area of work for AI-4-Child is rehabilitation. Here again, imaging plays an important role: during rehabilitation courses, patients’ gait is filmed using infrared cameras and a system of sensors and force plates in the movement laboratory at the Brest University Hospital. The ‘walking signals’ collected in this way are then analyzed using AI. For the moment, the team is in the data acquisition phase.

Several areas of progress

The problem, however, is that a patient often does not walk in the same way during the course and when they leave the hospital. “This creates a very strong bias in the analysis,” notes Rousseau. “We must therefore check the relevance of the data collected in the hospital environment… and focus on improving the quality of life of patients, rather than the shape of their bones.”

Another difficulty is that the data sets available to the researchers are limited to a few dozen images – whereas some AI applications require several million, not to mention the fact that this data is not homogeneous, and that there are also losses. “We have therefore become accustomed to working with little data,” says Rousseau. “We have to make sure that the quality of the data is as good as possible.” Nevertheless, significant progress has already been made in rehabilitation. Some children are able to ride a bike, tie their shoes, or eat independently.

In the future, the AI-4-Child team plans to make progress in three directions: improving images of the brain, observing bones and joints, and analyzing movement itself. The team also hopes to have access to more data, thanks to a European data collection project. Rousseau is optimistic: “Thanks to data processing, we may be able to better characterize the pathology, improve diagnosis and even identify predictive factors for the disease.”

* BeAChild brings together the Brest University Hospital Centre, IMT Atlantique, the Ildys Foundation and the University of Western Brittany (UBO). Created in 2020 and formalized in 2022 (see the French press release), the GIS is the culmination of a collaboration that began some fifteen years ago on the theme of childhood disability.

New technologies to prevent post-operative hernias

Baptiste PILLET, Mines Saint-Etienne – Institut Mines-Télécom

The abdomen experiences intra-abdominal pressure, which varies according to the volume of organs, respiration, muscle activation and any physiological activity. As a consequence, the abdomen must resist forces exerted by this pressure, which can at times be high when coughing or vomiting, or during pregnancy. Certain illnesses such as obesity, paired with high intra-abdominal pressure, can lead to a hernia forming.

A hernia is when an organ, such as the small intestine, pushes through a natural opening, leaving its original cavity. It is a pathological protrusion, most often caused by weakness in the tissue that fails to resist the pressure from the organ. Factors such as obesity or repeatedly carrying heavy loads can increase this internal pressure, thereby making it more likely for the balance between tissue and organs to be disrupted.

It is a common condition, accounting for over 100,000 operations in France in 2020. If a hernia worsens, it can lead to bowel obstruction, which is why surgery is often preferred as a prophylaxis (preventively). Surgery involves reducing the protrusion and returning the intestine to its cavity.

Inguinal hernias are when the hernia is located just above the groin crease, whereas femoral hernias are located below the groin crease. Umbilical hernias occur near the navel, and lastly, epigastric hernias are located between the abdominal muscles, above the navel. In general, femoral hernias are more common in women and more complicated than inguinal hernias, which are more common in men. Umbilical hernias often occur after the umbilical orifice does not close correctly, and are therefore more common in infants.

Reducing hernias after abdominal surgery

After abdominal surgery, the resistance and mechanical behavior of the abdominal wall may be disrupted, which can lead to an incisional hernia (also known as an ‘eventration’). During a laparotomy (vertical incision of the abdomen), the linea alba (connective tissue between the rectus abdominis) presents areas of weakness after scarring over, which may later reopen. Such incisions of the abdomen may be necessary in around a hundred operations (organ transplant, cesarean section, etc.) and yet they lead to up to 11% of incisional hernias.

Although at present there is no means to detect and prevent abdominal hernias (natural or incisional), efforts have been made to reduce the rate of complications. From now on, in the majority of abdominal reconstructions (during a laparotomy or hernia repair), mesh is inserted between the various layers of muscle to strengthen the abdominal wall and therefore reduce the risk of recurrent hernia or eventration.

When such mesh is not used, the rate of recurrence is around 50%. Approximately 400,000 abdomen repairs using mesh take place each year in Europe, representing a cost of around €3.2 billion. This makes it one of the most common general surgeries, and yet, the rate of recurrence is still far too high (between 14 and 44%). Even 1% fewer recurrences would save €32 million a year.

