New technologies to prevent post-operative hernias

Baptiste PILLET, Mines Saint-Etienne – Institut Mines-Télécom

The abdomen experiences intra-abdominal pressure, which varies according to the volume of organs, respiration, muscle activation and any physiological activity. As a consequence, the abdomen must resist forces exerted by this pressure, which can at times be high when coughing or vomiting, or during pregnancy. Certain illnesses such as obesity, paired with high intra-abdominal pressure, can lead to a hernia forming.

A hernia is when an organ, such as the small intestine, pushes through a natural opening, leaving its original cavity. It is a pathological protrusion, most often caused by weakness in the tissue that fails to resist the pressure from the organ. Factors such as obesity or repeatedly carrying heavy loads can increase this internal pressure, thereby making it more likely for the balance between tissue and organs to be disrupted.

It is a common condition, accounting for over 100,000 operations in France in 2020. If a hernia worsens, it can lead to bowel obstruction, which is why surgery is often preferred as a prophylaxis (preventively). Surgery involves reducing the protrusion and returning the intestine to its cavity.

Inguinal hernias are when the hernia is located just above the groin crease, whereas femoral hernias are located below the groin crease. Umbilical hernias occur near the navel, and lastly, epigastric hernias are located between the abdominal muscles, above the navel. In general, femoral hernias are more common in women and more complicated than inguinal hernias, which are more common in men. Umbilical hernias often occur after the umbilical orifice does not close correctly, and are therefore more common in infants.

Reducing hernias after abdominal surgery

After abdominal surgery, the resistance and mechanical behavior of the abdominal wall may be disrupted, which can lead to an incisional hernia (also known as an ‘eventration’). During a laparotomy (vertical incision of the abdomen), the linea alba (connective tissue between the rectus abdominis) presents areas of weakness after scarring over, which may later reopen. Such incisions of the abdomen may be necessary in around a hundred operations (organ transplant, cesarean section, etc.) and yet they lead to up to 11% of incisional hernias.

Although at present there is no means to detect and prevent abdominal hernias (natural or incisional), efforts have been made to reduce the rate of complications. From now on, in the majority of abdominal reconstructions (during a laparotomy or hernia repair), mesh is inserted between the various layers of muscle to strengthen the abdominal wall and therefore reduce the risk of recurrent hernia or eventration.

When such mesh is not used, the rate of recurrence is around 50%. Approximately 400,000 abdomen repairs using mesh take place each year in Europe, representing a cost of around €3.2 billion. This makes it one of the most common general surgeries, and yet, the rate of recurrence is still far too high (between 14 and 44%). Even 1% fewer recurrences would save €32 million a year.

The reinforcement mesh used has the purpose of strengthening areas of weakness during scarring and filling orifices to rebuild the abdominal wall. The surrounding biological tissue will then colonize the implant to return to a state close to the original. At present, the mesh is manufactured with resorbable or non-resorbable synthetic fibers, sometimes with derivatives from organic tissue (dermis or submucosa from human, porcine or bovine small intestine). It is characterized by the size of the pores, fiber diameter and thickness, etc. as well as mechanical characteristics, such as its resistance to stretching, bending, rupture, etc.

Better understanding recurrence

Mechanical tests and postoperative monitoring with imaging are taking place to understand the rate of recurrence, which remains too high. Often the mesh does not present the same mechanical behavior and therefore does not reproduce and adapt to that of the abdominal wall in the best way (mesh too rigid, for example). While the mechanical behavior of the mesh and abdominal wall has been relatively well studied in the literature, there remains a lack of understanding around the mesh’s integration in the abdomen environment. The initially implanted mesh will evolve in its behavior and effect on the abdominal wall over time as it integrates into the surrounding tissue. Moreover, it has been observed that the mesh has a tendency to contract or even deteriorate over time.

Digital models representing the abdomen and its repair are starting to be developed. Similarly, while more and more innovative research is appearing, there remains a lack of understanding around the high rate of recurrence, due to a shortage of data on these digital models. Specifically, there is no simulation that makes it possible to study and faithfully predict how the abdominal wall reopens, even when the mesh has been implanted.

With the aim of filling this knowledge gap, an animal study is underway to observe the role of mesh in reconstructing the abdominal wall following an incisional hernia.

