eco-material, Gwenn Le Saout, IMT Mines Alès

What is an eco-material?

Reducing the environmental footprint of human constructions is one of the major issues facing the ecological transition. Achieving this goal requires the use of eco-materials. Gwenn Le Saout, a researcher in materials at IMT Mines Alès, explains what these materials are, their advantages and the remaining constraints that prevent their large-scale use.


How would you define an eco-material?

Gwenn Le Saout: An eco-material is an alternative to a traditional material for a specific use. It has a lower environmental impact than the traditional material it replaces, yet it maintains similar properties, particularly in terms of durability. Eco-materials are used within a general eco-construction approach aimed at reducing the structures’ environmental footprint.

Can you give us an example of an eco-material?

GLS: Cement has a significant COfootprint. Cement eco-materials are therefore being developed in which part of the cement is replaced by foundry slags. Slags are byproduct materials from steel processes that are generated when metal is melted. So, interestingly, we now call slags “byproducts”, whereas they used to be seen as waste! This proves that there is a growing interest in recovering them, partly for the cement industry.

Since concrete is one of the primary construction materials, are there any forms of eco-concrete?

GLS: Eco-concrete is a major issue in eco-construction, and a lot of scientific work has been carried out to support its development. Producing concrete requires aggregates—often sand from mining operations. These natural aggregates can be replaced by aggregates from demolition concrete which can thus be reused. Another way of producing eco-concrete is by using mud. Nothing revolutionary here, but this process is gaining in popularity due to a greater awareness of materials’ environmental footprint.

Are all materials destined to be replaced by eco-materials?

GLS: No, the goal of eco-materials is not to replace all existing materials. Rather, the aim is to target uses for which materials with a low environmental impact can be used. For example, it is completely possible to build a house using concrete containing demolition aggregates. However, this would not be a wise choice for building a bridge, since the materials do not have exactly the same properties and different expertise is required.

What are the limitations of eco-materials?

GLS: The key point is their durability. For traditional concrete and materials, manufacturers have several decades of feedback. For eco-materials, and particularly eco-concrete, there is less knowledge about their durability. Many question marks remain concerning their behavior over time. This is such an important aspect of the research: finding formulations that can ensure good long-term behavior and characterizing the existing eco-materials to predict their durability.  At The Civil Engineering Institute (IGC), we worked on the national RECYBETON from 2014 to 2016 with Lafarge-Holcim, and were able to provide demonstrators for testing the use of recycled aggregates.

How can industrial stakeholders be convinced to switch to these eco-materials?

GLS: The main advantage is economic. Transporting and storing demolition materials is expensive. In the city, reusing demolition materials in the construction of new buildings therefore represents an interesting opportunity because it would reduce the transport and storage costs. We also participated in the ANR project ECOREB with IGC on this topic to find solutions for recycling concrete. We must also keep in mind that Europe has imposed an obligation to reuse materials: 70% of demolition waste must be recycled. Switching to eco-materials using demolition products therefore offers a way for companies to comply with this directive.

Raphaël Troncy

EURECOM | #ArtificialIntelligence #Data #SemanticWeb

Raphaël Troncy is an Associate Professor in the Data Science department at EURECOM. He got his PhD from Grenoble University (France) in 2004 and had research positions at INA (Institut national de l’audiovisuel, France), CNR (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Italia) and CWI (Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica, The Netherlands). He published nearly 250 scientific papers in various journals, top tier conferences and associated workshops. He will be General Chair of The Web Conference in 2022. He is an expert in knowledge engineering, information extraction and recommender systems. He is the primary investigator of many national and European projects where semantic technologies and information extraction are used together to build knowledge graphs, exploratory search engines and recommender systems.

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Seamless vacations thanks to a research lab

Belles histoires, Bouton, CarnotFor four years now, researchers from EURECOM and the startup Data-Moove have worked together to radically improve the tourist experience in various regions. With help from technological innovations from laboratories, they have succeeded in aggregating the information available on the web and social networks to create a local and comprehensive picture of what a geographical area has to offer.