The reinforcement mesh used has the purpose of strengthening areas of weakness during scarring and filling orifices to rebuild the abdominal wall. The surrounding biological tissue will then colonize the implant to return to a state close to the original. At present, the mesh is manufactured with resorbable or non-resorbable synthetic fibers, sometimes with derivatives from organic tissue (dermis or submucosa from human, porcine or bovine small intestine). It is characterized by the size of the pores, fiber diameter and thickness, etc. as well as mechanical characteristics, such as its resistance to stretching, bending, rupture, etc.

Better understanding recurrence

Mechanical tests and postoperative monitoring with imaging are taking place to understand the rate of recurrence, which remains too high. Often the mesh does not present the same mechanical behavior and therefore does not reproduce and adapt to that of the abdominal wall in the best way (mesh too rigid, for example). While the mechanical behavior of the mesh and abdominal wall has been relatively well studied in the literature, there remains a lack of understanding around the mesh’s integration in the abdomen environment. The initially implanted mesh will evolve in its behavior and effect on the abdominal wall over time as it integrates into the surrounding tissue. Moreover, it has been observed that the mesh has a tendency to contract or even deteriorate over time.

Digital models representing the abdomen and its repair are starting to be developed. Similarly, while more and more innovative research is appearing, there remains a lack of understanding around the high rate of recurrence, due to a shortage of data on these digital models. Specifically, there is no simulation that makes it possible to study and faithfully predict how the abdominal wall reopens, even when the mesh has been implanted.

With the aim of filling this knowledge gap, an animal study is underway to observe the role of mesh in reconstructing the abdominal wall following an incisional hernia.

The mechanical characteristics will be studied at multiple postoperative intervals through mechanical tests, and the integration of the mesh will be closely monitored thanks to medical imaging. At the same time, a digital model will be developed to represent the abdomen and its components (various layers of muscle, connective tissues, etc.) as accurately as possible.

The mechanical data will be then implemented into the model to analyze the mesh’s integration into its environment, as well as its effects over time. According to the placement of the textile, how it is attached and the physiological activity, it will be able to predict whether or not a reopening will occur, where it will arise and whether it will spread. This digital model could allow for better understanding of the abdominal wall mesh repair process and thereby improve implants, surgical techniques and consequently, treatment outcomes.

Baptiste Pillet, Lecturer-Researcher and Biomechanics PhD student, Mines Saint-Etienne – Institut Mines-Télécom

This article was republished from The Conversation under the Creative Commons license. Read the original article here (in French).

Technologie positive, stress

Can technology combat chronic stress?

Stressors in individuals can occur on a regular basis, especially in uncertain contexts such as the current health situation. To prevent a state of stress from becoming chronic and causing mental health problems, approaches involving positive technologies could help people to improve their resilience. Anuragini Shirish, a researcher at Institut Mines-Télécom Business School, describes her work on this subject.

Why is it important to reduce stress in people in general?

Anuragini Shirish: According to the latest estimates in 2017, 792 million people worldwide are diagnosed with mental health problems, 284 million and 264 million of whom reportedly suffer from anxiety and depression respectively. The physiological state of chronic stress is a major risk factor for the development of these diseases. Avoiding – or at least limiting – this state of chronic stress in individuals could therefore significantly reduce the risk of developing these diseases and improve their living conditions in general.

How do people develop a state of chronic stress?

AS: We have made great strides in our understanding of the mechanisms that induce stress. Stress was formerly thought to be caused by repeated exposure to stressors, but now – especially in light of evolutionary neurobiology theories – stress is generally considered to be a default response to dangerous situations, which is inhibited by the prefrontal cortex when people perceive a sense of security. The recent “Generalized Uncertainty Theory of Stress” states that stress originates from a feeling of permanent insecurity in individuals.

How has the COVID-19 pandemic influenced individual and collective situations of chronic stress?

AS: The COVID-19 pandemic has triggered a general feeling of insecurity in many aspects, including one’s own health and that of one’s loved ones, financial stability and job security. Many people have been affected by situations of chronic stress, which has led to a significant increase in mental illnesses. Uncertainty and stress drive people to seek out responses. However, the information they find is sometimes inadequate and may even be dangerous at individual and collective levels. It is therefore important to consider how to guide these responses, especially in the context of the pandemic.

Are you suggesting the use of technology to reduce stress in a holistic way?

AS: “Positive” technology sets out to improve individual and collective living conditions. In this case, such technology can be designed to improve people’s mental states. There are several types of positive technology, many of which now consist of mobile applications, which means that they can be made available to a large portion of the population.

