fonds industrie

Capsit and Plas’tri, the first start-ups to receive “Industry & Energy 4.0” honor loans

After the “Digital” fund, Institut Mines-Télécom (IMT) and the Fondation Mines-Télécom launched a second fund last October called “Industry & Energy 4.0” and dedicated to the sciences of energy, materials and processes. The Capsit and Plas’tri start-ups incubated at IMT Atlantique and Mines Saint-Étienne respectively are the first to benefit from the honor loans of this new fund. 


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Capsit is the first compact and connected machine that allows you to go from coffee bean to capsule in a fully automated way, with a wide range of coffee available to be packed into climate neutral capsules. Capsit will receive a €60,000 honor loan. Find out more

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Plas’tri improves the efficiency of the waste treatment chain by using optics and data processing to improve sorting and create or standardize exchanges between the actors of the recycling chain. Plas’tri helps prevent the loss of material during the recycling process by proposing a device that can identify plastics and creating a platform to mutualize the transport of recyclable plastic deposits to the relevant recycler. Waste from sorting is thus limited and each item is identified and sent to the right outlet. Plas’tri was one of the 10 finalist start-ups of the Bercy IMT Innovation 2020 Prize. It will receive two honor loans for a total sum of €50,000. Find out more


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