The mechanical characteristics will be studied at multiple postoperative intervals through mechanical tests, and the integration of the mesh will be closely monitored thanks to medical imaging. At the same time, a digital model will be developed to represent the abdomen and its components (various layers of muscle, connective tissues, etc.) as accurately as possible.

The mechanical data will be then implemented into the model to analyze the mesh’s integration into its environment, as well as its effects over time. According to the placement of the textile, how it is attached and the physiological activity, it will be able to predict whether or not a reopening will occur, where it will arise and whether it will spread. This digital model could allow for better understanding of the abdominal wall mesh repair process and thereby improve implants, surgical techniques and consequently, treatment outcomes.

Baptiste Pillet, Lecturer-Researcher and Biomechanics PhD student, Mines Saint-Etienne – Institut Mines-Télécom

This article was republished from The Conversation under the Creative Commons license. Read the original article here (in French).

Déchets verre, waste

An oasis of waste reconverted into ceramic materials

Transforming industrial waste and unused by-products could make it possible to respond to issues of scarcity for civil engineering resources, recyclability and even reducing use of fossil fuels. Doan Pham Minh, process engineering researcher at IMT Mines Albi, explains several avenues for recycling and reusing materials explored by his work.

One man’s trash can be another man’s treasure. Turning rubbish into resources is the aim of the circular economy. And it is also the issue at the heart of the Innovative Ceramic Materials for Energy Storage and Construction (MACISEB)[1] project, launched in 2019, with the participation of researchers from IMT Mines Albi[2]. “Our objective is to transform inorganic, industrial waste and by-products, which can be found around us, into something that is useful for society,” describes Doan Pham Minh, process engineering researcher. The solutions identified as part of the project will then be transferred to companies in the Occitania region. From finding other uses for unrecyclable waste to replacing raw materials that are running out, the principle of ‘second life’ can be applied to a large range of unexpected situations.

Sand reserve seeks replacement for time to rest and recuperate

The French Agency for Ecological Transition (Ademe) reports that between 27 and 40 billion tons of sand are extracted each year around the world. It can be found in our buildings and windows, as well as our computers. “The demand for this resource is even more critical than that for noble metals. And the reserves are running out so quickly that they are arriving at breaking point,” emphasizes Pham Minh. Extracted from quarries or taken from riverbeds, natural sand is formed by the lengthy process of erosion. Too long, therefore, to meet society’s needs. However, this material is indispensable for the civil engineering sector (its main consumer) and therefore the economic stability of many countries.

Read more on I’MTech: Sand, an increasingly scarce resource that needs to be replaced

This is why the MACISEB project is seeking sand replacement products from inorganic by-products, i.e. industrial waste that is not currently being used. “The idea is not to completely change our means of manufacturing, but to replace a critical raw material using a circular economy approach,” specifies Pham Minh. With his team, the researcher has created resource maps for the entire Occitan territory. He identified and located deposits with high potential and similar properties to sand. He also ensured that these products are sustainable, by noting the quantity and availability of this waste. In this way, multiple candidates were selected, including glass residue.

During the recycling process, glass is ground up into grains fine enough to be reused by glass factories. However, a portion of this glass, too fine, coarse or contaminated, is not reused. “We are recovering this leftover glass to replace part or all of the sand needed to make ceramic bricks or tiles,” specifies Pham Minh. Sand from foundries, slag from blast furnaces, and ashes from biomass thermal power plants are also promising.

Using these materials, researchers have suggested formulas to create bricks and tiles with the same mechanical and thermal properties as those made with clay and natural sand. Moreover, the formulas comply with industrial specifications. The products are therefore guaranteed to be able to be manufactured using equipment that companies already possess, without extra investment. The first bricks will be made in 2022, and then tested by the Scientific and Technical Center for Building (CSTB).

From wind to heat: reusing wind turbine blades

The operating lifespan of a wind turbine is estimated at around twenty years. This means that the first French facilities are now arriving at end-of-life, and there will have to be more dismantling in the coming years. In short, recycling is becoming a major challenge for the wind energy industry. While the parts made from metal (pole and rotor) and concrete (base) recycle well, the blades – made from glass fiber mixed with organic resin – are not so lucky. Another part of the MACISEB project involves researchers recycling this waste into thermal storage materials. “Our objective is to reuse glass fiber from the blades to develop ceramics used by concentrated solar power (CSP) plants,” explains the researcher. This means of energy production transforms solar energy first into heat, then electricity. To do so, it uses systems made up of mirrors that concentrate the sun’s rays at one point, generating extremely high temperatures (from 200 to 1,500°C). The heat is transported by fluid, to propel the turbines and produce. It can be stored in ‘thermal batteries’, to later be released during the night to ensure continuity of service.