In concrete terms, what technological tools could help to reduce stress?

AS: This is precisely the purpose of the analysis we are seeking to provide. We have defined three types of stress-response behaviors. Certain behaviors may be favored, depending on the individuals concerned and the context.

“Hedonic” behavior seeks to reduce stress through an immediate distraction. The aim is to enjoy a brief moment of pleasure. Positive hedonic technologies provide a very rapid response to stress. Examples include video games and television series. However, their stress-reducing effects are generally short-lived. Such solutions are of fleeting benefit and generally teach people very little about how to limit their future stress.

“Social” behavior reduces stress through social interaction. Its effects last longer than hedonic behavior because people can share their emotions, help and advise each other with regard to common goals. However, the benefits remain temporary. During lockdowns, meetings of friends or family by videoconference were examples of how social positive technology facilitated responses to individual and group stress.

“Eudaimonic” behavior is related to the search for meaning and purpose. It is based on the principle of personal growth and development and helps to develop a better response to stress over time. This type of behavior is also the most difficult to master, as it requires a more substantial investment in terms of time and energy, and we would like to see positive technology increasingly used in this area. Facilitating access to eudaimonic behaviors could promote better ways to combat stress and mental health problems on the societal level.

How does a positive eudaimonic technology work?

AS: Positive eudaimonic technologies may be based on different approaches. For example, many current applications provide support for meditation, whose mental health benefits are now widely accepted. Applications related to a learning process involving personal achievement can be considered as eudaimonic technologies. We can also develop technologies for initially hedonic or social purposes, in order to facilitate access to them, which may then be used for eudaimonic purposes in a subsequent phase. The recent Heartintune application is an example of this type of approach.

What are the prospects for the development of positive technologies at the societal level?

AS: Various types of positive technologies already exist, and our next challenge is to promote their development and widespread use in order to boost resilience. We believe that the best way to do this is to use technology to promote more eudaimonic behaviors.

This could be a particularly important issue to raise at the World Health Summit in Berlin at the end of October 2021, which will focus on issues including the potential contributions of innovations and technology to the resolution of health problems.

Antonin Counillon

soins, care

Hospitals put to the test by shocks

Benoît Demil, I-site Université Lille Nord Europe (ULNE) and Geoffrey Leuridan, IMT Atlantique – Institut Mines-Télécom

The Covid-19 crisis has put lasting strain on the health care system, in France and around the world. Hospital staff have had to deal with increasing numbers of patients, often in challenging conditions in terms of equipment and space: a shortage of masks and protective equipment initially, then a lack of respirators and anesthetics, and more recently, overloaded intensive care units.

Adding to these difficulties, logistical problems have exacerbated shortage problems. Under these extreme conditions, and despite all the difficulties, the hospital system has withstood and absorbed the shock of the crisis. “The hospital system did not crack under pressure,” as stated by Étienne Minvielle and Hervé Dumez, co-authors of a report on the French hospital management system during the Covid-19 crisis.

While it is unclear how long such a feat can be maintained, and at what price, we may also ask questions about the resilience and reliability of the health care system. In other words, how can care capacity be maintained at a constant quality when the organization is under extreme pressure?

We sought to understand this in a study conducted over 14 months during a non-Covid period, with the staff of a critical care unit of a university hospital center.

High reliability organizations

The concepts of resilience and reliability, which have become buzzwords in the current crisis, have been studied extensively for over 30 years in organizational science research  – more particularly those focusing on High Reliability Organizations (HRO).

This research has offered insights into the mechanisms and factors that enable complex sociotechnical systems to maintain safety and a constant quality of service, although the risk of failure remains possible, with serious consequences.

The typical example of an HRO is an aircraft carrier. We know that deference to expertise and skills within a working group, permanent learning routines and training explain how it can ensure its primary mission over time. But much less is known about how the parties involved manage the resources required for their work, and how this management affects resilience and reliability.

Two kinds of situations

In a critical care unit, activity is continuous but irregular, both quantitatively and qualitatively. Some days are uneventful, with a low number of patients, common disorders and diseases, and care that does not present any particular difficulties. The risks of the patients’ health deteriorating are of course still present, but remain under control. This is the most frequently-observed context: 80 of the 92 intervention situations recorded and analyzed in our research relate to such a context.