Finding a restaurant, concert hall or hotel when traveling abroad can turn into quite an ordeal. Every restaurant and event has a Facebook page and website, yet few sites gather all a destination’s activities into one spot. For tourists, this means spending time on social networks, time they would rather spend enjoying their vacation. Data-Moove’s challenge was therefore significant: the French startup’s mission was to offer a solution to this problem by creating a comprehensive overview of a region’s tourism offering. On March 2nd, the young company inaugurated an interactive board in the Saint-Barthélemy airport in the West Indies. Travelers arriving on the island can now see an overview of the activities available to them in the area and can create an itinerary for their stay. This interactive board is complemented by a mobile application offered by the island’s Tourism Board which is free for the end user.

This service responds to tourism offices’ growing demand for digital technology to help promote their regions. To meet this need Data-Moove worked together with EURECOM research teams, which are part of the Télécom & Société Numérique Carnot Institute. Their partnership started in 2015. At that time, Raphaël Troncy, a researcher in data science at EURECOM, and his team were involved in the European project 3cixty led by EIT Digital. “We were working to automate the collection of tourism and cultural information,” the scientist recalls. “We wanted a platform that would bring together all the information about accommodation, places of interest, and seasonal, sports and cultural activities…” In short, offering comprehensive and local information. The project was launched a year earlier and already provided a fully developed technical solution. All that was missing was a commercial partner. Data-Moove, which had just been founded, met this need throughout the entire project, which ended in 2016.

Searching social media

During the three-year 3cixty project, the EURECOM researchers needed to solve the problem posed by the heterogeneity of the information sources. TripAdvisor and Facebook do not use the same language and information about a restaurant is not always available in the same format. They therefore needed to represent this stream of data collected from social networks by using semantic graphs: word clouds were linked together based on how they were related. People, places, dates and actions were described in a standardized way and then processed to provide the user with streamlined information, regardless of the source.

Because we aggregate information from many sources, there is a good chance the same information will be presented twice in the data stream,” says Raphaël Troncy. This brings us to the second technological challenge: solving the problem of duplicates involved measuring the similarity in the references to places, dates and names of events.  “We therefore developed a learning algorithm to automatically carry out this work of studying the similarities,” the researcher explains. Another learning model was established to automatically predict the category of an event without much description. This makes it possible to directly present information as being related to sports, theater or music, for example.

A tourism application for discovering all the tourist attractions Saint-Barthélemy has to offer.

Data-Moove implemented the technical solutions developed during the 3cixty project in its first product: City Moove, based on an application like the one used by Saint-Barthélemy. “Our technology for aggregating flows of information can also be connected to a preexisting application,” explains Frédéric Bossard, co-founder of Data-Moove. The goal is to avoid having an excessive number of digital tools for a region. The company also prefers to work with tourist offices to improve the tools they already use. “The problem many regions have is that they often have too many applications, each for a specific area,” he explains.

Tourism of the future, brick by brick

The two partners decided to capitalize on this success by taking the use of digital technology in tourism a step further. In 2017, they began partnering with the European PasTime project—also supported by EIT Digital—which is intended to make suggestions for activities when people are traveling. “The idea is to ask end users when they will arrive in a city and then directly propose an itinerary,” Raphaël Troncy explains. Once again, they carried out machine learning research on large volumes of data. They developed standard profiles based on interactions with users on social media. “The real challenge is to develop a package, in other words, connect interests with tastes in food and preferences for events,” the researcher explains. Here they were able to build on City Moove, to take the technology to a new level by adding a customized aspect.

And a third level is underway. Since February 2018, EURECOM and Data-Moove have been working on a new product: a smart conversational assistant to answer questions about a region’s tourist attractions.  Their work, entitled MinoTour, is being carried out in the context of the European project H2020 Data Pitch. The chatbot they develop will also learn from users’ searches and provide answers based on the aggregated data flow from City Moove. “There is a logic to our products,says Frédéric Bossard: “we build brick by brick, from the database to the chatbot, developing solutions that are best adapted to the geographical areas.”

