
Adrock.Tv, AiZimov and Seaclick: three new startups get interest-free loans

On April 5th, the approval committee for the Digital Fund of the Graduate Schools and Universities Initiative chose three new startups from IMT incubators to receive interest-free loans: and AiZimov, from the ParisTech Entrepreneurs incubator and Seaclick, from the IMT Starter incubator.

These loans aimed at financing the development of young promising companies have a 0% interest rate and can be awarded for amounts up to €60,000. They are co-financed by Fondation Mines-Télécom, the Caisse des Dépôts and Revital’Emploi.


[one_half][box type=”shadow” align=”” class=”” width=””]start up offers an artificial intelligence tool that analyzes images from editorial content online and integrates relevant ads from advertisers. [/box]

[box type=”shadow” align=”” class=”” width=””]start up seaclick

The online tool Seaclick makes it possible to view and buy tickets to local cultural and sports events in just a few clicks.[/box]


[one_half_last][box type=”shadow” align=”” class=”” width=””]Aizimov Start up

AiZimov develops artificial intelligence for sales representatives that lets them select pertinent profiles online and write personalized emails based on the individual’s circumstances.[/box][/one_half_last]


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