At times, however, activity is significantly disrupted by a sudden influx of patients (for example, following a serious automobile accident), or by a rapid and sudden change in a patient’s condition. The tension becomes palpable within the unit, movements are quicker and more precise, conversations between health care workers are brief and focused on what is happening.

In both cases, observations show differentiated management of resources, whether human, technical or relating to space. To understand these differences, we must draw on a concept that has long existed in organizational theory: organizational slack, which was brought to light in 1963 by Richard Cyert and James March.

Slack for shocks

This important concept in the study of organizations refers to excess resources in relation to optimal operations. Organizations or their members accumulate this slack to handle multiple demands, which may be competing at times.

The life of organizations offers a multitude of opportunities for producing and using slack. Examples include the financial reserves a company keeps on hand “just in case”, the safety stock a production manager builds up, the redundancy of certain functions or suppliers, the few extra days allowed for a project, oversized budgets negotiated by a manager to meet his year-end targets etc. All of these practices, which are quite common in organizations, contribute to resilience in two ways.

First, they make it possible to avoid unpredictable shocks, such as the default of a subcontractor, an employee being out on sick leave,  an unforeseen event that affects a project or a machine breaking down. Moreover, in risk situations, they prevent the disruption of the sociotechnical system by maintaining it in a non-degraded environment.

Second, these practices absorb the adverse effects of shocks when they arise unexpectedly – whether due to a strike or the sudden arrival of patients in an emergency unit.

How do hospitals create slack?

Let us first note that in a critical care unit, the staff produces and uses slack all the time. It comes from negotiations that the head of the department has with the hospital administration to obtain and defend the spaces and staff required for the unit to operate as effectively as possible. These negotiations are far from the everyday care activity, but are crucial for the organization to run effectively.

At the operational level, health care workers also free up resources quickly, in particular in terms of available beds, to accommodate new patients who arrive unexpectedly.  The system for managing the order of priority for patients and their transfer is a method commonly used to ensure that there is always an excess of available resources.

In most cases, these practices of negotiation and rapid rotation of resources make it possible for the unit to handle situations that arise during its activity. At times, however, due to the very nature of the activity, such practices may not suffice. How do health care workers manage in such situations?

Constant juggling

Our observations show that other practices offset the temporary lack of resources.

Examples include calling in the unit’s day staff as well as night staff, or others from outside the unit to “lend a hand”, reconfiguring the space to create an additional bed with the necessary technical equipment or negotiating a rapid transfer of patients to other departments.  

This constant juggling allows health care workers to handle emergency situations that may otherwise overwhelm them and put patients lives in danger. For them, the goal is to make the best use of the resources available, but also to produce them locally and temporarily when required by emergency situations.

Are all costs allowed?

The existence of slack poses a fundamental problem for organizations – in particular those whose activity requires them to be resilient to ensure a high degree of reliability. Keeping unutilized resources on hand “just in case” goes against a managerial approach that seeks to optimize the use of resources, whether human, financial or equipment  – as called for by New Public Management since the 1980s, in an effort to lower the costs of public services.

This approach has had a clear impact on the health care system, and in particular on the French hospital system over the past two decades, as the recent example of problems with strategic stocks of masks at the beginning of the Covid pandemic unfortunately illustrated .

Beyond the hospital, military experts have recently made the same observation, noting that “economic concerns in terms of defense, meaning efficiency, are a very recent idea,” which “conflicts with the military notions of ‘reserve,’ ‘redundancy’ and ‘escalation of force,’ which are essential to operational effectiveness and to what is now referred to as resilience.”

Of course, this quest for optimization does not only apply to public organizations. But it often goes hand in hand with greater vulnerability of the sociotechnical systems involved. In any case, this was observed during the health crisis, in light of the optimization implemented at the global level to reduce costs in companies’ supply chains. 

To understand this, one only needs to look at the recent stranding of the Ever Given. Blocked for a week in the Suez Canal, this giant container paralyzed 10% of global trade for a week. What lessons can be learned  from this?

A phenomenon made invisible in emergencies

First of all, it is important for organizations aiming for high reliability to keep in mind that maintaining slack has a cost, and that that they must therefore identify the systems or sub-systems for which resilience must absolutely be ensured.  The difference between slack that means wasting resources and slack that allows for resilience is a very fine line.

Bearing this cost calls for education efforts, since it must not only be fully agreed to by all of the stakeholders, but also justified and defended.