After Saint-Barthélemy, Data-Moove will test its solutions in Saint-Tropez, Madeira, and on a wider scale in the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region. Areas with significant tourism activities, which will allow them to continue improving their products to better meet the needs of both the regions and the tourists.

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The advantage of a partnership with Eurecom: “An operational perspective”

Frédéric Bossard, co-founder of Data-Moove

One of the objectives of the Télécom & Société Numérique Carnot Institute is to professionalize relations between companies and researchers. Frédéric Bossard, co-founder of Data-Moove, can testify to this: “It is nice to work with EURECOM because the researchers truly have an operational perspective, which is rare among academic partners. They quickly understand our constraints and what we want to accomplish. The quality of these discussions convinced us to enter a partnership rather than a simple collaboration. Today, EURECOM is a partner of Data-Moove since the school has taken shares in the company. By making their laboratories and knowledge available to us, they allow us to take the development of our products to whole new levels.

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The TSN Carnot institute, a guarantee of excellence in partnership-based research since 2006

Having first received the Carnot label in 2006, the Télécom & Société numérique Carnot institute is the first national “Information and Communication Science and Technology” Carnot institute. Home to over 2,000 researchers, it is focused on the technical, economic and social implications of the digital transition. In 2016, the Carnot label was renewed for the second consecutive time, demonstrating the quality of the innovations produced through the collaborations between researchers and companies.

The institute encompasses Télécom ParisTech, IMT Atlantique, Télécom SudParis, Télécom École de Management, Eurecom, Télécom Physique Strasbourg and Télécom Saint-Étienne, École Polytechnique (Lix and CMAP laboratories), Strate École de Design and Femto Engineering. Learn more [/box]

Lascala, 3D printing, additive manufacturing

Taking 3D printing to the next level

At the beginning of 2018, IMT Lille Douai unveiled an additive manufacturing platform dedicated to manufacturing large-scale parts: LASCALA. This equipment is a worldwide innovation.  Its capacity to use any type of polymer even enables it to print 3D composite parts measuring several meters. The scientific challenge has been successfully met and has opened up a whole new realm of possibilities for manufacturers.


Do you think you know what a 3D printer is like? With LASCALA*, the additive manufacturing platform, you are in for a surprise. Forget a printhead measuring a few square centimeters sliding along a rod the length of a school ruler. With its 6-axis industrial robot spanning over 2 m and a maximum load capacity of 150 kg, LASCALA is no desktop 3D printer. Located in the facilities of IMT Lille Douai, the printer is destined to take polymer-based additive manufacturing to the next level of its industrial potential. Up until now this design technique was only available for small-scale plastic parts of a few cubic centimeters. With LASCALA, the 3D-printed parts could reach dimensions of several meters and be fiber-reinforced.

The platform has been functional since January 2018 and is a major innovation in the sector. Using a 6-axis robot alone significantly distinguishes LASCALA from the solutions implemented on other additive manufacturing systems. The logical choice would have been to use a traditional construction with a gantry and printhead moving along it. In other words, reproducing a larger scale of what already exists. Yet the robotic arm introduces the advantage of 7 degrees of freedom: 6 axes of rotation and 1 plane of movement. The printhead attached to its end can therefore rotate in every direction and move in every direction in space.

Another convincing argument: long-term, this system is more technologically advantageous. “Usually a 3D printer superimposes planar layers,” explains Jérémie Soulestin, a researcher in materials science at IMT Lille Douai in charge of LASCALA. This causes a staircase effect on the edges of the parts: when a smaller layer is added to another, they form a step.  “With the robot, we will be able to develop curved layers, which will limit this effect,” he continues. This new construction method using curved layers has a positive effect on the aesthetic aspect as well as on the parts’ mechanical properties.