At present, thermal power plants store heat using molten salt – a mixture of potassium nitrate and sodium nitrate. “These compounds can also be found in agricultural fertilizer. There is therefore a conflict of use between the two sectors. However, there is currently no commercial alternative that is economically and environmentally viable,” explains Pham Minh. Transforming turbine blades into ceramics would therefore provide a new solution for this sector. With this in mind, researchers are developing materials capable of handling intense, repeated cycles of heating and cooling for multiple years. This solution would eventually make it possible to reuse a waste product that promises to grow. But it will also give a technological boost to the thermodynamic solar energy sector, which could allow it to establish itself in the renewable energy market. As part of the MACISEB project, this research is being undertaken by the PROMES laboratory, a partner of the project and academic reference body in the area of thermal storage. ART-DEV, partner and social sciences laboratory, is also looking into the social conditions for recycling wind turbine blades and the possibility of implementing a recycling ecosystem for the blades at a regional scale.

Industrial fumes: an idea to get the turbines going

Another application could make use of ceramic materials made from inorganic waste to capture heat. At present, the industry squanders over 30% of the energy it consumes in the form of so-called waste heat, released into the atmosphere in industrial fumes. Researchers at IMT Mines Albi are collaborating with company Eco-Tech Ceram, specialist in thermal storage, in order to recover this energy, store it and use it to supply industrial processes. For example, ceramicists and metal-working factories use high-temperature ovens, often running on natural gas. Reusing the heat captured from their fumes would make it possible to partially heat their equipment and therefore reduce their fossil fuel consumption.

Like for thermodynamic solar, the challenge is therefore to develop ceramic materials adapted for companies’ conditions of use. “Nevertheless, here another issue arises: industrial fumes contain pollutants. Such acidic, corrosive gases accelerate the aging of ceramics and therefore alter their performance,” explains the researcher. Moreover, the composition of fumes varies according to the industrial operations. The first thing to do will therefore be to characterize the kind of fumes, their temperature, etc. sector by sector, in order to develop sustainable materials while keeping costs under control[3].

Anaïs Culot

[1] Project funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), part of European policy aiming to strengthen economic, social and territorial cohesion in the European Union by supporting development in regions such as here, in the Occitania region.
[2] The project brings together researchers from the RAPSODEE center, the PROcesses, Materials and Solar Energy (PROMES) laboratory, the Actors, Resources and Territories in Development (ART-DEV) laboratory and the company Eco-Tech Ceram.
[3] This is part of the objectives of certain projects, Eco-Stock® solutions to recycle complex industrial waste heat (SOLUTEC, launched in 2021) and developing monolithic materials from local clay blends to reuse industrial waste heat in Occitania (CHATO, launched in 2021), led by IMT Mines Albi.
Photographie montrant plusieurs blocs de béton

Improve the quality of concrete to optimize construction

Since the late 20th century, concrete has become the most widely used manufactured material in the world. Its high level of popularity comes alongside recurring problems, affecting its quality and durability. Among these problems is when one of the components in concrete, cement paste, sweats. Mimoune Abadassi, civil engineering PhD student at IMT Mines Alès, aims to resolve this problem.

“When concrete is still fresh, the water inside rises to the surface and forms condensation,” explains Mimoune Abadassi, doctoral student in Civil Engineering at IMT Mines Alès. This phenomenon is called concrete sweating. “When this process takes place, some of the water will not reach the surface and remains trapped inside the concrete, which can weaken the structure,” adds the researcher, before specifying that “sweating does not only have negative effects on the concrete’s quality, as water allows the material to be damp cured, which prevents it from drying out and cracks appearing that would reduce durability”.

