Jean-Louis Dessalles, Télécom ParisTech, Théorie information

Jean-Louis Dessalles

Télécom Paris | #Mathematics #ArtificialIntelligence #AI #Language #CognitiveSciences

Jean-Louis Dessalles is a senior lecturer at Telecom Paris. He uses artificial intelligence to model and simulate the relevance that characterizes spontaneous human communication. For a decade, he has been developing a new theoretical framework called Simplicity Theory, which serves as a basis for modeling narrative interest and argumentative relevance. He is also using simulation to study evolutionary processes and the fundamental question of the origin of human language, considered as a social game. He authored several books, including Why We Talk, Information, the hidden side of lifeDes intelligences TRÈS artificielles. Find out more

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Fabrice Flipo

Institut Mines-Télécom Business School | #Sociology #Environment #GreenIT #PoliticalEcology

A philosopher of science and technology, Fabrice Flipo is a full professor in social and political philosophy and specializes in environmentalism and modernity. He teaches courses in sustainable development and major environmental and technological risks at Institut Mines-Télécom Business School, and is a member of the Laboratory of Social and Political Change at the University of Paris Diderot. His research focuses on political ecology, philosophical anthropology of freedom and the ecology of digital infrastructures. He is the author of many works including: Réenchanter le monde. Politique et vérité “Re-enchanting the world. Politics and truth” (Le Croquant, 2017), Les grandes idées politiques contemporaines “Key contemporary political ideas” (Bréal, 2017), The ecological movement: how many different divisions are there?  (Le Croquant, 2015), Pour une philosophie politique écologiste “For an ecological political philosophy” (Textuel, 2014), Nature et politique (Amsterdam, 2014), and La face cachée du numérique “The Hidden Face of Digital Technology” (L’Echappée, 2013).

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Stéphane Sauvage

IMT Nord Europe | #Pollution #AirQuality #Modeling #VOC

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Jean-Luc Danger

Télécom Paris | #Cybersecurity #EmbeddedSystems #Electronics

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Cédric Gossart

Cédric Gossart

Institut Mines-Telecom Business School | #DigitalSocialInnovations #EcologicalImpactsofICT #ResponsibleResearch&Innovation

With a PhD from the University of Sussex, UK (SPRU-Science and Technology Policy Research) and an Habilitation à diriger les recherches (HDR) in management sciences from Université d’Evry Val d’Essonne (UEVE), Cédric Gossart works on digital social innovations and on eco-innovation and CSR strategies, especially in the digital sector. He is particularly interested in responsible research and innovation practices and in the ecological impacts of digital technologies. He is the codirector of LITEM (EA 7663, ED SHS Paris-Saclay), the joint research unit in management sciences and economics of Institut Mines-Telecom Business School and UEVE, and is a member of the editorial board of the open source journal Terminal. His latest publication, an output of the FP7 project cycLED, is titled « Are Litigated Patents more Valuable? The case of LEDs » and is forthcoming in The Journal of the Knowledge Economy.

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