social media and crisis situation, riot

Social media and crisis situation: learning how to control the situation

Attacks, riots, natural disasters… all these crises spark wide-spread action among citizens on online social media. From surges of solidarity to improvised manhunts, the best and the worst can unfurl. Hence the need to know how to manage and coordinate these movements so that they can contribute positively to crisis management. Caroline Rizza, a researcher in information and communication sciences at Télécom ParisTech, studies these unique situations and the social, legal and ethical issues they present.


Vancouver, 2011. The defeat of the local hockey team in the Stanley Cup final provoked chaos in the city center. Hooligans and looters were filmed and photographed in the act. The day after the riots, the Vancouver police department asked citizens to send in files in order to identify the hooligans. Things soared out of control. The police were inundated with an astronomical quantity of unclear images, in which it was hard to distinguish hooligans from those seeking to contain the rioters. Citizens, feeling warranted to do so in response to the call to witness by the authorities, were quick to create Facebook pages to disclose the images and allow the identification of supposed criminals by internet users. Photographs, names and addresses spread across the internet. A veritable manhunt was organized. The families of accused minors were forced to flee their homes.

réseaux sociaux crise, social media, crisis, riots

During the riots in Vancouver, citizens posted images of rioters on Facebook
and organized a veritable manhunt…

The case of the riots in Vancouver is an extreme example, but on the other side of the Atlantic, other cases of civilian mobilization have also raised new issues. In an act of solidarity during the attacks in France on 13 November 2015, Parisian residents invited citizens in danger to take refuge in their homes and shared their addresses on social media. They could have become targets for potential attacks themselves. “These practices show how civilian solidarity is manifested on social media during this kind of event, and how this solidarity can impact professional practices of crisis management and create additional difficulties” comments Caroline Rizza, a researcher in information and communication sciences at Télécom ParisTech. The MACIV project (Management of CItizens and Volunteers: social media in crisis situation), launched last February and financed by the ANR via the French General Secretariat for Defense and National Security, examines these issues. Its partners include Télécom ParisTech, IMT Mines Albi-Carmaux, LATTS, the French Directorate General for Civil Security and Crisis Management, VISOV, NDC, and the Defense and Security Zone of the Paris Prefecture of Police. At Télécom ParisTech, Caroline Rizza and her team are working on the social, ethical and legal issues posed by these unique situations.

Coordinating surges of civilian solidarity for better crisis management

We are going to work on case studies of initiatives through crises which occur regularly or are likely to reoccur, such as train strikes or periods of snow, in order to analyze the chronological unfurling of events and the way in which online social media is mobilized,” explains the researcher. “We are also interested in the way in which information is published and spreads on online social media during serious incidents. We are going to conduct interviews with institutional operators to understand how they have been impacted internally, as well as with contributors to Wikipedia pages.” Given that the development of these pages is participatory and open, does the widely-trusted information they contain come from institutions or citizens?

For the researcher, the aim is to see the emergence of different types of organization that can later be used in crisis management. Based on the recommendations drawn from this study, the project’s objective is to integrate a management module for citizen initiatives on a platform for mediation and coordination in the event of a crisis, created by IMT Mines Albi-Carmaux, and whose development was launched in the framework of other projects such as the GéNéPI project by the ANR.

Citizens are often mass-mobilized in a rush of solidarity during crises. Despite good intentions, the number of people taking action is often so great that they interfere with good crisis management and the phase in which the authorities take over” comments Caroline Rizza. For example, after a flood, surges of solidarity to clean the streets can in fact hinder the authorities in charge. Similarly, after the attacks in Paris on 13 November 2015, blood donor organizations started to refuse donations because they had become too numerous in too short a space of time, whereas the need for blood donations is a long term one. Hence the need to properly manage and coordinate civilian mobilization.

Data protection, fake news and unclear legal situations

Besides the simple question of coordination, the management of mobilization among civilians and volunteers raises complex ethical and legal issues. In extreme situations, citizens are more likely to expose themselves in order to help or find an immediate solution, as shown by the “parisportesouvertes” hashtag on Twitter during the attacks of 13 November. Moreover, when the Eyjafjallajökull volcano in the south of Iceland erupted in 2010, citizens and stranded tourists shared data to organize, find alternative travel solutions or come in aid of people blocked by the eruption. The result: this data was recovered by private companies. “In the context of the transition to the GDPR, it is essential to examine the question of personal data and be able to guarantee citizens that their data will not be employed by third parties or used out of context” says Caroline Rizza.


réseaux sociaux crise

During the attacks in Paris on 13 November 2015, some users shared their address on social media, notably through #parisportesouvertes.

But personal data is not the only thing leaked on online social media. During the attack on 14 July 2016 in Nice, false information maintained that hostages had been taken in a restaurant, when people were in fact simply taking shelter. “These rumors are not necessarily spread with bad intentions,” explains the researcher, “but it is absolutely necessary to integrate and analyze the information in order to quench rumors because they can cause even more panic.” Caroline Rizza’s hypothesis is therefore that the integration of social media in crisis management, in terms of institutional communication or transmission of information from the field, will allow rumors about an event to be quickly contained.

Lastly, what about prevention and the preparation of citizens for disasters? “Although these two phases are often left to one side by studies, there are very real challenges in ensuring that citizens participate themselves in prevention through online social media” explains Caroline Rizza. Nevertheless, the researcher stresses that the authorities must maintain an ethic of shared responsibility. They must never offload onto citizens. But what can the authorities ask citizens to do? To publish information? Help others? The legal vacuum remains…

Whatever answers the MACIV project provides to these problems, the integration of online social media in crisis management must be carefully studied. Although we cannot circumvent traditional channels of information, since not all citizens necessarily have a Twitter or Facebook account, it is no longer possible to manage crises without including the latter in the strategies. As Caroline Rizza says: “whatever happens citizens will use them in a crisis, with or without us!