In his thesis, Abadassi studies the sweating of cement paste, one of the components of concrete alongside sand and gravel. In analyzing cement paste prepared with varying amounts of water, the young researcher has remarked that the more water incorporated in the cement paste, the more it sweats. He has also looked into the effect of superplasticizers, chemical products that when included in the cement paste, make it more liquid, more malleable when fresh and more resilient when hardened. “When we increase the amount of superplasticizer, we have observed that the cement paste sweats more as well,” indicates Abadassi. “This is explained by the fact that superplasticizers disperse suspended cement particles and encourage the water contained in clusters formed by these particles to be released,” he points out, before adding that “this phenomenon causes the volume of water in the mixture to increase, which increases the sweating of the cement paste”.

Research at the nanometric, microscopic and macroscopic level

By interfering with the sweating, superplasticizers also affect the permeability of cement paste. To study its permeability when fresh, Abadassi used an oedometer, a device mainly used in the field of soil mechanics. Oedometers compress a sample, extract the water contained inside and measure the volume, to determine how permeable it is. The larger the volume of water recovered, the more permeable the sample. In the case of cement paste, if it is too permeable, more water will enter, which reduces cohesion between aggregate particles and weakens the material’s structure.

By varying certain parameters when preparing the cement paste, such as the amount of superplasticizer, Abadassi aims to observe the changes taking place within the paste, invisible to the naked eye. To do so, he uses a Turbiscan. This machine, generally used in the cosmetics industry, makes it possible to analyze particle dispersion and cluster structure in the near-infrared. By observing the sample at scales ranging from the nanometer to the millimeter, it is possible to identify the formation of flocks: groups of particles in suspension which adhere to one another, and that, in the presence of superplasticizers, separate and release water into the cement paste mixture.    

To understand the consequences of phenomena in cement paste at the microscopic and mesoscopic scale, Abadassi uses a scanning electron microscope. This method makes it possible to observe the paste’s microstructure and interfaces between aggregate particles at a nanometric and microscopic scale. “With this technique, I can visualize internal sweating, shown by the presence of water stuck between aggregate particles and not rising to the surface,” he explains. When concrete has hardened, a scanning microscope can be used to identify fissuring phenomena and cavity formation caused by the sweating paste.

Abadassi has also studied the effects of an essential stage in cement paste production: vibration. This process allows cement particles to be rearranged, leaving the smallest possible gaps between them and therefore making the paste more durable and compact. After vibrating the cement paste at various frequencies, Abadassi concluded that sweating is more likely at higher frequencies. “Vibrating cement particles in suspension will cause them to be rearranged, which will lead to the water contained in flocks being released,” he describes, adding that “the greater the vibration, the more the particles will rearrange and the more water will be released”.

Once these trials are finished, the concrete’s mechanical performances will be analyzed. One way this will be done is by exerting mechanical pressure on an object, in this case, a sample of concrete, to measure its resistance to said pressure. The results obtained from this experiment will be connected with microscope observations, Turbiscan tests and trials varying the parameters of the cement paste formula. All of Abadassi’s results will be used to create a range of formulas that can be utilized by concrete production companies. This will provide them with the optimal quantities of components, such as water and superplasticizers, to include when preparing cement for use in concrete. In this way, the quality and durability of the most widely used manufactured material in the world could be improved.

Rémy Fauvel

Maxime Lefrançois

Mines Saint-Étienne | Artificial Intelligence, Semantic web, Ontologies, IoT

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digital sovereignty

Sovereignty and digital technology: controlling our own destiny

Annie Blandin-Obernesser, IMT Atlantique – Institut Mines-Télécom

Facebook has an Oversight Board, a kind of “Supreme Court” that rules on content moderation disputes. Digital giants like Google are investing in the submarine telecommunications cable market. France has had to back pedal after choosing Microsoft to host the Health Data Hub.

These are just a few examples demonstrating that the way in which digital technology is developing poses a threat not only to the European Union and France’s economic independence and cultural identity. Sovereignty itself is being questioned, threatened by the digital world, but also finding its own form of expression there.

What is most striking is that major non-European digital platforms are appropriating aspects of sovereignty: a transnational territory, i.e. their market and site where they pronounce norms, a population of internet users, a language, virtual currencies, optimized taxation, and the power to issue rules and regulations. The aspect that is unique to the digital context is based on the production and use of data and control over information access. This represents a form of competition with countries or the EU.

Sovereignty in all its forms being questioned

The concept of digital sovereignty has matured since it was formalized around ten years ago as an objective to “control our own destinies online”. The current context is different to when it emerged. Now, it is sovereignty in general that is seeing a resurgence of interest, or even souverainism (an approach that prioritizes protecting sovereignty).