Lastly, the study we conducted in a critical care unit showed that while slack is produced in part during action, it disappears once a situation has stabilized. 

This phenomenon is therefore largely invisible to managers of hospital facilities. While these micro-practices may not be measured by traditional performance indicators, they nevertheless contribute significantly: this might not be a new lesson, but it is worth repeating to ensure that it is not forgotten.

Benoît Demil, professor of strategic management, I-site Université Lille Nord Europe (ULNE) and Geoffrey Leuridan, research professor, IMT Atlantique – Institut Mines-Télécom

This article has been republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the  original article (in French).

données de santé, health data

Speaking the language of health data to improve its use

The world of healthcare has extensive databases that are just waiting to be used. This is one of the issues Benjamin Dalmas, a data science researcher at Mines Saint-Étienne, is exploring in his work. His main objective is to understand the origin of this data to use it more effectively. As such, he is working with players from the public and private sectors for analysis and predictive purposes in order to improve management of health care institutions and our understanding of care pathways.

Research has made great strides in processing methods using machine learning. But what do we really know about the information that such methods use? Benjamin Dalmas is a health data science researcher at Mines Saint-Étienne. The central focus of his work is understanding health data, from its creation to its storage. What does this data include? Information such as the time of a patient’s arrival and discharge, exams carried out, practitioners consulted etc. This data is typically used for administrative and financial purposes.

Benjamin Dalmas’s research involves identifying and finding a straightforward way to present relevant information to respond to the concrete needs of public and private healthcare stakeholders. How can the number of beds in a hospital ward be optimized? Is it possible to predict the flow of arrivals in an emergency room? The responses to these problems rely on the same information: the medical administrative data produced every day by hospitals to monitor their patient pathways.

However, depending on the way in which it is considered, the same data can provide different information. It is the key witness to several investigations. So it must be approached in the right way to get answers.

Understanding data in order to prevent bias

Since it is primarily generated by humans, health data may be incorrect or biased. By focusing on its creation, researchers seek to identify the earliest potential bias. Benjamin Dalmas is working with Saint-Étienne University Hospital Center to study the codes assigned by the hospital upon a patient’s discharge. These codes summarize the reason for which the individual came to the hospital and received care. Doctors who specialize in this coding generate up to 16,000 different codes, a tedious task, for which the hospital wishes to seek assistance from a decision support tool to limit errors. “That means we must understand how humans code. By analyzing large quantities of data, we identify recurring errors and where they come from, and we can solve them,” explains Benjamin Dalmas. Greater accuracy means direct economic benefits for the institution.

However, this mass-produced data is increasingly used for other purposes than reimbursing hospitals. For the researcher, it is important to keep in mind that the data was not created for these new analyses. For example, he has noticed that such a straightforward notion as time may hide a number of different realities. When a consultation time is specified, it may mean one of three things: the actual time of consultation, the time at which the information was integrated in the file, or a time assigned by default. Since the primary objective of this information is administrative, the consultation time does not have a lot of importance. “If we don’t take the time to study this information, we run the risk of making biased recommendations that are not valid. Good tools cannot be created without understanding the data that fuels them,” says the researcher. Without this information, for example, a study focusing on whether or not social inequalities exist and taking into account how long a patient must wait before receiving care, could draw incorrect conclusions.

From reactive to proactive

So researchers must understand the data, but for what purpose? To predict, in order to anticipate, rather than just react. The development of predictive tools is the focus of a collaboration between Mines Saint-Étienne researchers and the company Move in Med. The goal is to anticipate the coordination of care pathways for breast cancer patients. In the case of chronic diseases such as cancer, the patient pathway is not limited to the hospital but also depends on a patient’s family, associations etc. To this end, the researchers are cross-referencing medical data with other social information (age, marital status, socio-economic background, place of residence etc.). Their aim is to identify unexpected factors, in the same way in which the weather, air quality and the even the occurrence of cultural events impact periods of peak arrival in emergency rooms. Predicting the complexity of a care pathway allows the company to allocate the appropriate resources and therefore ensure better care.