The move towards 3D printing for composites

While LASCALA is the first platform of its kind, the team at IMT Lille Douai is not the only one to have attempted large-scale 3D printing. Local Motors, for example, was the first company to offer a car—named Strati— made of polymer materials entirely produced using 3D printing. Yet none of the attempts to date have developed machines flexible enough to deposit any type of polymer material in any direction. Most of the time, the manufacturer of the 3D printer even limits the materials that are compatible with the 3D-printing process. LASCALA, on the other hand, offers free-form design in terms of the choice of plastic materials. “This argument and the idea of not being limited by this constraint are what convinced us to develop our own machine,” Jérémie Soulestin explains.

La Strati de Local Motors, un roadster prototype d’impression 3D de grande taille. Son aspect met en évidence l’un des problèmes à résoudre pour la fabrication additive de cette dimension : les effets d’escalier.

The Strati by Local Motors, a roadster prototype produced using large-scale 3D printing. Its appearance highlights one of the problems to solve in additive manufacturing at this scale: the staircase effect.

And because they were now the masters of the machine they designed, the researchers were able to take their original idea a step further. The printhead contains an extrusion device: “an endless screw in a heated barrel pushes the material through a nozzle that deposits a melted filament,” the researcher explains. The shape of the nozzle can be adapted to deposit the filament in different ways and enables to improve the part quality. In addition, two materials can be deposited within the same melted filament, thus creating a material with a polymer core and an outer skin made of another plastic.

Finally, the researchers insisted on designing a platform that would be adapted to the industrial uses of the future. The printhead is therefore capable of depositing fiber-reinforced polymers. LASCALA can therefore use 3D-printing to produce composite materials with short, chopped fibers and even with continuous fibers.  This special feature makes the platform worthy of being presented at the largest annual global meeting in the field of composites: the JEC World show, which will be held from March 6-8 in Paris.  The equipment’s capabilities cannot help but attract manufacturers. “We knew that the aeronautics sector would be interested, but we were surprised the automotive sector contacted us so quickly,” says Jeremie Soulestin. LASCALA will still need nearly a year to transition from “functional” to fully “operational”. One year of optimization before this technical innovation begins producing impressive projects that will prepare the manufacturing processes of the future.


*LASCALA, LArge SCALe plAstics & composites 3D printing, receives support from the Hauts-de-France Region and is co-funded by the European Union

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interest-free loans

New interest-free loans for startups Cyrating, Galanck, myLabel and WaryMe

On February 8, 2018, the approval committee for the Digital Fund of the Graduate Schools and Universities Initiative chose four new startups to receive loans for amounts up to €40,000 with a 0% interest rate. Cyrating, which was founded through the ParisTech Entrepreneurs incubator, Galanck and myLabel, both of which were developed through the IMT Starter (Télécom Sud Paris and Télécom École de Management), and WaryMe, created at the IMT Atlantique incubator will benefit from these loans to help kickstart their business. Co-financed by Fondation Mines-Télécom, la Caisse des dépôts and Revital’Emploi, this loan program helps startups created through incubators at IMT graduate schools obtain the resources they need to grow. In 2018, the program has set a goal to support 30 startups, for a total of over €560,000.  



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23 startups from IMT incubators at VivaTechnology 2018

The VivaTechnology trade show offers three days to discover the most promising startups in the tech sector. For IMT, this is the perfect opportunity for highlighting its comprehensive support and entrepreneurship services and presenting 23 startups from its schools’ incubators. These startups come from sectors including mobility, smart cities, AI, fashion, media and cybersecurity. Mark your calendars for May 24 and 26, 2018 and head to Porte de Versailles (Stand B38) to discover all these innovations and more.


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How eco-design earned its place in the corporate world

Natacha Gondran, Mines Saint-Étienne – Institut Mines-Télécom

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[dropcap]I[/dropcap]n the 1970s, regulations were introduced to require companies to prevent industrial pollution. Examples include the Clean Air Act (1970) in the United States and legislation on facilities classified for the protection of the environment in France (1976).

Since then, awareness has grown about the impacts industry has on the environment, and companies’ strategic interest in reducing them has also increased. Beginning in the mid-90s, some companies have established approaches for controlling these impacts. ISO 14001 was the first standard on environmental management systems, which appeared in 1996.