This topic has never been so politicized. Public debate is structured around themes such as state sovereignty regarding the EU and EU law, economic independence, or even strategic autonomy with regards to the world, citizenship and democracy.

In reality, digital sovereignty is built on the basis of digital regulation, controlling its material elements and creating a democratic space. It is necessary to take real action, or else risk seeing digital sovereignty fall hostage to overly theoretical debates. This means there are many initiatives that claim to be an integral part of sovereignty.

Regulation serving digital sovereignty

The legal framework of the online world is based on values that shape Europe’s path, specifically, protecting personal data and privacy, and promoting general interest, for example in data governance.

The text that best represents the European approach is the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), adopted in 2016, which aims to allow citizens to control their own data, similar to a form of individual sovereignty. This regulation is often presented as a success and a model to be followed, even if it has to be put in perspective.

New European digital legislation for 2022

The current situation is marked by proposed new digital legislation with two regulations, to be adopted in 2022.

It aims to regulate platforms that connect service providers and users or offer services to rank or optimize content, goods or services offered or uploaded online by third parties: Google, Meta (Facebook), Apple, Amazon, and many others besides.

The question of sovereignty is also present in this reform, as shown by the debate around the need to focus on GAFAM (Google, Amazon, Facebook, Apple and Microsoft).

On the one hand, the Digital Markets Act (the forthcoming European legislation) includes strengthened obligations for “gatekeeper” platforms, which intermediate and end-users rely on. This affects GAFAM, even if it may be other companies that are concerned – like or Airbnb. It all depends on what comes out of the current discussions.

And on the other hand, the Digital Services Act is a regulation for digital services that will structure the responsibility of platforms, specifically in terms of the illegal content that they may contain.

Online space, site of confrontation

Having legal regulations is not enough.

“The United States have GAFA (Google, Amazon, Facebook and Apple), China has BATX (Baidu, Alibaba, Tencent and Xiaomi). And in Europe, we have the GDPR. It is time to no longer depend solely on American or Chinese solutions!” declared French President Emmanuel Macron during an interview on December 8 2020.

Interview between Emmanuel Macron and Niklas Zennström (CEO of Atomico). Source: Atomico on Medium.

The international space is a site of confrontation between different kinds of sovereignty. Every individual wants to truly control their own digital destiny, but we have to reckon with the ambition of countries that demand the general right to control or monitor their online space, such as the United States or China.

The EU and/or its member states, such as France, must therefore take action and promote sovereign solutions, or else risk becoming a “digital colony”.

Controlling infrastructure and strategic resources

With all the focus on intermediary services, there is not enough emphasis placed on the industrial dimension of this topic.

And yet, the most important challenge resides in controlling vital infrastructure and telecommunications networks. The question of submarine cables, used to transfer 98% of the world’s digital data, receives far less media attention than the issue of 5G devices and Huawei’s resistance. However, it demonstrates the need to promote our cable industry in the face of the hegemony of foreign companies and the arrival of giants such as Google or Facebook in the sector.

The adjective “sovereign” is also applied to other strategic resources. For example, the EU wants to secure its supply of semi-conductors, as currently, it depends on Asia significantly. This is the purpose of the European Chips Act, which aims to create a European ecosystem for these materials. For Ursula von der Leyen, “it is not only a question of competitiveness, but also of digital sovereignty.”

There is also the question of a “sovereign” cloud, which has been difficult to implement. There are many conditions required to establish sovereignty, including the territorialization of the cloud, trust and data protection. But with this objective in mind, France has created the label SecNumCloud and announced substantial funding.

Additionally, the adjective “sovereign” is used to describe certain kinds of data, for which states should not depend on anyone for their access, such as geographic data. In a general way, a consensus has been reached around the need to control data and access to information, particularly in areas where the challenge of sovereignty is greatest, such as health, agriculture, food and the environment. Development of artificial intelligence is closely connected to the status of this data.

Time for alternatives

Does all that mean facilitating the emergence of major European or national actors and/or strategic actors, start-ups and SMEs? Certainly, such actors will still need to show good intentions, compared to those that shamelessly exploit personal data, for example.

A pure alternative is difficult to bring about. This is why partnerships develop, although they are still highly criticized, to offer cloud hosting for example, like the collaboration between Thales and OVHcloud in October 2021.