Could additive manufacturing be the future of the plastics industry?

There has been a significant revolution in the world of materials as 3D printing has proved its potential for innovation. Now it must be put into practice. While 3D printers are increasingly present in prototyping workshops, they have been slow to replace the processes traditionally used in the plastics industry. This is because these technologies are too restrictive, in terms of both available materials and performance, which is still low for parts having specific uses.

Article written by Jérémie Soulestin, researcher at IMT Lille Douai.

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[dropcap]P[/dropcap]olymers now represent the vast majority of materials used in 3D printing for all purposes. But the use of additive manufacturing for industrial needs has remained primarily confined to metals. For industry professionals, the use of polymers is limited to prototyping. This reluctance to combine 3D printing and plastic materials on an industrial scale can be explained by the low diversity of polymer materials compatible with this process. The most widely-used technologies, such as stereolithography, rely on thermosetting resins which polymerize during the process. Yet these resins represent only a small share of the polymer materials used by the plastics industry. Fused deposition modeling (FDM) is slightly better-suited to industrial needs. It is based on thermoplastic polymers, which soften when heated during the process, then harden when they return to room temperature. This technical difference makes it possible to make use of materials which are more commonly used in the plastic industry and are therefore better aligned with market demand.

FDM technology was invented in 1989 by Scott Crump, founder of Stratasys, which is now one of the leading manufacturers of 3D printers. It is a very straightforward process. A filament made from thermoplastic polymer is fed into the machine. It is pushed through a heated nozzle to produce a malleable string measuring a few micrometers in diameter. The 3D part is obtained by continuously depositing this string, layer by layer, by moving the nozzle or the printer table, or both in all directions. The simplicity of the FDM process, coupled with the expiry of Stratasys’s patent for the technology, has led to exponential growth in 3D desktop printers. These small-scale machines are mainly intended for the general public and the maker community but have also made their way into design offices and corporate fablabs. Prices range from €220 for 3D printers for beginners who want to discover additive manufacturing to more than €2,000 for 3D desktop printers designed to create prototypes.

FDM technology: turning hope into reality

Although the FDM process is probably the best-suited solution for producing short-run plastic parts, it is not able to miraculously meet the needs of the plastics industry. Even if professional machines that are much more expensive than 3D desktop printers were to be used, there are drawbacks with the thermoplastic polymers available which limit the potential for FDM applications. The philosophy of FDM machine manufacturers – especially manufacturers of professional machines – is still based on the use of proprietary materials. In other words: for a certain brand of printer, only the polymers sold by that brand or its partners are compatible. The process is configured to ensure the quality of parts made using proprietary materials. Users have little control in terms of changing the settings or using other materials.  Even though some brands offer a wide range of materials with different characteristics (hard, soft, translucent, chemically-resistant, biocompatible etc.), they are still limited to a few thermoplastic polymers. The proliferation of suppliers of filaments for 3D printers has not made up for gaps in the catalogue of usable materials. For specific industrial applications – especially high-performance parts like automobile or aircraft components – but even for less technical applications, manufacturers have not yet been won over by this technology. The reason that thousands of different kinds of plastics exist is undoubtedly linked to the fact that each application requires specific properties.

On top of that, there are inherent problems with the FDM process. In general, parts made using FDM are more porous and rougher on the surface than those made with conventional processes like extrusion or injection. This is due to the fact that strings are deposited layer by layer. Because they have a cylindrical shape, a space is created between two strings placed next to one another. As a result, the surface of the part is not smooth and some cavities are located inside. This porosity can be controlled by applying high pressure on the material as the string is being deposited so that the cylinders are compressed and less space is left. But that still may not be enough to meet specifications for high-performance parts. Moreover, it does not solve the problem of surface roughness, since no layer can be compressed on the top layer. The only way to reduce this roughness would be to decrease the diameter of the cylinders and therefore the outlet of the filament nozzle, which would reduce the flow rate of material – and consequently increase production time.

Other promising technologies

These drawbacks of FDM could certainly be overcome by using machines based on polymer pellets instead of filaments. Manufacturers are taking steps in this direction in order to theoretically make it possible to use pellets of any thermoplastic polymer. The Freeformer technology marketed by Arburg, a German injection-moulding specialist, does just that. It is based on two injection units that can melt the polymer pellets, which makes it possible to create parts which require both hard and soft materials or use soluble materials. The molten polymer is deposited in the form of droplets to build the part, rather than in cylindrical threads. In this way, the process is somewhat different from FDM, but it is essentially based on the same principle, and is better-suited to meet the needs of the plastics industry. But research and development work must still be carried out to better understand the possibilities offered by this new process and tap into its full potential.

Future advances in 3D printing technology will depend on the use of additive manufacturing for mass production. For now, this technology is not suited to most applications that require high mechanical performances, but that could change. The aeronautics industry is a good example of the challenges that lie ahead for additive manufacturing. Although aircraft parts are still produced with conventional materials and processes, manufacturers are increasingly using composite materials. These composites are produced with techniques that resemble 3D printing. Combining them with technologies similar to FDM on robotic arms would be one way to greatly improve the performance of parts obtained through additive manufacturing. If such hybrid processes proved to be effective, the performance of 3D printed parts could improve significantly. It would then be possible to use additive manufacturing to produce structural aircraft components, instead of just their prototypes.