At the same time, “global” ecological issues (climate change, depletion of the ozone layer and biodiversity) started to draw more attention. We came to understand, for example, that the greenhouse gas emissions generated at a particular time and place would continue to have an impact for decades to come, and they are not limited by borders! Preserving the quality of the local environment is no longer sufficient: these global problems require international negotiations between states, like the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, under which COP21 was organized in Paris at the end of 2015.

Considering the upstream and downstream impacts

Alongside this globalization of environmental issues came the globalization of supply chains. Production activities, which generate the most significant environmental impacts, were often relocated to southern hemisphere countries.

Most products that are sold today involve businesses located all over the world. While the amount of direct emissions (of greenhouse gases, for example) generated in certain countries, like France, has stabilized, their ecological or carbon footprint – an indicator that takes into account all the emissions associated with the final consumption of a country’s population – has generally continued to increase.

This means that a company that wants to reduce its impacts on the environment can no longer do so simply by controlling the direct environmental impacts generated on its industrial site. It must also consider both the upstream (supply chain) and downstream (end-of-life) effects of its products.

European regulation encourages this approach within the framework of its Integrated Product Policy (IPP), which is aimed at “promoting the development of a market for greener products and, ultimately, stimulating public discussion on this topic.”

Therefore, European Directive 2009/125/EC establishes requirements for the eco-design of products related to energy (for example in terms of maximum energy consumption or of minimum amounts of recycled materials to be used in the manufacturing).

In addition, European Directive 2008/98/EC on waste introduced the principle of  Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR), which aims to “require producers, importers and distributors of these products or elements and materials used in their production to be responsible for or to contribute to eliminating the resulting waste.”

This principle aims to support the design and the manufacture of products based on processes that facilitate their repair, reuse, disassembly or recycling, with the goal of achieving greater efficiency in the use of natural resources. It applies to electrical and electronic equipment in the framework of Directive 2012/19/EU, which makes the producers of these devices responsible for recycling and disposing of the resulting waste.

Considering the product’s end-of-life

Eco-design is a concrete solution that companies can implement to prevent the transfer of impacts from one life-cycle phase to the next, or between different environmental impacts.

It is based on a multi-criteria (taking different categories of environmental impacts into account) and multi-actor approach (taking into account a product’s different life-cycle phases).

Eco-design is defined by Standard NF X 30-264 as the “systematic integration of environmental aspects starting with the design phase and product development (goods and services, systems), aimed at reducing negative environmental impacts throughout their entire life cycle for an equivalent or superior benefit. This approach, which begins upstream with preparation for the design process, aims to find the best balance between the environmental, social, technical and economic requirements for product design and development.”

It is based on the concept of life cycle, which, beyond the traditional design phases of manufacturing and intended use, takes into account the aspects related to the end of the product’s life: facilitating the processes of disassembly, shredding, sorting, recovery, etc.

An eco-design approach can even involve establishing new business models: for example, adopting a functional business model that extends the life of the product.

Different practices

Eco-design has changed over the past ten years. It has moved on from its initial precursors and environmental expertise to a period of eco-innovation and the creation of new business models.

Performance is at the center of these approaches, as witnessed by the changes in standards. The 2015 version of the ISO 14001 standard requires companies to show greater leadership and performance and integrate the life-cycle perspective.

Today, this requirement is being implemented differently from one company to the next; and the tools, methods and associated management vary greatly depending on the firm’s level of maturity and initial strategic positioning.


Samuel Mayer, Director of the Eco-design and Life Cycle Management Center, contributed to this article.

Natacha Gondran, Research Professor in Environmental Assessment, Mines Saint-Étienne – Institut Mines-Télécom

The original version of this article (in French) was published on The Conversation.

waste, Ange Nzihou

Waste worth its weight in gold

For Ange Nzihou, waste is a valuable material. For over ten years, this researcher has been working on recovering waste to turn it into an important economic resource. However, his greatest scientific accomplishments have taken place outside the laboratories of IMT Mines Albi. Throughout his career, Ange Nzihou has done more than convert biomass into biofuels or manufacture catalysts using waste and different residues. By creating the global conference WasteEng and a journal dedicated to waste reuse, he has helped bring together an international scientific community with a shared interest in this theme of the future.