On the other hand, there is reason to hope. Open-source software is a good example of a credible alternative to American private technology firms. It needs to be better promoted, particularly in France.

Lastly, cybersecurity and cyberdefense are critical issues for sovereignty. The situation is critical, with attacks coming from Russia and China in particular. Cybersecurity is one of the major sectors in which France is greatly investing at present and positioning itself as a leader.

Sovereignty of the people

To conclude, it should be noted that challenges relating to digital sovereignty are present in all human activities. One of the major revelations occurred in 2005, in the area of culture, when Jean-Noël Jeanneney observed that Google had defied Europe by creating Google Books and digitizing the continent’s cultural heritage.

The recent period reconnects with this vision, with cultural and democratic issues clearly essential in this time of online misinformation and its multitude of negative consequences, particularly for elections. This means placing citizens at the center of mechanisms and democratizing the digital world, by freeing individuals from the clutches of internet giants, whose control is not limited to economics and sovereignty. The fabric of major platforms is woven from the human cognitive system, attention and freedom. Which means that, in this case, the sovereignty of the people is synonymous with resistance.

Annie Blandin-Obernesser, Law professor, IMT Atlantique – Institut Mines-Télécom

This article was republished from The Conversation under the Creative Commons license. Read the original article here (in French).

Metaverse, nouvelles technologies

Debate: The Metaverse, flying taxis and other weapons of mass planetary destruction

Fabrice Flipo, Institut Mines-Télécom Business School

5G, 8K, flying taxis and the Metaverse are all topics of great interest, raising many questions. However, such questions are rarely, if ever, from an environmental perspective.

A recent article from French daily newspaper Le Monde, published October 18 2021 and titled “Facebook to hire 10,000 people in Europe to create the Metaverse”, discusses employment, the location of the innovation production site, “use cases” of this application and the experiences it will provide. However, the risks highlighted only relate to addiction or the rights of individuals in the Metaverse.

There is the same narrative framing on the topic of flying taxis, providing promises on the one hand and focusing on the user experience on the other.

In Toulouse, Airbus presents its flying taxi scheduled for 2023 (AFP, 2021).

However, the connection is never made between these initiatives and their potential impact on the biosphere. To find such a connection, you have to go to the “Environment” or “Books” sections of Le Monde: there, consumers are blamed for watching too many videos or sending too many emails.

This means of “compartmentalizing” debates and issues is nothing new – if you flick through old editions of Le Monde, you can find it again and again.

Hype technologies vs punitive environmentalism

Regulation works in the same way. On one side are laws and directives organizing the growth of digital technology and its applications; on the other are those that investigate the environmental implications of such technology, managed by other agencies, such as ADEME (the French Agency for Ecological Transition).

One of the main consequences of this division is making environmentalism appear “punitive”. On the one hand, we have technological innovations and related hype, promising new experiences, fun, happiness and incredible achievements. And on the other, the issue of the environment; discussing waste, energy efficiency, the destruction of the planet and other “depressing”, “boring” issues.

This also holds true for research: researchers with “new, good” technology are placed in the front row, with others left at the back. This is how the mediator at France Info explained that footballer Lionel Messi’s move to Paris Saint-Germain was “worth” more airtime than the report from the IPCC – the first topic was a longer-running story while the IPCC report was a one-off event.

Obliterating a more minimalist approach

Another consequence is that environmental regulation remains largely confined to the area of “energy efficiency”, a technical term referring to the amount of resources and energy needed to manufacture a good or provide a service.

This approach overshadows others, which are essential for the environmental transition – namely, approaches related to using less. Such approaches raise the question of whether we really need a certain good or service. Whether we are talking about 8K or 5G, the not-for-profit Shift Project questions the usefulness of these technologies in light of their forecasted effects on the planet.

The third consequence of this separation between digital expansion and environmental impact is that environmental policy is always struggling to catch up. We see this every day: despite regulation, the digital sector’s environmental impact continues to grow. Technologies are developed for millions or even billions of dollars. And only afterwards does the environmental question get raised. But by then, it is already too late!

Widespread dependencies… that could have been predicted

However, in a large number of cases, the effects of these projects are foreseeable – we can see well in advance which ideas will be disastrous, or at least highly problematic.