At the same time, the Auvergne Rhône-Alpes Regional Health Agency has been working with the researchers since May 2020 to predict hospital capacity strain levels for Covid arrivals. By reporting visual data based on systems of colors and arrows, the researchers provide information about changing dynamics and levels of hospital capacity strain in the region (Covid patient arrivals, positive PCR tests in the region, number of available beds etc.) In this work, researchers are tackling monitoring trends. How are these parameters evolving over time? At what threshold values do they alert the authorities that the situation is getting worse? To answer these questions, the research team provides maps and projections that the health agency can use to anticipate saturation and therefore prevent institutions from becoming overwhelmed, arrange for patients to be transferred etc.

Finding the right balance between volume and representativeness

The study of data raises questions about volume and representativeness, which depend on the user’s request. Proving without equipping oneself requires more data in order to fuel machine learning algorithms. “However, recovering public health data is quite an ordeal. We have to follow protocols that are highly regulated by the CNIL (the French Data Protection Authority) and ethics committees to justify the volume of data requested,” explains Benjamin Dalmas. On the other hand, a request for operational tools must be able to adapt to the on-the-ground realities faced by practitioners. That means working with limited amounts of information. It is a matter of finding the right balance.  

The Mines Saint-Étienne researchers are working with the Saint-Étienne-based company MJ INNOV on these aspects. The company offers an interactive facilitation tool to improve quality of life for individuals with cognitive impairments. Based on videos and sounds recorded during the stages of play, this research seeks to identify the impact of the practice on various subjects (nursing home residents, persons with Alzheimer’s disease etc.). In addition to using the information contained in residents’ files, this involves collecting a limited quantity of new information. “In an ideal world, we would have 360° images and perfect sound coverage. But in practice, to avoid disturbing the game, we have to plan on placing microphones under the table the patients are playing on, or fitting the camera directly within the inside of the table. Working with these constraints makes our analysis even more interesting,” says Benjamin Dalmas.

Measuring the impact of healthcare decision support tools

In the best-case scenario, researchers successfully create a decision support tool that is accessible online. But is the tool always adopted by the interested parties? “There are very few studies on the ergonomics of tools delivered to users and therefore on their impact and actual use,” says Benjamin Dalmas. Yet, this is a crucial question in his opinion, if we seek to improve data science research in such a concrete area of application as healthcare.  

To this end, an appropriate solution often means simplicity. First of all, by being easy-to-read: color schemes, shapes, arrows etc. Visualization and interpretation of data must be intuitive. Second, by promoting explainability of results. One of the drawbacks of machine learning is that the information provided seems to come from a black box. “Research efforts must now focus on the presentation of results, by enhancing communication between researchers and users,” concludes Benjamin Dalmas.

By Anaïs Culot

Read more on I’MTech: When AI helps predict a patient’s care pathway


A European consortium for early detection of stroke and atrial fibrillation

The European project MAESTRIA, launched in March 2021 and set to run 5 years, will take on the major challenges of data integration and personalized medicine with the aim of preventing heart rhythm problems and stroke. How? By using artificial intelligence approaches to create multi-parametric digital tools. Led by Sorbonne University and funded by the European Union to the tune of €14 million, the project brings together European, English, Canadian and American partners. An interview with Anne-Sophie Taillandier, Director of Teralab, IMT’s Big Data and AI platform, which is a member of the consortium.   

In what health context was the MAESTRIA developed?

Anne-Sophie Taillandier – Atrial fibrillation (AF), heart rhythm disorder and stroke are major health problems in Europe. Most often, they are the clinical expression of atrial cardiomyopathy, which is under-recognized due to a lack of specific diagnostic tools.

What is the aim of MAESTRIA?

AST  MAESTRIA (for Machine Learning Artificial Intelligence for Early Detection of Stroke and Atrial Fibrillation) aims to prevent the risks associated with atrial fibrillation in order to ensure healthy ageing in the European population. Multidisciplinary research and stratified approaches (involving adapting  a patient’s treatment depending on his/her biological characteristics) are needed to diagnose and treat AF and stroke.

What technologies will be deployed?

AST  “Digital twin” technologies, a powerful data integrator combining biophysics and AI, will be used to generate virtual twins of human heart atria using patient-specific data.

MAESTRIA will create digital multi-parametric digital tools based on a new generation of biomarkers that integrate artificial intelligence (AI) and big data from cutting-edge imaging, electrocardiography and omics technologies (including physiological responses modulated by individual susceptibility and lifestyle factors). Diagnostic tools and personalized therapies for atrial cardiomyopathy will be developed.