“I come from a country in Africa where everyone wants to work in the oil industry,” says Ange Nzihou, a researcher at IMT Mines Albi and director of its Rapsodee laboratory. Following this same path, he came to Toulouse in the early 1990s to begin a PhD thesis on the crystallization of gas hydrates—which he successfully completed. Everything was therefore in place for the young process engineering researcher to set out on a career in the oil industry. But research stories are, first and foremost, life stories. And events in Ange Nzihou’s life led him to abruptly reconsider the path he was about to embark on. “Since at that point I had not yet received French nationality I was basically an undocumented immigrant for a period of two years. It was during this difficult time that I developed the research project that I am still pursuing today, by analyzing what I saw around me and wondering what the future would be like.” 

The future, as he imagined it, would be one in which the tons of waste and pollutants produced by humans could be recovered and turned into a valuable resource, at a time when only treatment seemed to interest the scientific community. “For me, it wasn’t so much treatment that was of interest, but rather giving treated products new properties and functions to increase their economic value,” he says. It was at IMT Mines Albi that he started turning this vision into concrete research. Through different projects, he developed processes for recovering a wide range of waste, from sludge from our rivers, to household waste or industrial waste.

A worldwide event

But, Ange Nzihou admits, “my biggest accomplishment is not the patents or publications, but everything we’ve been able to create around this research.” Starting with WasteEng: a biennial international conference launched in 2005. “I thought about a hundred people would come,” recalls the researcher. As it turned out, more than 300 researchers and engineers took part in this first conference on the theme of waste and biomass valorization. “I knew there was a need for this sort of conference, but I underestimated just how great the need was,” he says.

Today, it has become the world’s leading event in this field. Every two years, more than 400 people from 50 different countries attend the event. For WasteEng’s creator, the fact that the community welcomes industry and institutions is one of the conference’s key strengths. “A quarter of the participants come from companies and government institutions, which is crucial since they’re the ones working in the field and really creating value.” Ange Nzihou also invites representatives from the European Commission to each edition of the conference to present trends and connect research to political decisions.

WasteEng, which will next be held in Prague in July 2018, is seen as a trailblazing event in its discipline.  The popularity of the conference reflects emerging concerns of societies around the world. Since waste recovery issues are not identical across the globe, the event’s international dimension is part of what makes it so valuable. “In France, we incinerate plastic that isn’t recyclable, but this simply cannot be done in Africa or other developing countries,” explains the researcher. “In those countries, they have to find a way to recycle it.”

Out of the many different topics covered at the conference, some are especially close to Ange Nzihou’s heart.  One such topic is producing energy from waste. “A lot of solutions today propose using biomass to generate energy. The problem is that this use competes with food and the availability of land to be cultivated. On the other hand, I really like the idea of using waste rather than biomass.”  (See text box 1) Another benefit the researcher cites is that this approach makes it possible to avoid environmental disasters like the one Malaysia experienced with the unchecked production of palm oil for energy purposes on land that could be used to produce food.

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Pyrog: an example of energy recovery from waste

In 2015, the Pyrog project, supported by the ADEME’s Investments of the Future program, (PIA) was launched with the aim of recovering energy using solid recovered fuel (SRF). These residues group together all waste that is currently difficult to recycle. IMT Mines Albi and IMT Atlantique work on the project collaboration with two companies: Séché Environnement and ETIA. Using a pyrolysis process, the synthetic gas produced is used for urban district heating. This project, implemented on the Seché site in Mayenne, demonstrates the potential of recycling waste to produce energy locally, with a lower environmental impact.


Literature focusing on waste

Following WasteEng, Ange Nzihou went on to found a scientific journal with a review board dedicated to waste reuse issues, “Waste and biomass valorization.”  Launched in 2010 with the editor Springer, the journal was something of a gamble for the researcher. But it paid off, as it quickly became a success with the scientific community. Since 2010, the number of articles submitted to the journal has doubled every year. “It’s the first journal to focus on this theme,” says Ange Nzihou, who is editor-in-chief.