Thinking about this early on means we can avoid situations of technological lock-in, such as the widespread dependency on cars or smartphones in our current lifestyles. These are situations that are hard to get out of, as they require coordinating a change in infrastructure and habits, just like the use of bikes in cities “versus” cars.

We can see these easy-to-predict consequences with 5G, 8K, flying taxis and the Metaverse.

For example, 5G is designed to allow for a large increase in data transfer, but comes at a huge energetic cost, even if we have achieved increases in energy efficiency in this area since the 1950s that are just as significant. As emphasized by the Shift Project in their report, though increases in efficiency are stable at the technical level, they cannot compensate for the rise in data…

This reasoning also applies to 8K and the Metaverse, which is basically a conceptually similar, improved version of Second Life, a digital universe launched in 2003 that still exists today. At the time, technology specialist Nicholas Carr remarked that a Second Life avatar consumes about as much energy as the average Brazilian.

Works of fiction such as Virtual Revolution (2016) depict a world in which the Metaverse will absorb a key part of our social interactions, in the same way that social media is a major vehicle for daily conversations nowadays.

It is easy to predict the amount of information that will need to be produced and processed, compared with what exists already. IT company Cisco warns that these universes could easily become the biggest source of traffic on the internet.

As for flying taxis, their aim is to find space in the air that has been “lost” on the ground: in short, to clog up one of the last remaining spaces, despite the fact that moving up and down generally uses more energy than moving horizontally, due to gravity.

Our relationship to nature

We can see that it is not hard to establish the connection between technological innovation and the environmental situation, there is no conceptual difficulty here. And environmentalism does not always have to be lagging behind.

Back in Marx’s time, he explained that the question of humans’ relationship to nature is technical and so are our choices. It goes far beyond taking a blissful weekend stroll and admiring supposedly untouched areas…

Environmentalists have long been arguing that certain technological choices are incompatible with conditions for a good life on Earth. But these problems are formulated in the public sphere in a compartmentalized way, which prevents any serious discussion.

So what is the blockage?

Environmentalism does not have to be a “punitive” issue. Bike-riding, local products, renewable energy, insulation, DIY, and more… There are many environmental initiatives that can be discussed in the public sphere, as long as the various possible avenues are appropriately addressed.

So where is the issue? Why does hype benefit so many projects, when we can easily show that they will post huge problems once deployed on a certain scale? There are several explanations.

Tech projects receive the most funding, and are capable of a huge amount of impact in terms of persuasive power. They make use of marketing, surveys and other tools, perfectly dosing and precisely targeting their storytelling to reach the most receptive audiences, before progressively expanding to new fringes of the population, until they achieve saturation.

These selectively edited stories are also a part of the broader history of developed societies and their journey to create the most capital-intensive technologies, as Marx showed as early as 1867, emphasizing the effects of expanded reproduction of capital. Socialism also placed plenty of hope in this “expansion of productive forces”.

Moving away from this linear history, always pursuing the same aim, is seen as “moving backwards” and somehow, we would prefer to continue this narrative than preserve life on Earth. A narrative where science and science fiction combine, like Elon Musk announcing a future colony on Mars. Here, cognitive bias, known as the “Othello effect”, is at play.

Another explanation relates to capitalization itself, which represents a means of power for organizations. The greater the capitalization, the more the networks controlled by the organization will grow – and the greater the persuasive power. Elon Musk (yes, him again) aims to control the entire fleet of personal vehicles, with his robotaxis and self-driving cars. And what is true of companies is also true of governments, as highlighted by François Fourquet in his work “Les Comptes de la puissance” (The Accounts of Power).

While dominant ideas of socialism in the 20th century have always been fascinated by the collective power created by capitalism, trying to make it benefit as many as possible, environmentalism, on the other hand, supports decentralized initiatives and short circuits.

This trend often breaks with the “politics of power”, which explains in particular why conservatives are so opposed to it. Is it “realistic”, in a world where countries try to dominate each other? But on the other hand, can the leadership race last indefinitely if it undermines life on Earth?

Fabrice Flipo, Professor of social and political philosophy, epistemology and history of science and technology at Institut Mines-Télécom Business School

This article was republished from The Conversation under the Creative Commons license. Read the original article here (in French).

Marie-France Lacrampe

IMT Nord Europe | Materials, Composites, Plastics, Recycling, Ecological transition

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