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54 search results for: 5G


5G: what it is? How does it work?

Xavier Lagrange, Professor of network systems, IMT Atlantique – Institut Mines-Télécom [divider style=”normal” top=”20″ bottom=”20″] 5G is the fifth generation of standards for mobile networks. Although this technology has fueled many societal debates on its environmental impact, possible health effects, and usefulness, here we will focus on the technological aspects. How does 5G work? Is […]


Mathematical tools to meet the challenges of 5G

The arrival of 5G marks a turning point in the evolution of mobile telecommunications standards. In order to cope with the constant increase in data traffic and the requirements and constraints of future uses, teams at Télécom SudParis and Davidson Consulting have joined forces in the AIDY-F2N joint laboratory. Their objective is to provide mathematical and algorithmic solutions to […]


5G-Victori: large-scale tests for vertical industries

Twenty-five European partners have joined together in the three-year 5G-Victori project launched in June 2019. They are conducting large-scale trials for advanced use case validation in commercially relevant 5G environments. Navid Nikaein, researcher at EURECOM, key partner of the 5G-Victori project, details the challenges here.   What was the context for developing the European 5G-Victori […]


Putting drones to the 5G test

5G!Drones, a European project bringing together industrialists, network operators and research centers, was launched in June 2019 for a three-year period. It should ultimately validate the use of 5G for delivery services by drone. Adlen Ksentini, a researcher at EURECOM, a key partner in the project, explains the challenges involved.   What was the context […]


Qualcomm, EURECOM and IMT joining forces to prepare the 5G of the future

5G is moving into the second phase of its development, which will bring a whole host of new technological challenges and innovations. Research and industry stakeholders are working hard to address the challenges posed by the next generation of mobile communication. In this context, Qualcomm, EURECOM and IMT recently signed a partnership agreement also including France […]


5G: the new generation of mobile is already a reality

[dropcap]W[/dropcap]hile 4G is still being rolled out, 5G is already in the starting blocks. For consumers whose smartphones still show “3G” alongside a reception indicator which rarely makes it over two bars out of four, this can be quite perplexing. Is it realistic to assure them that 5G is already a reality, when they can […]


Will 5G turn the telecommunications market upside-down?

The European Commission is anticipating the arrival of the fifth generation in mobile phones (5G) in 2020. It is expected to significantly increase data speeds and offer additional uses. However, the extent of the repercussions on the telecommunications market and on services is still difficult to evaluate, even for the experts. Some believe that 5G […]