The journal is not the researcher’s only contribution to establishing a literary culture on the topic of waste recovery. He is also editor-in-chief of an encyclopedia being written on this subject. The work is intended to be a reference document for anyone who would like to know how to analyze, study, treat and convert waste and various residues. “We hope that it will be used by students as well as engineers, researchers and players in the economic world,” explains Ange Nzihou. In keeping with the international dimension of this research, he has brought together researchers from 17 countries to create the encyclopedia. It should be published in September 2018 and distributed in universities and libraries worldwide.

In all aspects of his work, Ange Nzihou has pursued his vision of a society that can better use its waste to support its needs. Since the beginning of his career, he has worked to take his questions and proposals outside of the laboratory by bringing together a global community with an increasingly urgent need for alternatives to fossil fuels.

[author title=”Ange Nzihou, a world-class researcher” image=””]Since the beginning of this career, Ange Nzihou has always sought to anchor his research in an international context. The eleven PhD students in his team come from ten different countries. For the researcher, being open to exterior approaches is a guarantee of humility and of high-quality work. These different approaches allow him to question his ideas and develop new ones, by looking at how other societies are trying to use their waste. This research vision has led him to become a visiting professor at universities around the world: Princeton University in the USA, University College Dublin in Ireland and Zhejiang University in China. He also received the Progress and Innovation in Research award from the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2015.


publicité numérique, digital advertising

Digital Advertising and Algorithms

Romain Gola, Télécom École de Management – Institut Mines-Télécom

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[dropcap]I[/dropcap]n 2016, for the first time in France, online advertising investment exceeded that of television advertising. Algorithms now play an increasingly significant role in the purchase of advertising space on websites, raising many ethical and legal issues.

Algorithms rise to power

The digital advertising market in France is now estimated at €3.5 billion. Whereas up until now this advertising mainly involved displays on web sites, and the purchase of Google AdWords, the purchase of automated advertising space (called “programmatic buying”) has now emerged. The profiling of internet users is carried out using traces of their web activity, which makes it possible to predict their interest in an ad at any given time. Therefore, thanks to algorithms, it is possible to calculate, in real time, the value of the advertising space on a page the user is viewing.

The use of algorithms has the advantage of displaying banner ads that match our interests, but there are risks involved in their uncontrolled use. The lack of transparency in how these algorithms operate impacts internet users’ behavior without them realizing it. What is more, the algorithms sometimes benefit from exaggerated confidence, yet their results can be discriminatory. This raises the question of algorithms’ neutrality and ethical issues. The study of ethics in this area must be based on an understanding of how we are linked to these new technologies. This involves, on the one hand, how algorithms are covered by law and, on the other hand, the development of the digital advertising ecosystem.

In light of these new challenges, it would be wise to focus on the algorithms themselves, rather than on the data that is processed, by establishing systems capable of testing and controlling them, in order to prevent harmful consequences.

Law and algorithms: reforms in Europe

A new revolution is underway, based on data collection and processing that has reached an unprecedented scale, and stimulates the creation of new products and services. This increase in the amount and diversity of data is explained by the development of connected objects and the empowerment of consumers. Their ability to act has increased with the development of technology: businesses are becoming more and more dependent not only on the data consumers produce, but also on their opinion, and must therefore constantly ensure they maintain a good e-reputation.

In light of this situation, European institutions have begun the process of reforming personal data legislation. The new European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will enter into force in all Member States in May 2018. It imposes increased transparency and the accountability of those who process data, based on a policy of compliance with the law, and it provides for severe penalties. Similarly, it affirms the right to data portability, and those in charge of processing personal data must ensure that their operations comply with personal data protection standards, starting at the design stages for a product or service (privacy by design).

The GDPR strives to implicitly regulate the algorithmic processing of data. We see a trend in the advertising sector: in general, all sites, services and products that use algorithms are careful not to refer to them. They hide the crucial role algorithms play, instead referring to “customization”. However, when there is customization, often there is “algorithmization”.