Unique experimental large-animal models, ongoing patient cohorts and a prospective cohort of MAESTRIA patients will provide rigorous validation of the new biomarkers and tools developed. A dedicated central laboratory will collect and harmonize clinical data. MAESTRIA will be organized as a user-centered platform that is easily accessible via clinical parameters commonly used in European hospitals.

What is the role of Teralab, IMT’s Big Data and AI platform?

AST – The TeraLab team, led by Natalie Cernecka and Luis Pineda, is playing a central role in this project, in three ways. First of all, TeraLab will be involved in making heterogeneous, sensitive health data available for the consortium, while ensuring legal compatibility and security.

Second, TeraLab will build and manage the data hub for the project data, and make this data available to the team of researchers so that they can aggregate and analyze it, and then build a results demonstrator for doctors and patients.

And last but not least, TeraLab will oversee the data management plan or DMP, an essential part of the management of any European project. It is a living document that sets out a plan for managing the data used and generated within the framework of the project. Initiated at the start of the project, this plan is updated periodically to make sure that it still appropriate in light of how the project is progressing. It is even more necessary when it’s a matter of health data management.

Who are the partners for MAESTRIA ?

AST – MAESTRIA is a European consortium of 18 clinicians, scientists and pharmaceutical industry representatives, at the cutting edge of research and medical care for AF and stroke patients. A scientific advisory board including potential clinician users will help MAESTRIA respond to clinical and market needs.

It’s an international project, focused on the EU countries, but certain partners come from England, Canada and the United States. Oxford University, for example, has developed interesting solutions for the processing and aggregation of cardiological data. It is a member of the consortium and we will, of course, be working with its researchers.

We have important French partners such as AP-HP (Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Paris, Paris Hospital Authority) involved in data routing and management. The project is coordinated by Sorbonne University.

What are the next big steps for the project?

AST – The MAESTRIA has just been launched, the first big step is making the data available and establishing the legal framework.

Because the data used in this project is heterogeneous – hence the importance of aggregating it – we must understand the specific characteristics of each kind of data (human data, animal data, images, medical files etc.) and adapt our workspaces to users. Since this data is sensitive, security and confidentially challenges are paramount.

Learn more about MAESTRIA

Interview by Véronique Charlet

contact tracing applications

COVID-19: contact tracing applications and new conversational perimeter

The original version of this article (in French) was published in the quarterly newsletter of the Values and Policies of Personal Information Chair (no. 18, September 2020).

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[dropcap]O[/dropcap]n March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization officially declared that our planet was in the midst of a pandemic caused by the spread of Covid-19. First reported in China, then Iran and Italy, the virus spread critically and quickly as it was given an opportunity. In two weeks, the number of cases outside China increased 13-fold and the number of affected countries tripled [1].

Every nation, every State, every administration, every institution, every scientist and every politician, every initiative and every willing public and private actors were called on to think and work together to fight this new scourge.

From the manufacture of masks and respirators to the pooling of resources and energy to find a vaccine, all segments of society joined altogether as our daily lives were transformed, now governed by a large-scale deadly virus. The very structure of the way we operate in society was adapted in the context of an unprecedented lockdown period.

In this collective battle, digital tools were also mobilized.

As early as March 2020, South Korea, Singapore and China announced the creation of contact tracing mobile applications to support their health policies [2].

Also in March, in Europe, Switzerland reported that it was working on the creation of the “SwissCovid” application, in partnership with EPFL University in Lausanne and ETH University in Zurich. This contact tracing application pilot project was eventually implemented on June 25. SwissCovid is designed to notify users who have been in extended contact with someone who tested positive for the virus, in order to control the spread of the virus. To quote the proponents of the application, it is “based on voluntary registration and subject to approval from Swiss Parliament.” Another noteworthy feature is that it is “based on a decentralized approach and relies on application programming interfaces (APIs) from Google and Apple.”

France, after initially dismissing this type of technological component through the Minister of the Interior, who stated that it was “foreign to French culture,” eventually changed is position and created a working group to develop a similar app called “StopCovid”.

In total, no less than 33 contact tracing apps were introduced around the world [3]. With a questionable success.

However, many voices in France, Europe and around the world, have spoken out against the implementation of this type of system, which could seriously infringe on basic rights and freedoms, especially regarding individual privacy and freedom of movement. Others have voiced concern about the possible control of this personal data by the GAFAM or States that are not committed to democratic values.

The security systems for these applications have also been widely debated and disputed, especially the risks of facing a digital virus, in addition to a biological one, due to the rushed creation of these tools.