Legislation ill-suited to digital advertising

Laws pertaining to “traditional” advertising are based on the principle of receiving prior informed consent from individuals before processing their data. However, this concept of data protection is less relevant when it comes to digital advertising. Data collected in the context of traditional marketing often involves objective and relatively predictable information such as name, age, gender, address or marital status. Yet the concept of “data” radically changes when it comes to digital marketing. On social networks, the data is not only basic classification information (age, gender, address), but also includes data from everyday life: what I’m doing, what I’m listening to, etc.

digital advertising

Traces of web activity and individuals’ behavior on social networks make it possible to determine their profile. VisualHunt


This new situation questions the relevance of the distinction between personal and non-personal data. It also raises questions about the relevance of the principle of prior consent. It is often virtually impossible to use an application without accepting to be tracked. Consent therefore becomes mandatory in order to use the technology, and exactly how the data will be used by the data controller is completely unknown. Therefore, the problem is no longer related to prior consent, rather it is the automatic, predictive deductions made by the companies that collect this data.

Algorithms accentuate this trend by multiplying the collection and use of trivial and decontextualized data, likely to be used for specifically profiling individuals, and creating “knowledge” about them based on probabilities rather than certainties about their personal and intimate inclinations. In this situation, rather than examining the data feeding the algorithms, wouldn’t it be more relevant to examine the algorithms that process them and generate new data?

Legal and ethical challenges of online advertising

Influencing consumer choices, subliminal influence, submission that changes the perception of reality: behavioral targeting carries serious risks. Requirements for the accountability, transparency and verifiability of the actions caused by algorithms have become crucial in preventing potential excesses.

This situation calls into question the relationship between law and ethics, which is unfortunately often confused. Laws are established to regulate behavior—what is allowed, forbidden, or required from a legal perspective—whereas ethics refers more broadly to the distinction between good and bad, independent of and beyond any compliance with the law. Ethics applied to algorithmic processing would need to focus on two major principles: transparency, and the establishment of tests to check the algorithms’ results in order to prevent possible damage.

Transparency and accountability of algorithms

The activities of online platforms are essentially based on the selection and classification of information, as well as on offers for goods or services. They design and activate various algorithms that influence consumption behavior and how users think. This customization is sometimes misleading, since it is based on the machine’s concept of how we think. This concept is not based on who we are, but rather on what we have done and looked at. This observation reveals the need for transparency: the people impacted by an algorithm should first of all be informed of the existence of the algorithmic processing, as well as what it implies, the type of data it uses and its end purpose, so that they may file a claim if needs be.

Tests for algorithms?

In advertising, algorithms can lead to a differentiation in the price of a product or service or can even establish typologies of high-risk policyholders in order to calculate the insurance premium based on criteria that is sometimes illegal, by cross-checking “sensitive” information. Not only is the collection and the processing of this data (racial and ethnic origins, political and religious opinions) generally prohibited, the results of these algorithmic methods can be discriminatory. For example, the results of the first international beauty contest based entirely on algorithms led to the selection of only white candidates.

To avoid this type of abuse, urgent steps must be taken to establish tests for the results produced by algorithms. In addition to the legislation and the role played by the protection authorities (CNIL), codes of conduct are also beginning to appear: advertising professionals belonging to the Digital Advertising Alliance (ACD) have introduced a protocol represented by a visible icon next to a targeted ad that explains how it works.

It is in companies’ interests to adopt more ethical behavior in order to maintain a good reputation, and hence a competitive advantage. Internet users are weary of advertising deemed too intrusive. If the ultimate goal of advertising is to better anticipate our needs to “consume better”, it must occur in an environment that complies with legislation and is responsible and ethical.  This could be a vector for a new industrial revolution that is mindful of fundamental rights and freedoms, in which citizens are invited to take their rightful place and take ownership of their data.

Romain Gola, Professor of Business Law, Télécom École de Management – Institut Mines-Télécom

The original version of this article (in French) was published on The Conversation.

Also read on I’MTech