The President of the CNIL (National Commission for Information Technology and Civil Liberties) Marie-Laure Denis, echoed the key areas for vigilance aimed at limiting potential intrusive nature of these tools.

  • First, through an opinion issued on April 24, 2020 on the principle of implementing such an application, the CNIL stated that, given the exceptional circumstances involved in managing the health crisis, it considered the implementation of StopCovid feasible. However, the Commission expressed two reservations: the application should serve the strategy of the end-of-lockdown plan and be designed in a way that protects users’ privacy [4].
  • Then, in its opinion of May 25, 2020, urgently issued for a draft decree related to the StopCovid mobile app [5], the CNIL stated that the application “can be legally deployed as soon as it is found to be a tool that supports manual health investigations and enables faster alerts in the event of contact cases with those infected with the virus, including unknown contacts.” Nevertheless, it considered that “the real usefulness of the device will need to be more specifically studied after its launch. The duration of its implementation must be dependent on the results of this regular assessment.”

From another point of view, there were those who emphasized the importance of digital solutions in limiting the spread of the virus.

No application can heal or stop Covid. Only medicine and a possible vaccine can do this. However, digital technology can certainly contribute to health policy in many ways, and it seems perfectly reasonable that the implementation of contact tracing applications came to the forefront.

What we wish to highlight here is not so much the arguments for or against the design choices in the various applications (centralized or decentralized, sovereign or otherwise) or even against their very existence (with, in each case, questionable and justified points), but the conversational scope that has played a part in all the debates surrounding their implementation.

While our technological progress is impressive in terms of scientific and engineering accomplishments, our capacity to collectively understand interactions between digital progress and our world has always raised questions within the Values and Policies of Personal Information research Chair.

It is, in fact, the very purpose of its existence and the reason why we share these issues with you.

In the midst of urgent action taken on all levels to contain, manage and–we hope–reverse the course of the pandemic, the issue of contact tracing apps has caused us to realize that the debates surrounding digital technology have perhaps finally moved on to a tangible stage involving collective reflection that is more intelligent, democratic and respectful of others.

In Europe, and also in other countries in the world, certain issues have now become part of our shared basis for conversation. These include personal data protection, individual privacy, technology that should be used, the type of data collected and its anonymization, application security, transparency, the availability of their source codes, their operating costs, whether or not to centralize data, their relationship with private or State monopolies, the need in duly justified cases for the digital tracking of populations, independence from the GAFAM [6] and United States [7] (or other third State).

In this respect, given the altogether recent nature of this situation, and our relationship with technological progress, which is no longer deified nor vilified, nor even a fantasy from an imaginary world that is obscure for many, we have progressed. Digital technology truly belongs to us. We have collectively made it ours, moving beyond both blissful techno-solutionism and irrational technophobia.

If you are not yet familiar with this specific subject, please reread the Chair’s posts on Twitter dating back to the start of the pandemic, in which we took time to identify all the elements in this conversational scope pertaining to contact tracing

The goal is not to reflect on these elements as a whole, or the tone of some of the colorful and theatrical remarks, but rather something we see as new: the quality and wealth of these remarks and their integration in a truly collective, rational and constructive debate.

It was about time!

On August 26, 2020, French Prime Minister Jean Castex made the following statement: “StopCovid did not achieve the desired results, perhaps due to a lack of communication. At the same time, we knew in advance that conducting the first full-scale trial run of this type of tool in the context of this epidemic would be particularly difficult.” [8] Given the human and financial investment, it is clear that the cost-effectiveness ratio does not help the case for StopCovid (and similar applications in other countries) [9].

Further revelations followed when the CNIL released its quarterly opinion on September 14, 2020. While, for the most part, the measures implemented (SI-DEP and Contact Covid data files, the StopCovid application) protected personal data, the Commission identified certain poor practices. It contacted the relevant agencies to ensure they would become compliant in these areas as soon as possible.

In any case, the conclusive outcome that can be factually demonstrated, is that remarkable progress has been made in our collective level of discussion, our scope for conversation in the area of digital technology. We are asking (ourselves) the right questions. Together, we are setting the terms for our objectives: what we can allow, and what we must certainly not allow.

This applies to ethical, legal and technical aspects.

It’s therefore political.

Claire Levallois-Barth and Ivan Meseguer
Co-founders of the Values and Policies of Personal Information research chair